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English Language Arts Common Core State Standards. Goals of the Session. Teachers will: (1) become familiar with the CCSS Reading and Writing Standards. (2) develop an understanding of the reciprocity between reading and writing. Agenda. Welcome Orientation to CCSS Research
Goals of the Session Teachers will: (1) become familiar with the CCSS Reading and Writing Standards. (2) develop an understanding of the reciprocity between reading and writing.
Agenda • Welcome • Orientation to CCSS • Research • Identify and Define the Three Types of Writing • Analyze and Deconstruct Writing Standards • Analyze and Examine Reading Standards to Determine the “Build” Across the Grades • Synthesize Learning • Closing www.pbfingers.com
Common Core State Standards: Instructional Shifts • Increase Informational Text • Broaden the Curriculum: Connect Literacy to Social Studies and Science • Increase Text Complexity • Ask Text-Dependent Questions • Increase Writing, with Special Attention on Argument/Opinion • Focus on Academic Vocabulary
Orientation to CCSS • Anchor Standards • Reading Literature – 10 • Reading Information – 10 • Foundational Skills (K-5 only) - 4 • Writing – 10 • Language – 6 • Speaking & Listening – 6
“How do you say that?” “Reading Information 4th Grade Standard 2”
Research noun Diligent and systematic inquiry or investigation into a subject in order to discover or revise facts, theories, applications, etc.: recent research in medicine. Source: dictionary.com tei.maincms.com
Guiding Question What types of Reading and Writing work will students continue to do and be introduced to as a result of the CCSS in ELA? www.fontspring.com
3 Sources • Writing Text from CCSS for ELA/ Literacy in H/SS, Science, and Technical Subjects, Appendix A, pp. 23-25 • CCSS Writing Standards • CCSS Reading Standards www.business2community.com
Source 1: WritingArticle Argument Writing, Informational/Explanatory Writing, Narrative Writing
Gather • Use Writing Text from CCSS for ELA/ Literacy in H/SS, Science, and Technical Subjects, Appendix A, pp. 23-25 • Read about one writing type “with a pencil”, highlighting and notating to support understanding • In groups, create and record a working definition of the writing type
Share Out 3 Types of Writing: - Argument/Opinion - Informational/Explanatory - Narrative + Research
Gather • Identify what students need to KNOW and be able to DO • Connections to the Anchor Standards • Build from Grade to Grade
Argument/Opinion Writing in Kindergarten through Second Grade
“Unwrap” the Standard • only those verbs that represent what students are to DO. • Underline the nouns or noun phrases that represent teachable concepts (What students need to KNOW). Adapted from L. Ainsworth (2012), p. 121 Circle
W.1.1 (Argument/Opinion Writing) Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and provide some sense of closure.
W.1.1 (Argument/Opinion Writing) opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic orname the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and provide some sense of closure. Write name introduce state supply provide
What do students have to KNOW and be able to DO? Know: • What an opinion is and to supply a reason for the opinion • How to identify the topic or name of a book • How to end a piece of writing DO: • Write an opinion piece • State/make an opinion about a topic or title of book • Provide a reason for the opinion • Provide a sense of closure (ending)
Your Job: “Unwrap” Kindergarten and Second Grade Opinion/Argument Writing Standards www.candyfavorites.com
What do students need to do as the move through out the grades? What is the Change from K to 1st? Students move from using a combo of drawing, dictating, and writing to using (mainly) writing to tell their opinion of a topic or book. What is the Change from 1stto 2nd? In 1st grade, students know how to form an opinion. By the end of 2nd grade, students are independently providing reasons for their opinions. They are also providing a concluding statement.
Get to Know the Writing Standards • Deconstruct a writing type for your grade level span: Argument/Opinion, Information/Explanatory, or Narrative writing • Identify what students need to KNOW and be able to DO • Connections to the Anchor Standards • Build from Grade to Grade
Common Core Reading Standards • Reading Literature (RL) • Reading Informational Text (RI) • Reading: Foundational Skills (RF) K-5th ONLY
Gather • Identify the “build” through out the grade levels • Circle the Verbs/Verb Phrases • Underline the Nouns/Noun Phrases Howtoprepareforbootcap/ehow.com
Synthesis of Learning: Group Work • In groups, select one writing type • Argument/Opinion Writing • Information/Explanatory Writing • Narrative Writing • Create a poster describing: • Definition of the Writing Type • Potential Writing Products • Reading Work/Type to Support the Writing Product www.interstatemusic.com
Poster Template Writing Type Definition: Writing Products Reading Work/Type (NOTE: Please notate a grade level specific Writing Product or Reading Type)
Share Out www.pbfingers.com
Debrief • Guiding Question • Short Research • Synthesized Information • Presentation to an Audience bigstory.ap.org
Closing www.k-9companions.com