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Developing safe, consumer-friendly goods begins with INFOTOX INTERNATIONAL INC. Based in Riverside, California, we offer toxicology consulting and environmental health testing for clients worldwide. We have the best qualifications and most experienced staff in the world.<br>For more information please visit : https://bit.ly/2Z42nW3
InfoTox Leading the Way for Consumer Product Safety www.infotox.com | (844) 893-7190
About Us D eveloping safe, consum er-friendly goods begins w ith IN FOTOX IN TE RN A TION A L IN C . B ased in Riverside, C alifornia, w e offer toxicology consulting and environm ental health testing for clients w orldw ide. W e have the best qualifications and m ost experienced staff in the w orld. Safety is our num ber-one priority. W e issue seals com pletely free of charge, require no m em berships or contracts, and do not charge any hidden fees. www.infotox.com | (844) 893-7190
Risk Assessments & Material Safety Our experts perform toxicological risk and safety assessm ents of toys under the C anadian H azardous Products R egulations C.R .C , C931. W e also com pile M aterial Safety D ata Sheets (M SD S) as required by O SH A 's H azard C om m unication Standard, (29 CFR 1910.1200), Chem ical H azard Inform ation and Packaging for Supply regulation, and the E uropean D irective on D angerous Substance (67/548/E E C), D angerous Preparation (99/45/E C), and the A nnex of E uropean D irective (2001/58/E C). www.infotox.com | (844) 893-7190
Helping You Develop Better and Safer Products E nsure your products are in com pliance w ith C alifornia Proposition 65, L H A M A , and other essential guidelines w ith IN FOTOX IN TE RN A TION A L IN C of Riverside, C alifornia. W e are a full-service toxicology and environm ental health consulting com pany staffed by board-certified toxicologists and certified industrial hygienists. Our experts review form ulations of art m aterials, tattoos, perfum es, and other consum er products, as w ell as conduct exposure and toxicity risk assessm ents to assure com pliance to the U S Federal H azardous Substance A ct (FH SA ), C alifornia A ir Resource B oard (C arb), E uropean D irectives, and FD A guidelines. www.infotox.com | (844) 893-7190
Contact US Address : 8710 Victoria A venue, Riverside, C A , 92504, U SA Call : 844-893-7190 Mail : drgulzar@infotox.com Website : w w w .infotox.com www.infotox.com | (844) 893-7190