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Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). Given n £ n positive distance matrix ( d ij ) find permutation on {0,1,2,.., n -1} minimizing i =0 n -1 d ( i ), ( i +1 mod n )
Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) • Given n£n positive distance matrix (dij) find permutation on {0,1,2,..,n-1} minimizing i=0n-1d(i), (i+1 mod n) • The special case of dij being actual distances on a map is called the Euclidean TSP. • The special case of dij satistying the triangle inequality is called Metric TSP. We shall construct an approximation algorithm for the metric case.
Appoximating general TSP is NP-hard • If there is an efficient approximation algorithm for TSP with any approximation factor then P=NP. • Proof: We use a modification of the reduction of hamiltonian cycle to TSP.
Reduction • Proof: Suppose we have an efficient approximation algorithm for TSP with approximation ratio . Given instance (V,E) of hamiltonian cycle problem, construct TSP instance (V,d) as follows: d(u,v) = 1 if (u,v) 2E d(u,v) = |V| + 1 otherwise. • Run the approximation algorithm on instance (V,d). If (V,E) has a hamiltonian cycle then the approximation algorithm will return a TSP tour which is such a hamiltonian cycle. • Of course, if (V,E) does not have a hamiltonian cycle, the approximation algorithm wil not find it!
General design/analysis trick • Our approximation algorithm often works by constructing some relaxation providing a lower bound and turning the relaxed solution into a feasible solution without increasing the cost too much. • The LP relaxation of the ILP formulation of the problem is a natural choice. We may then round the optimal LP solution.
Min weight vertex cover • Given an undirected graph G=(V,E) with non-negative weights w(v) , find the minimum weight subset CµV that covers E. • Min vertex cover is the case of w(v)=1 for all v.
ILP formulation Find (xv)v 2V minimizing wv xv so that • xv2Z • 0 · xv· 1 • For all (u,v) 2E, xu + xv¸ 1.
LP relaxation Find (xv)v 2V minimizing wv xv so that • xv2R • 0 · xv· 1 • For all (u,v) 2E, xu + xv¸ 1.
Relaxation and Rounding • Solve LP relaxation. • Round the optimal solution x* to an integer solution x: xv = 1 iff x*v¸ ½. • The rounded solution is a cover: If (u,v) 2 E, then x*u + x*v¸ 1 and hence at least one of xu and xv is set to 1.
Quality of solution found • Let z* = wvxv*be cost of optimal LP solution. • wv xv· 2 wv xv*, as we only round up if xv* is bigger than ½. • Since z* · cost of optimal ILP solution, our algorithm has approximation ratio 2.
Relaxation and Rounding • Relaxation and rounding is a very powerful scheme for getting approximate solutions to many NP-hard optimization problems. • In addition to often giving non-trivial approximation ratios, it is known to be a very good heuristic, especially the randomized rounding version. • Randomized rounding of x2 [0,1]: Round to 1 with probability x and 0 with probability 1-x.
MAX-3-CNF • Given Boolean formula in CNF form with exactly three distinct literals per clause find an assignment satisfying as many clauses as possible.
Approximation algorithms • Given maximization problem (e.g. MAXSAT, MAXCUT) and an efficient algorithm that always returns some feasible solution. • The algorithm is said to have approximation ratio if for all instances, cost(optimal sol.)/cost(sol. found) ·
MAX3CNF, Randomized algorithm • Flip a fair coin for each variable. Assign the truth value of the variable according to the coin toss. • Claim: The expected number of clauses satisfied is at least 7/8 m where m is the total number of clauses. • We say that the algorithm has an expected approximation ratio of 8/7.
Analysis • Let Yibe a random variable which is 1 if the i’th clause gets satisfied and 0 if not. Let Y be the total number of clauses satisfied. • Pr[Yi =1] = 1 if the i’th clause contains some variable and its negation. • Pr[Yi= 1] = 1 – (1/2)3 = 7/8 if the i’th clause does not include a variable and its negation. • E[Yi] = Pr[Yi = 1] ¸ 7/8. • E[Y] = E[ Yi] = E[Yi] ¸ (7/8) m
Remarks • It is possible to derandomize the algorithm, achieving a deterministic approximation algorithm with approximation ratio 8/7. • Approximation ratio 8/7 - is not possible for any constant > 0 unless P=NP (shown by Hastad using Fourier Analysis (!) in 1997).
Min set cover • Given set system S1, S2, …, SmµX, find smallest possible subsystem covering X.
Min set cover vs. Min vertex cover • Min set cover is a generalization of min vertex cover. • Identify a vertex with the set of edges adjacent to the vertex.
Approximation Ratio • Greedy-Set-Cover does not have any constant approximation ratio (Even true for Greedy-Vertex-Cover – exercise). • We can show that it has approximation ratio Hswhere s is the size of the largest set and Hs = 1/1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + .. 1/s is the s’th harmonic number. • Hs = O(log s) = O(log |X|). • s may be small on concrete instances. H3 = 11/6 < 2.
Analysis I • Let Si be the i’th set added to the cover. • Assign to x2 Si - [j<iSjthe costwx = 1/|Si – [j<iSj|. • The size of the cover constructed is exactly x2Xwx.
Analysis II • Let C* be the optimal cover. • Size of cover produced by Greedy alg. = x2Xwx·S2C*x2Swx· |C*| maxSx 2Swx· |C*| Hs
It is unlikely that there are efficient approximation algorithms with a very good approximation ratio for MAXSAT, MIN NODE COVER, MAX INDEPENDENT SET, MAX CLIQUE, MIN SET COVER, TSP, …. But we have to solve these problems anyway – what do we do?
Simple approximation heuristics or LP-relaxation and rounding may find better solutions that the analysis suggests on relevant concrete instances. • We can improve the solutions using Local Search.
Local Search LocalSearch(ProblemInstance x) y := feasible solution to x; while 9z∊N(y): v(z)<v(y)do y := z; od; returny;
To do list • How do we find the first feasible solution? • Neighborhood design? • Which neighbor to choose? • Partial correctness? • Termination? • Complexity? Never Mind! Stop when tired! (but optimize the time of each iteration).
TSP • Johnson and McGeoch. The traveling salesman problem: A case study (from Local Search in Combinatorial Optimization). • Covers plain local search as well as concrete instantiations of popular metaheuristics such as tabu search, simulated annealing and evolutionary algorithms. • A shining example of good experimental methodology.
TSP • Branch-and-cut method gives a practical way of solving TSP instances of 1000 cities. Instances of size 1000000 have been solved.. • Instances considered by Johnson and McGeoch: Random Euclidean instances and Random distance matrix instances of several thousands cities.
Local search design tasks • Finding an initial solution • Neighborhood structure
The initial tour • Nearest neighbor heuristic • Greedy heuristic • Clarke-Wright • Christofides
Neighborhood design Natural neighborhood structures: 2-opt, 3-opt, 4-opt,…
Neighborhood Properties • Size of k-opt neighborhood: O( ) • k¸ 4 is rarely considered….
One 3OPT move takes time O(n3). How is it possible to do local optimization on instances of size 106 ?????
2-opt neighborhood t4 t1 t2 t3
A 2-opt move • If d(t1, t2) · d(t2, t3) and d(t3,t4) · d(t4,t1), the move is not improving. • Thus we can restrict searches for tuples where either d(t1, t2) > d(t2, t3) or d(t3, t4) > d(t4, t1). • WLOG, d(t1,t2) > d(t2, t3).
Neighbor lists • For each city, keep a static list of cities in order of increasing distance. • When looking for a 2-opt move, for each candidate for t1 with t2 being the next city, look in the neighbor list for t2 for t3 candidate. Stop when distance becomes too big. • For random Euclidean instance, expected time to for finding 2-opt move is linear.
Problem • Neighbor lists becomes very big. • It is very rare that one looks at an item at position > 20.
Pruning • Only keep neighborlists of length 20. • Stop search when end of lists are reached.