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品格: 刚. ( 五 ) 团体战士. 欢 唱 时间 到了!. 提摩太 后书 一章 6—7 节. 为这缘故 ,我 提 醒你, 將那 借 我按手,在你 里 面 神的恩 赐 ,神的恩 赐 , 再如火挑旺起來。 因 为 神 赐 給我 们 的, 不是 胆怯的灵 , 乃是能力 、爱、 並清明自守的 灵 。 能力 、爱、 並清明自守的 灵 。. 大能的勇士基甸 ( 儿诗 1206 ) 大能的勇士基甸 , 有神同在大得胜 , 三百军兵只拿火把吹角就得胜 恶的仇敌米甸 , 欺压以色列 , 人数众多营垒坚固 , 难与基甸争 .
品格:刚 (五) 团体战士
提摩太后书一章6—7节 为这缘故,我提醒你, 將那借我按手,在你里面 神的恩赐,神的恩赐, 再如火挑旺起來。 因为神赐給我们的, 不是胆怯的灵, 乃是能力、爱、並清明自守的灵。 能力、爱、並清明自守的灵。
大能的勇士基甸 (儿诗1206) 大能的勇士基甸, 有神同在大得胜,三百军兵只拿火把吹角就得胜 恶的仇敌米甸, 欺压以色列,人数众多营垒坚固, 难与基甸争. 大能的勇士基甸,对得胜因神同在, 打败仇敌米甸军队全靠神同在 我今虽是一个小孩, 也许神的同在,信神,爱神并顺从神, 生活全靠神同在. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SM6iFIZ9WY
想一想? Think? 想一想,如果桌子、椅子是软的,会如何影影响我们的生活呢? 盖房子时,是选用坚硬的木头,或是柔软的茅草呢? 说说看,一个刚强的人身上会有哪些特点?
Judges Chapter 6, 7, 8: 6:1 Then the children of Isarel did that which was evil in the sight of Jehovah, and Jehovah delivered them into the hand of Midan for seven years. 6:2 And the hand of Midian prevailed against Israel. Because of Midian the children of Israel made for themselves the dens which are in the mountains as well as the caves and the strongholds. 6:7 And when the children of Israel cried out to Jehovah because of Midian, 6:8 Jehovah send a man who was prophet to the children to Israel. And he said to them, thus says Jehovah the God of Isarel, It was I who brought you up out of Egypt and brought you out from the slave house; 6:12 And the angel of Jehovah appreared to him and said to him (Gideon), Jehovah is with you, valiant warrior.
6:16 And Jehovah said to him, Surely I will be with you, and you will strike the Midianites as one man. 6:17 And he said to Him, If now I have found favor in Your sight, perform a sign for me that it is You who are speaking with me. 6:18 Do not depart from here until I come to You and bring my present and set it before You. And He said, I will remain until you return. 6:19 So Gideon went and prepared a kid and an ephah of flour in unleavened cakes. He put the flesh in a basket and put the broth in a pot, and he brought it out to Him under the terebinth. And he presented it.
6:34 And the Spirit of Jehovah clothed Gideon; and he blew the trumpet, and Abiezrites were called up behind him.
6:36 And Gideon said to God, If indeed You will save Israel through my hand, as You have said, 6:37 I am laying here a fleece of wool on the threshing floor; If there is dew on the fleece alone and it is dry on all the ground, I will know that You will save Israel through my hand, as You Have said. 6:38 And so it happened. When he rose up early the next Morning and squeezed the fleece, he wrung dew from the fleece, a bowlful of water. 6:39 Then Gideon said to God, May Your anger not burn against me, but allow me to spreak only this one time. Allow me to make this test with the fleece only this one time. Let it be dry on fleece only, and let there be dew on all the ground. 6:40 And God did so that night, so that it was dry on the fleece and there was dew on all the ground. Gideon thanks God for the miracle of the dew", painting by Maarten van Heemskerck (Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg)
7:5 So he brought the people down the water. And Jehovah said to Gideon, Everyone who laps from the water with his tongue, as a dog laps, you shall set apart; likewise everyone who bows down on His knees to drink, 7:6 And the number of those who lapped the water into their mouth with their hand was 300, but the rest of the people bowed down on their knees to drink water. 7:7 And Jehovah said to Gideon, Through the 300 men who lapped I will save you, and I will deliver Midian into your hand. But let all the other people go, each to his own place.
7:19 So Gideon and the 300 men Who were with him came to the edge Of the camp at the beginning of the Middle watch. They had just then Posted the watch. And they blew the Trumpets and broken the pitchers That were in their hands. 7:20 And the three companies blew The trumpets and shattered the pitchers; and they held the torches in their left Hands, and the trumpets were in their Right hands to blow. And they cried out, A sword for Jehovah and for Gideon.
惟獨認識神的子民,必剛強行事。 (但以理書十一章32節) 神賜給我們的,不是膽怯的靈,乃是能力、愛、並清明自守的靈。 (提摩太後書一章7節。)
讓我們一起來學習 每天藉著呼求主名及禱告操練靈。 遭遇困難或害怕的時候,特別操練呼求主名、禱告主,有剛強的靈。