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Edward de Bonos SIX THINKING HATS - en revlotuion i samarbejdet

Edward de Bonos SIX THINKING HATS - en revlotuion i samarbejdet. Af Lars Andreas Pedersen, manuskriptforfatter og kreativitetskonsulent, REDHAIR. Grundregler for kreativitet. Ingen kritik! Kombinér og byg videre for at forbedre hinandens idéer Kvantitet fremfor kvalitet

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Edward de Bonos SIX THINKING HATS - en revlotuion i samarbejdet

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  1. Edward de BonosSIX THINKING HATS- en revlotuion i samarbejdet Af Lars Andreas Pedersen, manuskriptforfatter og kreativitetskonsulent, REDHAIR

  2. Grundregler for kreativitet • Ingen kritik! • Kombinér og byg videre for at forbedre hinandens idéer • Kvantitet fremfor kvalitet (Frit efter Alex Osborn, BBD&O 1942)

  3. Six Thinking Hats • Tillader 360-graders tænkning • Giver plads til – og udnytter – underprioriterede måder at tænke på • Hattene = færdselsregler til gruppens tænkning • ’Parallel tænkning’ i stedet for debat/diskussion

  4. Hvad betyder hattene? • Hvid hat: fakta & viden (hvad ved vi?) • Sort hat: begrænsninger (hvorfor dur idéen ikke?) • Gul hat: optimisme (hvad kan jeg lide ved idéen?) • Rød hat: følelser (hvad føler jeg?) • Grøn hat: kreativitet (hvad kan vi lave anderledes?) • Blå hat: overblik (hvordan kan vi opsummere?)

  5. The Hats (I) • White Hat – Facts • Neutral and objective. The White Hat is concerned with objective facts and figures • What do we know? What don’t we know? Where do we obtain more info? • Red Hat - Intuition • Anger, rage, and emotions. The red hat gives the emotional view • What do we feel? What’s our intuition trying to tell us?

  6. The Hats (II) • Black Hat – Problems • Gloomy and negative. The Black Hat covers the negative aspects – why the project cannot be done • What won’t work? What’s problematic? • Yellow Hat – Optimism • Sunny and positive. The yellow hat is optimistic and covers hope and positive thinking • What’s great? What makes us look forward to this?

  7. The Hats (III) • Green Hat – Creativity • Grass, vegetation and abundant, fertile growth. The green hat indicates creativity and new ideas • What if we do it differently? What if we turn the project upside down? • Blue Hat – Overview • The color of the sky. The blue hat is concerned with control and the organization of the thinking process. And the use of the hats • What type of thinking do we need more of? What should be next on our ’to do’-list?

  8. How to: Six Thinking Hats (I) • Putting on a Hat • a very deliberate process • Take it seriously by taking control • Frame the process well • Use visual clues to gear the participants’ thinking

  9. How to: Six Thinking Hats (II) • Back off from your everyday knee-jerk thinking • Role play as you go through the Hats • Take an ’ego holiday’ • Suspend yourself from the thinking • Let the hat’s thinking ’speak to you’ • Freewheel

  10. The basic rules of Brainstorming • Criticism is ruled out • Freewheeling is welcomed • Hitch-hike for combination and improvement of ideas • Go for quantity (Alex Osborn, advertising executive, BBD&O 1942)

  11. Drill: Let’s loosen up! • Free-association on the word ’think’ • Build on and on from association to association • Don’t think, just let your associations fly • Let your brain’s neurotransmitters light up! • Example: • THINK– dumb – nerd – special interests – expert – ... etc.

  12. Drill: Dreamline your project! • Let go and dream. Think of a world with no boundaries, no financial restraints...only possibilities... • In such a world, how will you change and radically improve your daily working condititons with The Six Thinking Hats technique?

  13. Drill: Feel! • Use your intuition. Stop making rational and logical sense. Listen to your body. • What do you feel at this esxact moment? What’s your body and your intuition telling you? What are you feeling?

  14. Negative Brainstorm • Combination of Brainstorm and reversal-technique • With reversals one does the exact opposite of the obvious idea. Obvious ideas = clichés • Problems with traditional Brainstorm: • Our traditional thinking is critical • We only think of obvious ideas • Advantages of the Negative Brainstorm: • Forces us to use our inclination towards critical thinking

  15. How to: Negative Brainstorm • Define your problem • Ex: ”How do I raise interest for the project?” • ”Negativize” your problem. Brainstorm on: • ”How do I lower interest for the project?” • Weird ideas will come a-plenty. Now try to ”positivize” these ideas. You’ll be surprised how many are workable!

  16. Lower interest for vacuum cleaner expensive heavy & bulky difficult to change bag vacuums poorly vacuums things to threads etc., etc. Highten interest for vacuum cleaner inexpensive easy to maneuver & use easy to change bag vacuums all dirt Won’t vacuum unwanted objects etc., etc. Ex: Negative brainstorm

  17. Closing thoughts • How will we use Six Thinking Hats in our daily work in Kjaer Group?

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