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REVISTA SER Yo Soy Nosotros Somos Tú Eres Vosotros Sois Usted Es Ustedes Son Él/Ella Es Ellos/Ellas Son. ¡ L o s C o l o r e s !. Rojo. Anaranjado. Verde . Amarillo . Gris. Negro. Azul. Blanco. Rosado. Morado. Marrón. ¿De qué color es ….?.
Adjectives in Spanish match the noun that they modify in both number and gender… Its simpler than it sounds… I promise.
So, that means:★Feminine adjectives usually end in “A”★Masculine adjectives usually end in “O”★Feminine plural adjectives end in “AS”★Masculine plural adjectives usually end in “OS”★Adjectives that end in a consonant end in “ES” when pluralized
Adjectives of quantity and question-asking words precede (come before) the noun they modify.Ejemplos:✔Tengo DOS cuadernosverdesI have two green notebooks✔CUÁNTAS sillas hay? How many chairs are there?
Ejemplos:✔Hay un librorojo✔Hay unareglaroja✔Hay dos librosrojos✔Hay dos reglasrojas
Roja ✓Note, Animal is male, but the word “persona” in Spanish is feminine, so the adjective is also feminine
No, ellaesunacochitarosada. Worksheet: Pg. 65 Ex. 5
Los días de la semana… ★The Spanish week begins on Monday, not Sunday ★Days of the week are not capitalized
Lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes, sabado, domingo.Son sietedías a la semana,Cinco en el coley dos en casa.Hoy los aprendocantandoasí.Lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes, sabado, domingo.Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. There are seven days in the week, five in school and two at home. Today I learn them singing this way. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday