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Mon 9/28

Mon 9/28. Due: Fund Dia CW: Fish Cheeks HWK: none OPEN YOUR AGENDA FOR WEEK Period 6 tomorrow = observation by Mr. Rankin – do your best!. New Groups (there are a few changes). Parts of Speech HWK.

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Mon 9/28

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  1. Mon 9/28 • Due: Fund Dia • CW: Fish Cheeks • HWK: none • OPEN YOUR AGENDA FOR WEEK • Period 6 tomorrow = observation by Mr. Rankin – do your best!

  2. New Groups (there are a few changes)

  3. Parts of Speech HWK • Go over yours to look for errors – if you need help – try the sheet again and turn it in again

  4. Fish Cheeks • Pre Reading • Character Notes • On the Spot Writing

  5. Notes

  6. Character Traits • External • Traits • 1. • 2. • 3. • 4. • 5. Internal Traits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

  7. Fish Cheeks • Pg 135 – Popcorn reading

  8. During Reading • As you listen – try to fill in any of the 5 senses • The Main Idea is… appreciate your differences • You can try to be someone else but on the inside you are still you • You can try to change your outside but your inside is still you and you should appreciate it. • I know this because… mom gives mini skirt to be American but says you’ll be Chinese inside. She was embarrassed by her families food and relatives but she still loved the food.

  9. During Reading • As you listen – try to fill in any of the 5 senses • The Main Idea is… Being embarrassed about culture is ?? • She can try to be American on the outside but she’ll always be Chinese on the inside. • No matter how you try to be different you will always be yourself on the inside. • I know this because… she said she didn’t want the fish cheeks yet she loved them. She wanted to control or hide her family but she loved them.

  10. During Reading • As you listen – try to fill in any of the 5 senses • The Main Idea is… don’t be afraid of who you are. • Trying to fit into a new culture is hard. • I know this because… Amy wanted to be an American but she also like her Chinese culture (aka the fish cheeks)

  11. Tues 9/29 • Due: none • CW: Comp Sentences review • Fish Cheeks • HWK: Finish Fish Cheeks Handout due tomorrow • Study for quiz 10/2 (Main Idea, Character, Parts of Speech, Vocab, Names/Nombres, Fish Cheeks)

  12. Conventions Lesson • Put the handout in your 3 holes in LA in SLAM binder • We will just review the first two sections

  13. HWK Reminder: Finish Handout

  14. Vocab – find the definition in the book • Same/Opposites: thesaurus.reference.com • Figurative Meaning: thefreedictionary.com

  15. Review • Who can summarize what we read? • The Main Idea is… • I know this because…

  16. Review from Yesterday • Share 5 senses that we found • What do they add to the story?

  17. Review Character Triats • 3 External for Amy (narrator of story) • 3 Internal for Amy • Author Study: Read out loud – find 5 facts on own • Share • Answer Questions

  18. Weds 9/30 • Bell Work = 1. put finished FISH CHEEKS on desk • 2. DEAR 10 mins

  19. 9/30 • Due: • CW: Finish Fish Cheeks • Organize quiz papers • HWK: Study for quiz 10/5

  20. Review Fish Cheeks • REVIEW • The Main Idea is… • I know this because… • Go over Author Facts • Questions

  21. To Study for QuizCopy this List/Find Handouts & Notes • 8 Parts of Speech • Main Idea (hand out from Names/Nombres) • Character (hand out from Fish Cheeks) • Names/Nombres • Fish Cheeks • Vocab 8 Words (baptize, syllable, inherit, pursue, bazaar, convoluted, florid, inevitably) • See word wall in back

  22. Return Parts of Speech HWK • 10/10 really = 15/15

  23. To Study for QuizCopy this List/Find Handouts & Notes • 8 Parts of Speech • Main Idea (hand out from Names/Nombres) • Character (hand out from Fish Cheeks) • Names/Nombres • Fish Cheeks • Vocab 8 Words (baptize, syllable, inherit, pursue, bazaar, convoluted, florid, inevitably) • See word wall in back

  24. Start Quiz Review Game

  25. Thurs 10/1 • Quiz Review Game • HWK is to Study for Mon • Tomorrow you will go to:

  26. A – H go to MEDIA CENTER FOR Language Arts 4th period J – Z go to Math 4th period Jamison, ShanleyJette, Catherine Jiannuzzi, Madison K, Alex Kirkpatrick, Alyssa Marinari, Matt McCafferty, Chloe Messick, Mike Moore, Haley Murphy, Brittany Murray, Aubrey Newton, Matthew Noah, Brandon Peterson, Jordan Replogle, Rachel Smith, Scarlett Sullivan, Garrett Tenaglia, Tiffany Ternes, Melissa Thomas, Brianna Tuttle, Beth Tuttle, Katie Walton, Bryn White, Kali • Adams, RickyBarnard, StevieBrister, KecilliaBristol, HannahBrown, JaireBullock, EricaCarroll, CarterChango, SarahDavis, LoganDevega, JacobDiamond, JoeEisenbart, CarlosEsquinaldo, TommyFehr, MonicaFernandez, ChristianGarrett, KariGaston, TonyGersbach, AllieGoff, ElizabethGonzalez, MoriahHarrington, CholeHarvey, GageHenderson, BrennaHill, HannahHill, PrestonHodge, Andrew-Ellis

  27. Rules • Your answer MUST be on the white board • You have 35 seconds to answer • I you’re wrong, the next team can steal • You may use your notes • Everyone must contribute • Winning Team Gets a prize

  28. Find all Nouns • The dogs bark at the tree in the park. • The dogs bark at the tree in the park.

  29. Find all Verbs • The dogs bark and whine at the tree in the park. • The dogs bark and whine at the tree in the park.

  30. Find all Adjectives • The wild dogs bark and whine at the tall tree in the spooky park. • The wild dogs bark and whine at the tall tree in the spooky park.

  31. Find all Adverbs • The wild dogs bark loudly and angrily whine at the tall tree in the spooky park. • The wild dogs bark loudly and angrily whine at the tall tree in the spooky park.

  32. Find the Pronouns • You and I will find it. • You and I will find it.

  33. Find the prepositions • You and I will find it under the counter in the kitchen behind the cereal. • You and I will find it under the counter in the kitchen behind the cereal.

  34. Find the Conjunctions • You and I will find it, but we have to share it. • You and I will find it, but we have to share it.

  35. Find the Interjections • Yes, we found it. Hooray! • Yes, we found it. Hooray!

  36. Find the Main Idea of the Paragraph and give one reason that you know it • To go far in life, you have to know a lot. School is a place you can learn the math that you need to pay bills. Language arts will teach you to communicate at your future job. You will learn to be safe and healthy from Science class. Everyone should really pay attention in school. • The main idea is… • I know this because…

  37. The main idea is…school is important. • I know this because… the paragraph gives examples of how math, science, and la will help you in the future.

  38. Fish Cheeks – give a summary of the story

  39. What is the Main Idea of Fish Cheeks?

  40. What does it mean to Baptize?

  41. How may syllables does “Alligator” have?

  42. Name one thing you might Inherit and how might it happen?

  43. What are two different meanings/uses for Pursue?

  44. What is the difference between Bizarre and Bazaar?

  45. Give an example of how something could be Convoluted.

  46. What does Florid mean?

  47. Use inevitably in a sentence.

  48. Give 3 internal character traits of Spongebob.

  49. Give 3 External Character traits of Patrick.

  50. TOMORROW we meet______ for _____ • In the library for Fair Testing

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