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台北市立圖書館. 如何迎戰新托福. 2006.3.5. 簡報內容. 新托福考試簡介 新托福項目例題 新托福測考結果 新托福的特色與影響 Q&A. 新托福考試簡介. 為什麼托福考試會改變?. 新托福考試何時在台灣舉行?. 1 April 2006. 新托福考試項目. HOW ABOUT GRAMMAR?. 新托福考試時間及分數. Reading 3-5 篇文章,每篇文章 12-14 題. 60-100 分鐘. Listening 4-6 段上課內容,每段 6 題 2-3 段對話,每段 5 題. 60-90 分鐘. 各 30 分.
台北市立圖書館 如何迎戰新托福 2006.3.5
簡報內容 • 新托福考試簡介 • 新托福項目例題 • 新托福測考結果 • 新托福的特色與影響 • Q&A
新托福考試何時在台灣舉行? 1 April 2006
新托福考試時間及分數 Reading 3-5篇文章,每篇文章12-14題 60-100分鐘 Listening 4-6段上課內容,每段6題 2-3段對話,每段5題 60-90分鐘 各30分 Break 20分鐘 Speaking 共6題:2題獨立題及4題綜合題 Writing 共2題:綜合題1題及獨立題1題 50分鐘
Reading (1) Example: Since 1980, the use of wind to produce electricity has been growing rapidly. [▓] In 1994 there were nearly 20,000 wind turbines worldwide, mostgrouped in clusters called wind farms that collectively produced 3,000 megawatts of electricity. [▓] Most were in Denmark (which got 3 percent of its electricity from wind turbines) and California (where 17,000 machines produced 1 percent of the state’s electricity, enough to meet the residential needs of a city as large as San Francisco). [▓] In principle, all the power needs of the United States could be provided by exploiting the wind potential of just three states—North Dakota, South Dakota, and Texas. [▓] Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Some companies in the power industry are aware of this wider possibility and are planning sizable wind-farm projects in states other than California. Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square [▓] to add the sentence to the passage.
Reading (2) Example: Answer Choices The paintings may have recorded information about animal migrations, and may only have been useful for one migration at a time. Unlike painters of the recently discovered paintings,other lascaux cave painters usually painted on rocks near cave entrances or in open spaces outside the caves. The human figures represented in the paintings appear to be less carefully shaped than those of animals. Some scholars believe that the paintings motivated hunters byallowing them to picture a successful hunt. It is possible that the animals in the paintings were of mythical significance to the tribe, and the paintings reflected an important spiritual practice. Scientific analysis suggests that paintings were sprayed onto the rock walls with tubes made from animal bones. Scholars have wondered about the meaning of the subjects, location, and overpainting of Lascaux cave images. • • •
Listening (1) Conversation+ Lecture Main ideas Supporting details Purpose Attitude
Listening (2) Example: In the lecture, the professor describes the steps in AHP. Indicate whether each of the following is a step in the process. Click in the correct box for each phrase.
Speaking (1) 獨立題 (Independent Question) Example: Some universities require first-year students to live in dormitories on campus. Others allow students to live off campus. Which policy do you think is better for first-year students and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Speaking (2) 綜合題 (Integrated question)
Writing (1) 獨立題 (Independent Question) Example: Think of the best teacher that you have ever had. What qualities made him or her a good teacher?
Writing (2) 綜合題 (Integrated question)
Effective Communication
測考評論 (一) “In Speaking and Writing, test-takers have to understand not only what is said, but also identify theme and logical argument before answering questions.” 口語和寫作部分光聽懂是不夠的,應考人作答前還必須完全理解論述的主題及其論據
測考評論 (二) “The tasks assess language skills in a more flexible way, which demands strong capabilities in oral expression and listening comprehension.” 為測出應考人真正語言實力,出題方式更具彈性,應考人需具備良好的口語表達及聽力
測考評論 (三) “This may impose challenges to the test guide classes that aim to help achieve high scores in a few weeks.” 傳統以應付考試為導向、短期補習拿高分的教法將面臨重大考驗
語言學習分類 方法 思考模式
多重學習模式 密集 課堂學習 輔助學習工具 生活學習 – 增加接觸英語的機會
倚天屠龍記第24回 話說,趙敏帶領西域高手上武當山…明教教主張無忌上武當山援助武當派掌門人張三豐。 張三豐當場將太極劍法傳授給張無忌… 神在劍先,綿綿不絕
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