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This fantastic Salkantay Machu Picchu trek is considered the best alternate trekking trail to Machu Picchu, where you will see a wide amount of landscapes and ecosystems, that makes it even more special. The Salkantay hike is a famous trekking tour that is offered by almost all tour companies, they have set campsites, and more than 90% of them, has the same itinerary. With this issue in mind, we have decided to modify our itinerary, which will allow us to run away from the crowds.
explore salkantay trek with inkachallenge peru
FIND I N K A C H A L L E N G E P E R U YOURSELF salkantay trek Salkantaytrek, salkantaymachupicchu privatehike, isa5daystrekprogram, that runsabout36miles, startingatthe northwestofCuscocity, wewillpassthe VilcanotaMountainswhicharepartofthe impressivemountainsofPeruvianandes, whichsummitreaches “6,272m”, (Salkantay meanshollyandsavagemountain), the salkantayhikeoffersoneofthenicest landscapesoftheregion, changing landscapes, differentecosystems, glacier summitviews, fromhighvalleysdescending intoalushhighjungleterritories, thatare theparticularattractionsofthistrek, with abundantfloraandfauna. INKACHALLENGEPERU
A GRAND ESCAPE wehavedecidedtomodify ouritinerary, whichwill allowustorunawayfrom thecrowds, andenjoythe salkantaytrailwithoutthe crowds. Thisfantasticsalkantaymachupicchu trek, isconsideredthebestalternate “The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible.” trekkingtrailtomachupicchu, where youwillseewideamountof landscapesandecosystems, that makesitevenmoreespecial. The salkantayhikeisafamoustrekking tourthatisofferedbyalmostalltour companies, theyhavesetcampsites, andmorethan90% ofthem, hasthe sameitinerary. Withthisissueon mind, INKACHALLENGEPERU
Nature is all we need. Hikethisfascinating salkantaytrek, with authenticsalkantaytrekoperatorcompany, our toursareleadedbyexpertprofessionallocal tourguides. Weare100% localtoursoperator locatedinCusco – Peru, expertinsmallgroups andprivatetours. INKACHALLENGEPERU