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1. 基本概念 20% Style; stylistics; the significance of stylistic study in translating; the aspects of stylistc analysis; functional stylistic approach to translation; foregrounding; deviation.
1.基本概念 20% Style; stylistics; the significance of stylistic study in translating; the aspects of stylistc analysis; functional stylistic approach to translation; foregrounding; deviation. the stylistic features and corresponding translation strategies for business correspondence, contracts, soft news, enterprise profile, political texts, lawful documents, fictions, essays, poetry .
2. 术语翻译 10% Translation of the terms in instructions, contracts, lawful texts etc. 3. 各类实用文体文本句子翻译 Recommendation letters, business correspondence, certification letters, invitation letters.
4. 段落(通知、企业简介)翻译:30% 5. 文学段落的翻译: 20%
Style and stylistics • A branch of linguistics which studies the characteristics of situationally-distinctive use of language, with particular reference to literary language, and tries to establish principles capable of accounting for the particular choices made by individuals and social groups in their use of language. ( The Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought, 1977, 2nd edn 1988)
The goal of most stylistics is not simply to describe the formal features of texts for their own sakem but in order to show their functional significance for their interpretation of the text, • or in order to relate literary effects to linguistic ‘causes’ where these are felt to be relevant. ( Wales, 1989: A Dictionary of Stylistics)
Stylistics is concerned with the idea of ‘style’,with the analysis of texts, and with the use of linguistics. • Style---is usually understood within this area of study as the selection of certain linguistic forms or features over other possible ones.
Varieties of Language • When language is used, it is always used in a context. In other words, speech events differ in different situations, for different purposes, through different media, and amidst different social environments. Some situations seem to depend generally and fairly consistently on a regular set of linguistic features: as a result, there have appeared different types of a language which are called VARIETIES OF LANGUAGE.
The Significance of Stylistic Study in Translating ---Stylistic Study Helps Cultivate a Sense of Appropriateness Appropriate in expressing
----Stylistic Study Sharpens Understanding and Appreciation of the Source Texts DESCRIPTION INTERPRITATION EVALUATION
--- Stylistic Study Helps Achieve Adaptation( to the effect or function ) in Translation • Stylistics tells us that all languages have different varieties for different functional roles, and each main variety displays a fairly regular set of features. • So in translation, the translated text must be adapted to the original in terms of language type and general effect.
The Approach of Functional Stylistics to Translation • MAK Halliday sees language as a “social semiotic”. What is more important is that language is essentially a social activity. --convey information; --convey ideas; --fulfil communication.
The IDEATIONAL or REFERENTIAL function serves for expressing the speaker’s experience of the real world, including the inner world of his own consciousness. • The INTERPERSONAL or EXPRESSIVE/SOCIAL function serves to establish and maintain social relations, for the expression of social roles, and also for getting things done by means of interaction between one person and another. • The TEXTUAL function provides means for making links within the text itself and with features of its immediate situation.
Functional Equivalence and Stylistic Correspondence • --- function, purpose, register, situation in language use varieties of language
For different varieties, the text or discourse may assume different functions. ---Informative function, ---Expressive function ---Vocative function ---Aesthetic function ---Phatic function ---Metalingual function
2. functional equivalence and stylistic correspondence • translators’ adaptation, competence and creativity in choosing the appropriate style Appropriateness at different levels
Norms, deviation and foregrounding (1) • Style is the deviation of the norm. • The breaking of normal rules of linguistic structure---deviation; --人们在使用语言交际时总是要遵守一定的“常规”(norm/common core); -- 根据言语交际中的主观因素和客观因素选择最恰当的语言成分表达思想,创造性地运用一些偏离语言使用常规的表达方式。(deviation)
grasp “common core”---linguistic features which all the varieties of English share. • speak and write in highly situation-tied varieties when necessary.
Norms, deviation and foregrounding (2) • 对一篇文学作品来说,变异表现得总和就构成了这篇作品的独特风格; • 对一个作家来说,他在不同作品中所反映出的带倾向性的变异之总和,就构成了他的个人风格; • 对某一类型的文本或语体来说,变异的总和或倾向性就构成了一种题材的风格。
Norms, deviation and foregrounding (3) • 变异的目的在于造成一种“突出”(foregrounding), 引人注目,反映作者或说话人的意图,产生一定的效果。 • 韩礼德指出:“前景化是有动因的突出”(motivated prominence) --This highlighting of a linguistic feature against the background of the normal set of rules for the English language is FOREGROUNDING. • 分析变异首先要分析意图、效果、情形,即语域(register).
Norms, deviation and foregrounding (4) • (1) lexical deviation; --In marrying this girl he married a bit more than he could chew. --a day ago a grief ago • (2) phonological(语音) deviation; • (3) grammatical deviation; -- you pays your money and you doesn’t take your choice.
Norms, deviation and foregrounding (5) • (4) graphological(书写) deviation; • (5) semantic deviation; --The Child is father of the Man. (5) dialectal(方言) deviation; • (6) deviation of register; • (7) deviation of historical period
Pattern of Stylistic Analysis (1) • The translator should read and study the original text, so as to grasp its overall style, including its wording inclination, its sentence features, its rhetorical devices, its patterns of presentation, its general mood or modality, its composition, etc. • Pattern: five levels ( register-----phonological , lexicological, syntactic, rhetoric, discourse)
词汇层面主要检验用词; • 语法层面主要检验句型的特点; • 修辞层面包括词汇和语法的模式、音律模式和修辞手法等; • 语篇层面看文本内组织的联系;
Practical writings -- manuals and instructions • Technical writings ----user manuals, user guide, operation instructions, handbook, specifications. • To introduce the features, functions, usage, ingredients, methods and etc.
technical manual, engineering specifications or installation guides • In today’s global economy, almost every product is either sold internationally or reaches users who speak a different language. Whether you sell only in the U.S. or abroad, having quality manual translations is a necessity.
Stylistic Features • Informative texts: offering information • 客观描述性(objective description)、专业性(technical terms)、简明性( conciseness) --商品的功能、特征和成分; --安装、使用、饮用、服用、食用的方法; --性能、规格和指标; --注意事项
1) simple syntactic structures; • 2) use of imperative sentences; • 3) use of nominalization/ compound nouns; • 4) arranged in a clear order
Concise,imperative sentences,short sentences, arranged in a sequence, correct technical terms.
Translating Strategies and Skills • Clearness; • Conciseness; • Exactness; ---1) 常使用分词短语代替定语从句或状语从句; ---2) 较多地使用分词独立结构代替状语从句式 或并列分句; ---3)常用不定式短语代替各种从句; ---4)常使用介词+动名词短语代替定语从句或状语.
Correct translation of terms --成分 --注意事项 --副作用 --剂量和用法 --性状 --包装 --作用 --失效日期 --适应症 --出厂日期 --禁忌症
Official Writings • 广义的公文文体指政府(机构)发布的各种公告、宣言、规章、法令、通告、启事、通报、指令一级各类法律文书。 • Statement resolution declaration decision notice notification announcement poster certificate
Notice/ Notification Notice Notice is hereby given that the water supply is bot available from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm tomorrow, owing to the repairs of the water pipes. General Affairs Service Feb.2, 2009
Translating Strategies and Skills • Accuracy: fixed form, clear expressions • Brevity: smooth and concise • Clarity: rather formal words, coherent and compact structures • Difference: acceptable forms Where to write the time in Notices?
Fixed Expressions • 特此证明、兹证明、以资证明 ---This is to certify that… 2. 特此通告、特此通知 --Notice is hereby given that… --It is here proclaimed that… --This is to annouce that…
3.敬请批准为盼 ---I should be very much obliged if you grant me my application. 4. 在此附上 ---I herewith enclose / submit a duplicate copy.
Functions of Business Correspondence • Selling commodities and services • Requesting information or materials • Inquiring price, make quotation or make offer; • Establishing business relations • Settling business negotiations
Stylistic Analysis (1) I Rather formal , direct, clear, concise, lawful (accurate) Page 80
Stylistic Analysis (2) II Fixed form A.信头(the heading) B.信内地址(the inside address) C.称呼(the salutation) D.信文(the body) --the significance of the first sentence E.结束语(the complimentary close) F.签名(the signature) P.S. From\ To Subject
Stylistic Analysis (3) III Technical terms or abbreviations in business field -- C&F ( cost & freight) 成本加运费价-- T/T (telegraphic transfer)电汇-- C.O (certificate of origin)一般原产地证-- CTN/CTNS (carton/cartons)纸箱-- PCE/PCS (piece/pieces)只、个、支等-- DL/DLS (dollar/dollars)美元-- DOZ/DZ (dozen)一打
Stylistic Analysis (4) IV Medium-sized and long sentence -- Our quotation is subject to 3% discount if your order exceeds US $100,000 in value. 如果你方订货价值超过十万美元,我方可按所报价格给予3%的折扣。
Stylistic Analysis (6) V Business idiomatic expressions --Punctual shipment can be ensured provided we receive the covering L/C not later than... 如果有关信用证不迟于……到达我方,可保证准时装船。 --Claims which fall within the responsibility of parties other than the supplier will not be accepted by us. 非供货方责任的索赔,我们不予受理。 --We are pleased to inform you that we have commenced a business as a commission agent. 欣告我方已展开经营代销业务。
Stylistic Analysis (10) “7C’ S” (卢曦,2001:25) • 体贴 (Consideration) • 准确 (Completeness) • 具体 (Concreteness) • 简洁 (Conciseness) • 清楚 (Clarity) • 礼貌 (Courtesy) • 正确(correctness
Translating Strategies and Skills Translating Principles of 5 “C’S” • 清楚(Clearness) • 完整(Completeness) • 简洁 (Conciseness) • 礼貌(Courtesy) • 正确(Correctness)
Translating skills • Avoid using imperative sentences; • Try to use passive voice; • Repetition ; • Transformation of negative forms into affirmative sentences ( positive approach)
Contracts • 合同是平等主体之间设立的确定民事权利和义务的有法律约束力的协议, 合同具有法律效力。 ( lawfully binding) • 合同语篇的情景语境就是用非常正式的书面语言规定当事人应享有的权利和应履行的义务。( frozen or very formal) • 合同的行文力求严谨、准确,否则就会给合同的理解和履行埋下祸根,给争议的解决带来更大麻烦。( rigorous and precise)
就语场来说,缔结合同的相关各方为了维护各自的利益,协商制订了一些有法律效力的各自应履行的义务和应拥有的权利的条款。( legally binding with mutually negotiated concrete terms for the relevant responsibility and obligation) • 就语旨来说,有关各方是利益相关的,人际关系相对疏远,所用语言非常正式。(formal and rigorous ) • 就语式而言,合同多以书面形式出现。(written form)
Stylistic features of General Contracts 1. technical terms and the corresponding concrete terms 2. fixed written form 3.complex syntactic structures 4.rigorous and precise 5.clear and formal or frozen
Technical terms and the corresponding concrete terms • Royalty 提成费 • Force Majeure 不可抗力 • Arbitration 仲裁 • Governing Law 准据法 • No Agency 无代理权
Fixed form 1. Preamble (前言)—写明当事人的名称及缔约目的和原则等内容 2. Main Clauses(正文/主要条款) —明确规定当事人的具体权利和义务、违约赔偿、 争议解决、适用法律等条款 3. Closing or Concluding (约尾) —包括合同的效力范围、有效条件、双方代表签字、合同生效的日期、合同使用的语言、正本份数、附件份数等。
rigorous and precise clear and formal or frozen Both Party A and Party B agree that a technology transfer agreement shall be signed between the joint venture company and Party X (or a third party) 甲、乙双方同意,由合营公司与X方(或第三方)签订技 术转让协议…… the Seller(卖方)、the Buyer(买方)、 the Recipient Party(受主)、the Supplying(供方)、 the Transferer(转让方)、the Transferee (受让方)等。