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ENABLING THE FUTURE Natural / Adabas Migration Solutions

ENABLING THE FUTURE Natural / Adabas Migration Solutions. Presentation Outline. Background Natural / Adabas Overview Software AG Market Position Migration Drivers Migration Strategies NatMiner JavNat Conclusion & Questions??. Natural / Adabas Overview.

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ENABLING THE FUTURE Natural / Adabas Migration Solutions

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  1. ENABLING THE FUTURE Natural / Adabas Migration Solutions

  2. Presentation Outline Background • Natural / Adabas Overview • Software AG Market Position • Migration Drivers Migration Strategies NatMiner JavNat Conclusion & Questions??

  3. Natural / Adabas Overview Natural (4GL) and Adabas (Non-RDBMS) History • Core products of Software AG, Germany • Launched in 1968 • Peaked at 12% of MF market circa 1985/1990 with 5,000+ users in 60+ countries • Particularly strong in Germany, US, Spain, South America • Current installed base < 3,000 (predominantly mainframe) Typical Users • High volume transaction processing systems • Custom application development • Financial services - particularly banks and insurance • Governments

  4. Software AG Market Position Natural/Adabas maintenance fees > 45% total revenue New products (Tamino - an XML DB) “me too” and low $ Growing services revenues / profitable via cost cutting Shareholder structure makes acquisition unlikely

  5. Migration Drivers Technology • Natural/Adabas use declining • Non-relational versus relational • Limited web capabilities • Stovepipe architectures Costs • SAG maintenance cost increases >> Inflation • Developer productivity Human Resources • Availability • Age demographics

  6. Re-write (NatMiner) High Application Replacement (NatMiner) Business Fit Low Cost Low High Code Transformation (NatMiner + JavNat) Adabas Emulation (NatMiner+ NatLink) Migration Strategies ( and Tool Support)

  7. NatMiner Capabilities Application Profiles for Migration Assessments • Metrics and audit Reports • DB access reports • DDM and FDT usage reports • CLOG analysis reports • Translation issues and complexity scores • WorkFile, 3GL calls, ……………. reports Design Recovery for Replacement and Re-write Strategies • Module, data element and text search • FDT normalization to equivalent relational schema • Field validation rules • Leverage analyst productivity to reduce costs

  8. NatMiner Process Overview

  9. NatMiner Web Delivery

  10. NatMiner Customer Web Interaction

  11. NatMiner Demonstration

  12. JavNat Capabilities Natural / Adabas >>>>>>>>>>> Java / Oracle • Generates 3 tier J2EE application • JDBC access • IDE and platform independent • Minimal hand editing of generated code (<< 5%) • User interface improvements easily implemented • Logic quality and business rules unchanged Limitations • Functionally Equivalent • 3270 screens in a browser • Logic quality and business rules unchanged!!

  13. JavNat - Adabas FDT Transformation Basic Normalization • ISN as key • MUs and PEs mapped to child and grandchild tables • SPs and SBs mapped to physical fields updated by triggers • Descriptors mapped to indices • Customer controls naming conventions (Web interaction!) • Data type conversion options Tuning • Basic schema can be de-normalized

  14. JavNat - Natural Source Transformation Customer Unique Java Classes • One generated Java class per Natural module • Statement-to-statement transformation within modules • One Java method per Natural statement • Natural “look and feel” preserved by: • Use of class and method naming conventions • Retention of original comments • Retention of application and module structures JavNat Base Classes • Custom classes to implement “Natural runtime” functionally • Delivered to customer as part of transformed application

  15. JavNat Process Overview

  16. JavNat - Benefits Automation • Low cost solution • Minimize implementation schedule • Lower project risk • Consistent user interface • Functional equivalence simplifies testing and user training Business • Proven business logic preserved • Limited user training and documentation updates • Eliminate SAG products, license fees and maintenance costs • Ease staff transition to Java • IDE, DBMS and platform choices!

  17. Conclusion FBDA Natural / Adabas Solutions • Reduce the cost and risk of migration • Minimize implementation schedules • Support a variety of migration strategies • Enable graceful transition to new technologies Questions???? www.fbda.ca

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