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Explore the evolution of language development during the early 20th century and its impact on modernism. From the upheaval of societal norms to the advent of structuralism and poststructuralism, discover how key figures such as Ferdinand de Saussure, Roland Barthes, Jacques Derrida, and Michel Foucault reshaped linguistic theories. Unravel the significance of signs, signifiers, and signifieds in constructing meaning, and delve into poststructuralist notions of language as a fluid medium. Witness the transformation of language theories and their influence on cultural and social paradigms.
MODERNISM In the early 20° centurymany Victorian doubts and fearsabout society and man’splace in the universewereconfirmed and manyoptimistichopesweredisappointed. Science and industrynot produce a better world Europeanselfconfidencedestroyed U.S.A. and Russia replaced France and Britain Economicdepression goverments control state economy Welfare State Marx The Communist Manifesto optimisticsecureview of the future The onlysurepoint of references of anyindividualwashimself.
Man feels out of palcewithout divine principles and referencepoint. • The onlysurepoint of references of anyindividualwashimself. • Albert Einstein theory of relativity space and time didnotexistas separate • Henri Bergson rejectedconventionalideas of time • Sigmund Freud people’sbehaviourdependsverylargely on the unconscious part of theirminds. • Carl Jung symbolicmeanings
FERDINAND DE SAUSSURE (1857-1913) Cours de Linguistique generale basis of structuralism and semiotics Nothingauthoritativeabout Saussure’ s theory He developed a theory of synchroniclanguage the spoken word (signifier) and object (signified) isarbitrary languagesemioticsystem Meaning relantionshipbetweensigns constructedtrhoughdifference, binarypairs
THE SIGN • For Saussure signis the basicelement of language • Charles SandersPeirceisolated 3 differenttypes of signs: • The symbolicsign word symbolisesitsreferent • The indexicalsign signpostpointing in a certaindirection • The iconicsign itresemblesitsobjectbutlike a picture • The signcontainsbothitssignifyingelement and itsmeaninguìfulcontent. • Signifier sensible part of a verbalsign • Signified interpretationadded to the signifier • No relantioshipbetweensignifier/signified itisarbitrary
Before Saussure Diachroniclinguistic chartingchangesthrough time. • Saussure inventedsynchroniclinguistic languagesystembased on signs «A languageis a system of differences with no positive terms»
STRUCTURALISM • Structuralism wide range of discoursesthatstudystructures of signification • Map the culturesscientificallythrough a structuralistmethodology • ROLAND BARTHES: - proclaimed the death of the author - isrelativelyunimportant to the processof writing.
JACQUES DERRIDA : - usedSaussune’sinsights to developDeconstruction - he focused on the binarypairs. • Meaningisdeveloped by the termdifferance • Subjectivity and presance • Privileging of speech and presencelogocentirsm
POSTSTRUCTURALISM • Poststructuralism meaningiscostantelyslipping from onesign to the next • Signifies do not produce signified endlesschain of signifies
LACAN : AppliedSeassure’sideas to psychoanalysis histheoryisnotantology Distinctionbetweenmetaphor and metonimy Function to combine Function to suppress The unoconsciousisstructuredlike a language
MICHEL FOCAULT genealogist He used the termsgenealogy or archeology of knowledge focused on ruptures Discouse medium trougwhichpowerisexpressed • THOMAS KUHN paradigm to describe the foucalidiandiscoverses • EDWARD SAID analyzeOrientalism
JAKOBSON Combination Selection / substitution metaphor metonimy dispiacenent condensation