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V3 Latin America's 10 Most Ingenious Healthcare Solution Providers for 2022

The advent of technology alongside the uncertain pandemic times has called for a change in the fundamental strategies that have been implemented into the healthcare niche.

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V3 Latin America's 10 Most Ingenious Healthcare Solution Providers for 2022

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  1. APRIL | ISSUE : 03 | 2022 Guilherme Ambar CEO B r a z i l Integrating AI for a Healthier and Better Future

  2. Be?er Health and a better way of life.

  3. Editor’s Note Blossoming the Globe with Novel Healthcare Solutions! C oming to its fruition with the European discovery of the New World, Latin America has successfully contributed to the global transformation in terms of natural resources, wide human capital, and great scientific innovations too! Having a large demography from its 12 sovereign states and 2 dependent territories, its healthcare system is among the global choice. The region houses more than 18000 hospitals. But, the statistical surprises just didn’t stop here. As a cherry on the cake, the prime spotlight of Latin America—Brazil accommodates more hospitals than the United States of America. Adding up to the relishing services offered by this region, it is interesting to know that some countries in Latin America provide free and high- quality healthcare services. That is surely incredible and huge! Knowing these developments for a region that was discovered in the 1500s, many healthcare enthusiasts and

  4. Healthcare Solutions have exemplified technology leadership and in the process, Latin America has housed the best care corporates around the globe. care professionals run through an inquisitive journey to know the marvels that reside in the healthcare ecosystem of Latin America. To get on the same journey as the other global care enthusiasts, we found that Seegene Brazil is facilitating a successful future roadmap and is paving a new revolutionary way for the standardization of molecular diagnostics. Impressed with its CEO—Guilherme Ambar’s astounding approach and innovative mindset, we did dig deep in an endeavor to scout for the top 10 Healthcare Solution Providers in Latin America. Walking ahead on this trail, Seegene Brazil was found to be the best and also the one to be featured on the cover of our latest edition, “Latin America’s 10 Most Ingenious Healthcare Solution Providers for 2022.” While you flip through the pages, ensure to read the insightful articles opined by our in-house editorial team. - Bhushan Bhad

  5. Cover Sto 08 Integrating AI for a Healthier and Beer Future Seegene CXO 28 Bridging the World with Medical Professionals

  6. 24 16 Catering to the ‘Patient First' Approach Providing a Hands-on Testing Platform 40 32 Augmenting Services, Re-defining Possibilities Ushering an Era of Perpetual Innovations Articles 20 36 Ingenious Approaches to Transforming Primary Care for Long-term Sustainability Technology and the Future of Healthcare

  7. Pooja Bansal Editor-in-Chief Anish Miller Senior Editor Shrutika Khedekar Saloni, Drishti Managing Editor Assisting Editors Visualiser David King Sonia Raizada Art & Design Head Co-designer Paul Belin Mrunalinee Deshmukh Art & Picture Editor Amy Jones John Smith Business Development Manager Marketing Manager Sarah Wilson, John Smith, Alex Vincent Kelli, Bill, Anna Business Development Executives Sales Executives Jacob Smile Amar Sawant Technical Head Assistant Technical Head David, Robert Technical Consultants Alina Sege Renuka Kulkarni Digital Marketing Manager Assistant Digital Marketing Manager SME-SMO Executives Gemson Eric Smith Research Analyst Tanaji Fartade Circulation Manager sales@insightscare.com APRIL, 2022 Contact Us: Insights Success Media Tech LLC 555 Metro Place North, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017, United States Phone - 302-319-9947 Email: info@insightscare.com For Subscription: www.insightscare.com Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. Office No. 22, Rainbow Plaza, Shivar Chowk, Pimple Saudagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411017 Phone - India: 7410033802, 74100058552 Email: info@insightscare.com For Subscription: www.insightscare.com https://twitter.com/Insightscare Follow us on : www.facebook.com/InsightsCare/ Copyright © 2022 Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd., All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from Insights success. Reprint rights remain solely with Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. Insights Care is powered by Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd.

  8. Latin America's 10 Most Ingenious Healthcare Solution Providers for 2022 Company Featuring Brief Cleiton Castro Marques CEO Biolab believes that health and quality of life are crucial conditions for people to live their lives to the fullest. Biolab Farmacêutica biolabfarma.com.br Core 360º is a platform that provides fitness coaching and training programs for personal trainers. CORE360° core360.com.br Luciano D'Elia CEO dr.consulta aims to provide a solution through low costs and affordable clinics with a patient-centric focus. dr.consulta drconsulta.com Renato Velloso CEO Juvenal Feoli Founder and Co-owner Grupo Cenahce delivers highly reliable laboratory data to satisfy the needs of clinicians involved in medical practices. Grupo Cenahce cenahce.com Klouser is an internet service-based company. That can create its own membership business without having to worry about payment management, support, or technological incidents. Build loyalty and monetize community in one place, without investing a penny until seeing results. MCI is a quality control laboratory dedicated to help its medical devices manufacturer´s customers prove compliance for their cleanrooms, associated systems, and products through environmental microbial testing, compressed gas, water, and product testing. Leandro Rosenthal CEO and Co-Founder Klouser klouser.com Microbiología y Calidad Industrial mycindustrial.com Mauren Monge Mora President OcyonBio provides dedicated autonomous manufacturing capacity with interconnected infrastructure and systems to support phased appropriate development for early development, pre-clinical, clinical, and commercial start. OcyonBio ocyonbio.com Robert Salcedo CEO Seegene Brazil brings innovative passion to Brazil, distributing unique products that enable rapid, accurate, and assertive diagnostics leading to specific and successful treatment. Seegene Brazil seegenebrazil.com.br Guilherme Ambar CEO Signufarma is dedicated to improving the health and life quality of patients through its patient adherence programs and support. Signufarma signufarma.com.mx Andrea Wicker Co-founder Wúru enables an era of continual convenience by offering innovation, productivity, and cost-efficiency to health providers worldwide to ensure that all their management decisions can be made based on evidence. Wúru wuru.site Luciano Tourn Founder and CEO

  9. Guilherme Ambar CEO Seegene Brazil

  10. La?n America's 10 Most Ingenious Healthcare Solu?on Providers for 2022 T into the healthcare niche. Multidirectional Approach he advent of technology alongside the uncertain pandemic times has called for a change in the fundamental strategies that have been implemented Seegene is an innovative lab structure that focuses on the well-being of patients. It is bringing this innovative passion to Brazil, distributing unique products that enable rapid, accurate, and assertive diagnostics leading to specific and successful treatment. At the same time, it also offers a high- quality service to the customer, from the attendance until technical support. Institutionally, the company is a reflex of all its teams' constant effort and collaborative work. Seegene strongly stimulates critical thinking to deal with difficulties and a multidirectional analysis to solve their problems. Knowledge is a powerful tool, and thus the company encourages and supports all its employees in that way. Around the world, healthcare systems are struggling with the burden and pressure caused by the pandemic. By improving these situations and making a transformation by the optimal use of technology, Seegene Brazil presented a new roadmap for the standardization of molecular diagnostics. The inculcation of technology has led to an increase in efficiency while also making treatments reliable. Under the strategic leadership of Guilherme Ambar, CEO, the company has aligned its marketing and strategic knowledge and has aggressively started distributing its products throughout the Brazilian market. A Proactive Team Strategic Leadership Seegene practiced a very efficient operation that allowed supplies to cover the whole country during the pandemic. The technical team is highly graduated, smart, and proactive. The company was only recently established when the pandemic happened. Even with all the difficulties, it was able to structure an engineering/maintenance center and application training center, catering to the needs of Brazilian and Latin American customers and distributors. Guilherme and his partner, Fernando Vasconcelos Maluf, have been post-graduated with a specialization in molecular biology and started their careers at different companies focusing on products for research and molecular diagnostics. They have known each other as business associated and shared this desire to produce and supply the Brazilian market with cutting-edge technology. Since 2017, Guilherme has been promoting Seegene products in Brazil, and in 2019 they have gathered in this subsidiary project. From the beginning, the company was able to use its market and technical knowledge, allied to innovative products and an overly aggressive strategy, to start spreading its products through the Brazilian market and end up 2020 as the biggest company in COVID qPCR products commercialization. Seegene's primary asset is the focus on customer relationships. Each of them is treated individually and personally, understanding their needs and difficulties, and helping them overcome their problems and reach their own goals. It is now investing in R&D so it can start developing solutions more focused on the markets and become a definitive hub to increase its market share in Latin America. Initializing Technological Know-how The markets are ever-changing with the introduction of innovative technologies. In order to survive in such a fast- growing market that has variable demand worldwide, Seegene has developed its own technology from oligos. This technology has enabled them to analyze software in silico development aligned to AI support. To keep up with the current demand, an accurate development in technology is essential. The future plan of Seegene includes sharing this technology and technological know-how with its customers and partners worldwide so they can use the company's inputs and AI to develop their own kits and emerge as pioneers in

  11. more than doubled the number of instruments at MOH public labs that were donated in the form of 132 instruments which helped support its customers on an especially important decentralization project. Until 2020, only a few labs located in the country's main cities were supported by the smaller labs as molecular diagnostics service providers. Seegene itself has implemented 205 instruments on private customers that are now available to run any solutions developed by its company. The rapid increase of demand during the pandemic forced them to increase the number of facilities and also small to mid-size labs to implement their own molecular services. their respective markets, fulfilling any specific and individual demand the companies are catering to. Guilherme further states, “This is an aggressive, fast- growing market that changes very fast. New demands and modern technologies are getting developed worldwide, and if you want to be successful in such a market, you should focus on always being ahead.” Guilherme states, “This will be the main asset that would enable our country to fast respond to any other possible upcoming outbreak, enabling fast and accurate MDx popularization.” Guilherme believes that it is mandatory to understand the dynamics and velocity demands and further resolve to change. A strong relationship with the respective research centers, local manufacturing, and development will lead the new companies to grow big and dominate their markets. And of course, for all this to work, it is crucial to know the company's customers and its competitors very well. An Expansionary Pathway Seegene is now moving to a new facility close to the Sao Paulo state capital that could support all the activities and projects it is currently running. It has established a training center with all the instruments and structure to train and validate any Seegene products. Currently, this particular space is being used for its customers to visit and know better all the solutions the company can offer and also bring technical and salespeople from its LATAM distributors to be trained. Quick Responses during the Pandemic The strategy which Seegene followed during the pandemic allowed it to take the Brazilian market prominently in the public center, and to a higher level regarding MDx. The

  12. A Word of Appraisal A Word of Appraisal Below are some of the Seegene client's experiences while working with them: "I would like to thank the partnership of Seegene Brazil and Sabin group through these two years. They were par?cularly important for our growth, technologic park increase, automa?on, safety, traceability of our exams, anyway, our por?olio. And during this pandemic, what a journey!? Without Seegene, we would not have gone through all of this and grown as much as we did." – Lara Velasco (Molecular Biology Center Coordinator at Sabin Laboratory) “The partnership with Seegene Brazil was very posi?ve and ini?ated in 2020, allowing us to install three closed automa?on pla?orms and qPCR instruments, besides assis?ng us on increasing our por?olio with exclusive exams. All of this enabled us to innovate at the technological park and brought us a more compe??ve way to act over our market.” Fernanda Dahrouge (Technical Manager at IPOG) “I have been using the molecular biology products of Seegene Brazil for some years now and on a more intense way during COVID-19 pandemic. The products have always reached our high and rigid standards of quality and performance, I am very sa?sfied.” José Eduardo Levi, PhD (IMT-USP researcher and Virologist at DASA laboratories)

  13. Alongside this training center, there is a service center where the company checks the instruments before sending them to its customers, receives instruments for repairing, and also receives engineering from the LATAM distributors for training and troubleshooting. At this facility, it will implement an R&D center to support the Hq’s R&D with plasticware and consumables validation, regional suppliers for consumables, and develop in partnership with its customer's specific products and match their needs. In the future, the company plans to have a Seegene Brazil manufacturing site to produce locally Seegene products, develop new customized products and help to increase its market share all over Latin America.

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  15. Catering to the 'Patient First' Approach I often overcrowded, varies in quality, and often results in reduced access. n Brazil, 135 million people belong to the base of the socio-economic pyramid and have limited access to health care. The state of public health care units is Use the most technology in the quality of the solution to make it accessible, or to make other businesses more ef?cient. Compounding to this problem, dr.consulta aims to provide a solution through low costs and affordable clinics with a patient-centric focus. The company's target group is people that need to take care of their health with quality but at affordable prices. They have their settings places in the lower-income neighborhoods for easy accessibility for their target group. Under the astonishing leadership of Renato Velloso, CEO, the company has scaled heights and implemented the concept of Value-based Health Care along with automation, creation of care models, and alignment of economic and fiscal interests. chart that was developed with the doctors so we can have the proper guideline to assist our patients. Shed some light on your offerings and how they impact the industry and your clients? In an interview with Insights Care, Renato talks about how dr.consulta, with its technological expertise, is impacting the healthcare niche in Brazil. 80% of all Brazilians do not have access to a health plan and depend only on public health, but we are a continental country, so it is exceedingly difficult to take care of everyone we need to. Nowadays, we have around 165 million people without a health plan. Please brief our audience about your company, its USPs, and how it is are currently positioned as a reliable firm in the healthcare sector. We created a disruptive and innovative health model, with high standards, NPS of 84 and medical satisfaction of 90 and at the same time affordable, people can pay for it. In Brazil, dr.consulta is an insurgent health tech company offering direct to consumer, virtual or in-clinic, vertical primary care, and secondary care for low-income uninsured individuals through technology and algorithms.Our mission is to provide excellent and affordable care for everyone, anywhere, anytime, and reduce Brazil's massive healthcare access gap experienced by 165M people. We wanted to do it through a multimodal with in-office, virtual (telemedicine), and in-home care for convenience and lower costs, combined with a multi-specialty and multi-service health offering, to enable us to become self-sufficient to generate all clinical data needed to foresee individuals' future health risk and proactively act today to neutralize such risks. We are a complete health ecosystem, 100% customer- centric, physicians centric, and data-driven. All our decisions are made with the use of data. And more recently, we created a health plan in partnership with another health tech cuidar to give more access and keep on serving everybody. We are also technology-driven, and we develop all the technology we use inside dr.consulta. We have a medical www.insightscare.com APRIL 2022 16

  16. An Inspiring Leadership Renato Velloso Dias Cardoso started his career in the health segment more than 30 years ago. After graduating in Dentistry, he decided to undertake his big dream of creating a disruptive company that would generate access to world- class dentistry. In 1987, he invited colleagues to jointly create Odontoprev, which became the largest dental plan in Brazil and later in Latin America. Back then, the population has problems accessing dental care in Brazil. Renato Velloso CEO dr.consulta He worked as an executive for 27 years at Odontoprev, which went through all stages of maturity. During his journey, after dozens of acquisitions, it reached the IPO in 2006. In 2009, Bradesco Seguros became a partner of Odontoprev and acquired its control in 2013. After this period, Renato worked at Qualicorp, where he served as Executive Director and invested in several companies in the healthcare sector. In 2015, invited by Thomaz Srougi, founder of dr.consulta and chairman of the board, he started his relationship with dr.consulta as an investor and member of the Board of Directors. Gradually he became more present in the day-to-day of the company's strategy, and in October 2019, he took over as CEO, a position he continues to hold. At the same time, Renato is a member of the Board of Directors of the YALO health bene?ts platform. Under Renato's management, dr.consulta achieved break-even and is experiencing double- digit growth in the last couple of years, even with the pandemic. The company also launched new services and, more recently, in December, invested in a startup called cuidar.me that is focused on health plans. We started the first clinic in the largest favela of South America, Heliopolis in São Paulo, the hardest place possible to experiment with a new model, knowing that if it worked there, we would have a truly replicable, scalable, and profitable model that people loved. telemedicine, and home care. We have 1.200 doctors working with us in 60 specialties and more than three thousand services available for our patients, including blood and image exams, vaccines, dentistry, psychology, psychiatry, ophthalmology, among others. We served almost three million people, in the Metropolitan region of São Paulo, and nowadays, we have 31 clinics, Patients can use our services in three diverse ways: paying out of pocket, having a signature, or buying a health plan. www.insightscare.com APRIL 2022 17

  17. What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into the healthcare space? The health sector has hundreds of opportunities and is an expensive sector and most of the inefficient all around the world, especially in third world countries with a weak economy. First, I would say to identify the health problem the person would like to address and have a good purpose that follows the problem. Use the most technology in the quality of the solution to make it accessible, or to make other businesses more efficient. Besides that, after the idea is formed, build a business plan, and bring the best people to work with you, people that have the same culture you like this company to have so they can help the entrepreneur solve the problem. We guarantee we have the best health offer to address multiple needs with these options. Being an experienced leader, share your opinion on how the adoption of modern technologies has impacted the industry and how is your company riding the technology wave? With all these settings in place, comes the challenge to bring the best investors, the ones that also think like you, to keep the business growing. How do you envision scaling your organization's operations and offerings in 2022 and beyond? dr.consulta was born digital. We are a health tech, so technology is the core of the company. We use technology and data in every decision we made, and this is key for us, so we can offer the type of health care we want: with affordable prices, an integrated medical chart with medical guidelines that allow us to have a diagnosis within seven days and open slots for the same day. This system will enable us to have an NPS from our patients higher than eighty and an evaluation from our doctors higher than 90. The world and Brazil are living in an economic crisis motivated by COVID-19, so we expect to continue with this problem that is affecting and will continue to affect the income of the middle class for the next couple of years. But we are a disruptive business, and we are seeing the challenges as opportunities. Our technology allows us to keep bringing value to the business. Considering the example of the COVID-19, how do you plan to navigate through similar situations in the future? One of our focuses for 2022 will be implementing and growing our recent partnership with cuidar. me, a health tech specialized in health plans, to increase the number of people that have access to a health plan in Brazil. COVID-19 was not easy, and we still have some impact on the overall health and the economics as well, but it also showed that we are on the right path as a company. Our technology foundation gave us the flexibility and speed we needed to reorganize the business, launched new services, and achieve a level of efficiency that had not been possible until now. If you have a similar pandemic as COVID-19, there is no doubt that we will be prepared. www.insightscare.com APRIL 2022 18

  18. Ingenious Approaches to Transforming Primary Care for Long-term Sustainability P of illness. This is why it is of utmost importance to strengthen the primary healthcare system, especially in times like today. rimary care is an integral part of every local healthcare system. It is the first line of defense to protect people and communities against every kind term sustainability can be achieved in the field. What are these ingenious approaches that could bring long- term sustainability to primary care? What would be their benefits? Let's explore them below. Making Way for Personalized Care During the COVID-19 crisis, we got a closer understanding of what a global-scale healthcare calamity looks like. It also helped in realizing the limitations of the primary healthcare system. The right thing to do going forward is to start taking small but concrete steps toward transforming the way primary care is provided. Every healthcare professional, leader and other relevant personnel will have a key role to play in taking primary care to the next level in the coming years. Along with the tried and tested methods, the changemakers in primary care will have to adopt some ingenious approaches so that long- One of the major reasons behind the rise of technological solutions in every sector is that they allow companies to offer a personalized experience to their customers. With the help of modern technology solutions, a customized care experience can be offered to patients too. One major example of technology-led transformation in providing primary care is telemedicine platforms. The worldwide telemedicine market was valued at $50 billion in 2019. However, it has seen major growth in recent years. Due to COVID-19, many prefer to have their consultations and medical check-ups done using digital solutions. www.insightscare.com APRIL 2022 20

  19. Ensuring Sustainability www.insightscare.com APRIL 2022 21

  20. According to the numbers estimated by the research website statista.com, the market is estimated to be valued at $430 billion by 2030. of the community can only be strengthened when the health services are made more accessible or reachable to every member of society. Creating and Utilizing Data Banks Primary care providers will have to adopt the telemedicine trend to offer patients a personalized care experience as and when needed. The digital solutions will allow healthcare workers to efficiently serve patients from their preferred locations. Data is proving to be a highly useful factor for healthcare providers in today's times. Having carefully recorded data about the patient's health condition, medications, treatments, feedback, etc., can keep on helping healthcare providers to improve their services and solutions all the time. Strengthening the Workforce The challenging times of COVID-19 showed us that the healthcare system, no matter how strong it is, can collapse if the patients keep coming in numbers. It is unknown what may come tomorrow, but based on what is known today, healthcare providers across the world should start strengthening their workforce so that they are ready to take on challenges, whichever they may be. Moreover, data-driven diagnosis and treatment can help reduce healthcare risks from the individual to the community level. A well-organized data bank can not only help healthcare providers to enhance their services but also allow researchers to bring innovative medical solutions like medicines, devices, and equipment to the table, transforming the way primary care is facilitated. Adding more skilled medical workers from the ground level and providing regular training to existing and new professionals to handle emergency situations like the COVID-19 pandemic can prove to be tremendously useful if any such health calamity arises in the future. Summing It Up Although the global healthcare industry had progressed considerably in pre-pandemic times, it had to pass through extremely challenging times during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now that the situation is normalizing, it is not the time to forget what happened but to learn from it to strengthen the system with every possible means. Of course, technology will play an essential role, but along with that, providers must empower each member of their team so that they can better face the known and unknown healthcare challenges of tomorrow. Overall, working to strengthen the whole system one step at a time would bring a long-term sustainable transformation to primary care. Along with this, the increased number of medical professionals will allow healthcare providers to offer more focused and personalized treatments to their patients. Improving the Infrastructure and Reach The primary healthcare infrastructure around the globe needs to be built based on the current and future possible healthcare challenges of that locality. However, in many regions, the state of primary care centers is not up to the mark. - Vishal Golekar Based on the population and the past healthcare data of the region, the concerned healthcare leaders should focus on developing infrastructure that is ready to take on any possible challenge. Upgrading technology, machines, equipment, and other essential facilities are much needed to better counter healthcare challenges. Along with creating a sustainable healthcare infrastructure, primary care providers also need to ensure that the services reach every member of the community. The overall health www.insightscare.com APRIL 2022 22

  21. A plays an essential role in the detection of health-related problems but at the same time assures the timely delivery of quality health care. Shed some light on your offerings and how they impact the industry and your clients? mid the global pandemic and unprecedented times, the role and responsibilities of Clinical Laboratories have upsurged drastically. It not only Our goal has always been to be the best clinical and pathology laboratory in the country, always looking to offer new analysis, service diversification, and excellent customer service in order to achieve a better diagnosis and grow on a national and international level. To cater to this ever-increasing demand, and with an experience of 16 years, Grupo Cenahce delivers highly reliable laboratory data to satisfy the needs of clinicians involved in medical practices. Being the only company in the country to have a clinical and pathology laboratory, Grupo Cenahce ensures timely delivery alongside higher customer satisfaction. That's why we have advocated offering a broad range of tests and services starting from Clinical Chemistry tests, Immunology, Hematology, Parasitology, Molecular tests, Karyotyping and Anatomic, Cellular (Cytopathology), and Dermatopathology. Under the astonishing leadership of its Founder and Co- owner, Juvenal Feoli, the laboratory has introduced new techniques and has started working closely with endocrinologists and practitioners. Having this broad range of services gives our patients a unique platform where they can do most of their health care tests and receive a complete follow-up all in the same place. Also, our pathology platform gives our business customers and partners an all-in-one service where the medical professionals can have their services tailored to their needs. In an interview with Insights Care, Juvenal talks about the 16 years journey of Cenahce and how it is offering the best quality laboratory data in Costa Rica. Being an experienced leader, Juvenal, can you share your opinion on how the adoption of modern technologies has impacted the industry and how is your company riding the technology wave? Below are the highlights of the Interview: Please brief our audience about Cenahce Laboratories, its USPs, and how it is currently positioned as a reliable firm in the healthcare sector. Modern technologies have revolutionized the way we work, and they are here to stay. In the health sector, technologies help in critical points that affect the patient directly. Automation and new essays, for instance, impact the turnover time in test results, assisting in a fast and reliable diagnosis by the medical practitioners. New technologies also help the research teams to find new molecules, medications, vaccines, or any other breakthrough that directly affects the clinical area. Cenahce Laboratories was created more than 16 years ago as a clinical and reference laboratory for hormones and other tests, covering the demand and ensuring the satisfaction of our customers. Today, we also have a department of Molecular Biology, Pathology, and Cytology, the only private company in the country with a clinical and pathology laboratory. Cenahce Laboratories always tries to adopt new technologies to diversify and stay ahead in this sector. Departments like Molecular Biology and pathology Cenahce laboratories are what they are today, thanks to the exceptional customer service and trust we generate in patients, doctors, and companies. www.insightscare.com APRIL 2022 24

  22. Latin America's 10 Most Ingenious Healthcare Solution Providers for 2022 www.insightscare.com APRIL 2022 25

  23. What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into the healthcare space? Be convinced that they are in a field where they can perform and grow. Believe in the project. Harsh times could arrive, and it is imperative to stay focused on the objectives and don't give up. How do you envision scaling your organization's operations and offerings in 2022 and beyond? Scaling depends on market requirements and offering something that can change the current paradigm and make it necessary. This is something we always have on our minds. The key is diversifying into less exploited areas and creating a niche in the market. typically adopt new technologies faster due to the demand for more testing options. Our Molecular Biology department, for instance, adapted technologies to offer RT-PCR Covid Testing (aside from all the other tests we currently have). We did this when we opened our Pathology department, making our company the only one with a clinical and pathology lab in the country. As I always say, "the sky is the limit." Considering the example of COVID-19, how do you plan to navigate through similar situations in the future? Please give us a few testimonials of your clients/ customers and a list of awards/recognitions that accurately highlight your organization's position in the market. We have navigated this pandemic the same way, not stopping or turning back. I believe the critical factor that made us go through and grow as a company was the willingness to follow through with the projects that were already on course and adapt fast enough to the Covid testing demand. “Promed Stamp” for excellence in health care in Costa Rica. This stamp is given to the health care companies that collaborate directly with the Costa Rican Chamber of Health. www.insightscare.com APRIL 2022 26

  24. Lose Weight Easily- Without Exercise or Stress 5 Tricks to By Oluwasola Samuel T here are numerous weight-loss tips available on the internet, some of which have not been clinically validated. We will discuss a few tips that will help you lose weight naturally. If you're seeking ways to lose weight at home without stress or exercise, here's a guide that can help: Tricks To Lose Weight Get Enough Sleep Due to a lack of time to exercise and enthusiasm to keep going, weight reduction can be stressful and annoying at times. Some people choose intermittent fasting to reduce weight, but you don't need to starve yourself because you may end up hurting yourself instead of helping yourself. Ÿ Maintaining weight loss requires sufficient, good-quality sleep. Sleep deprivation will impact your weight loss journey negatively. When you don't get enough sleep, you tend to stay up for more extended periods, which affects the cortisol hormone, causing the hormone to be released in larger quantities. Cortisol stimulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism, which in turn increases your appetite and craving for food. You might be inclined to eat unhealthy foods, which increases your calorie intake. You should be cautious of the time you go to bed. The less sleep you get, the more weight you may gain. Many people have been left frustrated in their attempts to find a quick fix solution to their weight concerns. Some people have become depressed as a result of this. Some people have gained weight as a result of childbirth and have been battling to keep it under control since birth. However, it seems their weight loss strategies don't work. Also, some people in a bid to get a quick solution to weight loss, end up taking harmful weight loss products. You should make an effort to establish a bedtime and wake- up routine; National Sleep Foundation guidelines advise that healthy adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night. Getting enough sleep will help you in losing weight at home without exercising, while lack of it can slow down your weight loss journey even if you are on a restricted- calorie diet. You should know that there are ways to lose weight without starving or using dangerous substances that could harm your health in the long run. Exercising, keeping track of calories consumed, and lowering carbohydrate intake are all options that work. www.insightscare.com APRIL 2022 28

  25. Author Bio Oluwasola Samuel Oluwasola is a health content writer. In addition to this, he works as a financial sales associate (Insurance sales associate). His experience in the insurance industry has made him more aware of the careless and dismissive ways in which some people have approached health issues. As a health advocate and educator, Oluwasola uses well-researched information to guide the audience in making wise health decisions that improve their quality of life. Oluwasola possesses communication, research, adaptability, and originality skills. All of these help him craft great content that resonates, sweeps his audience off their feet, and communicates effectively. He also crafts content that addresses the pain points of his audience. Drink Enough Water Drinking water before a meal makes you stay hydrated and your stomach fuller. Replace calorie-loaded drinks with water; you will see a drastic change over time. Ÿ Water is essential for life. It makes up to 60% of our body. A substantial part of our blood is also made up of water. This is a fundamental reason why water is vital in our everyday life. If you are still wondering why water is that important, you must know that the body uses water to flush out wastes and regulate body temperature. Using this tip may not give you the desired weight loss result immediately, but over time you will likely see the desired result you have been craving for. Your body will also have you to thank because it will function more optimally when hydrated. According to 2018 research published in the Journal of American Dietetic Association, they found that consuming water 30 minutes before breakfast reduced the number of calories consumed. Use a Smaller Plate When Eating Ÿ Losing weight can be challenging but not impossible. It requires a deliberate effort and motivation to achieve your dream body. www.insightscare.com APRIL 2022 29

  26. Obesity is associated with hormone imbalance which is a result of overeating and lack of exercise. In other to combat overeating, it's required you change your dinner plate to a smaller size just to adjust the amount of food you consume in a sitting. People tend to reduce their portions based on the size of the plate. water which makes the stomach fuller and reduces food consumption. Fruits like Watermelon, pineapple, Apple, Grape, cucumber, oranges, raspberries, and many more contain 80% - 90% of water. Summary Research from Cornell University shows that switching from an 11-inch dinner plate to a 10-inch plate causes people to serve themselves less food. Eating with a bigger- sized plate often tempts you to eat larger food portions because the larger the plate, the bigger the food portion you dish out. You can try this out in your subsequent meals and see how it works for you. There are lots of tips you can try out to help manage your weight, aside from the conventional method of exercising and dieting. The tips mentioned in this article tips like eating slowly, eating with a small plate, don't watch tv while eating, or drinking water, can help you in your weight loss journey. Try them out to see which works for you. Give room for trying out new weight loss strategies. Drink Green Tea Ÿ Green tea is made from tea leaves which have some nutritional benefits and are rich in antioxidants. Green tea contains a flavonoid called catechin, which is an antioxidant. The listed tricks help over time to manage your weight loss, and it requires no exercise, stress, or effort. It only involves a change of lifestyle to help you achieve your desired weight change. References Green tea has been associated with weight loss for a long time. Most weight loss supplement has green tea in their ingredients to help lose weight. Green tea enhances metabolism, the process by which the body converts food and drink into usable energy. Take 2-3 cups of green tea daily for a desired fat-burning result. Nedeltcheva, Arlet V et al. (2010). Insufficient sleep undermines dietary efforts to reduce adiposity. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20921542/ Brenda M Davy et al. J Am Diet Assoc. 2008 Jul. Water consumption reduces energy intake at a breakfast meal in obese older adults https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18589036/ Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Ÿ Consumption of fruits and vegetables promotes body health. Fruits and vegetables have many nutritional values that help the body stay nourished and healthy. Vegetables and fruits are rich in fiber and some other nutrients, which makes them the best option for weight loss and helps lower the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and heart disease. Susan S. Lang 2014. The more you have on your plate, the more you overeat https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2004/10/more-you-have- your-plate-more-you-overeat Michelle C Venables et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Mar. Green tea extract ingestion, fat oxidation, and glucose tolerance in healthy humans https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18326618/ The naturally sweet taste of some fruits helps to reduce sugar cravings or junk in some persons, which in turn helps to keep weight in check. Some fruits also contain lots of www.insightscare.com APRIL 2022 30

  27. Mauren Monge Mora President MCI MCI's experience with different medical products, sterilization methods, biocontamination control strategies has become in creativity to help our customers with a problem-solving approach. Augmenting Services, Re-defining Possibilities www.insightscare.com APRIL 2022 32

  28. Latin America's 10 Most Ingenious Healthcare Solution Providers for 2022 M monitoring, water tests, and other test methods benefit healthcare facilities, prisons, food handlers and restaurants, laboratories, blood processing centers, and other industries. Microbial testing is the proven first line of defense against pathogenic bacteria and toxins and a public health tool. icrobiological analysis is required for the detection of contamination and the maintenance of high-quality standards. Environmental and products, leading with the execution of overly ambitious projects for medical devices industries located in Costa Rica and with headquarters in various places worldwide. This experience gave us invaluable information regarding real needs related to flexibility, high quality and reliable laboratory results, and cost-effective solutions. Shed some light on your offerings and how they impact the industry and your clients? The recent technological advancements are making these tests faster, more accurate, and affordable for a more extensive consumer base, driving the growth of the microbiology testing market. Microbiology has always been a field of excitement that has promised a lot about preventing, diagnosing, and treating infectious diseases in the healthcare field. Our customers can schedule their cleanroom startups, a routine environmental monitoring program for viable and non-viable, compressed gas and water testing, and microbiological and endotoxin tests for products. Identification of species of main microorganisms and sterility tests are also available. In addition to technological advancements that have significantly improved the efficiency of microbiology testing by introducing new tests by some of the leading organizations in the microbiology testing market is poised to influence global demand positively. This is where MCI comes into the spotlight. Our extended schedule, ISO 17025 accredited quality system, specialized trained staff, and focus on customer needs make our laboratory the preferred choice for many Costa Rica life sciences cluster medical device manufacturers. Under the expertise of Mauren Monge Mora, President, MCIis committed to providing quality testing services meeting customer needs and regulatory requirements by following good professional practices and continuous improvement. Please brief us about your professional tenure and your contribution to the company's success in the industry. My partners in this business and I had the idea to offer to the local market of medical device manufacturers a reliable and value-added solution for its need to comply with international regulations related to cleanrooms performance and microbiological product safety. In an interview with Insights Care, Mauren Monge Mora sheds light on the professional tenure, highlighting the USPs and his opinions on the future of MCI Laboratory in the healthcare industry. We used our previous experience and knowledge about these regulations to make an offer that fulfils this need. Our experience with different medical products, sterilization methods, biocontamination control strategies has become in creativity to help our customers with a problem-solving approach. Please brief us about your company, its USPs, and how it is are currently positioned as a reliable firm in the healthcare sector. MCI is a quality control laboratory dedicated to help its medical devices manufacturer´s customers prove compliance for their cleanrooms, associated systems, and products through environmental microbial testing, compressed gas, water, and product testing. Being an experienced leader, share your opinion on how the adoption of modern technologies has impacted the industry and how is your company riding the technology wave? We have been helping our customers in this area for 11 years. We have become a strategic partner on the startups of their facilities, systems, production processes, and continuing operations, projects, and problem-solving tactics. It has been possible due to our knowledge of how it feels to be in a customer´s shoes. Communication capacity has been, for humans, the key evolution instrument. In the IoT era, it is the same. However, the challenge seems to be keeping the humanity of communication while providing our customers with all the valuable information they need in real-time and with high quality. MCI has invested in communication strategies with our customers, so they are connected in real-time with laboratory tasks. Before starting this business, my partners and I were all involved in the environmental monitoring of cleanrooms www.insightscare.com APRIL 2022 33

  29. Our commitment is to focus our attention on the feedback obtained from them, so we can keep moving towards innovative ways to catch up with customer needs promptly. Considering the example of the COVID- 19, how do you plan to navigate through similar situations in the future? Pandemic for the medical device industry and related activities has been a challenge in a quite different and contradictory manner. We have been dealing with an increase of testing requests from our customers, while an unstable crew due to medical leavings of personnel and the massive impact of supply chain delays on costs and service continuity were hitting us. Our strategic plan changes to afford these specific subjects in a pandemic like situation. The main change has been the mindset of being ready for impossible to predict events. we are in the capacity to self-supply some of the most critical and offering them to our customers has allowed us to obtain new customers too. What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into the healthcare space? Please give us a few testimonials of your clients/customers and a list of awards/recognitions that accurately highlight your organization's position in the market. For any entrepreneurship, the basic advice is to be ready for challenging work, keep determination and faith, and be prepared for failure. I believe the last is the most challenging part; no one wants to fail. However, it is the only way to learn, and learning is the real success. MCI has helped some of the medical device manufacturers located in Costa Rica start their operations for the first time in the country and transfer to new or extended facilities. Companies located in different free trade zones in Costa Rica have been part of MCI history, from cleanroom and processes startup to routine control and new projects. Health care space could be considered a failure-free environment; it should be however, it is not, and COVID-19 reminded us of this. We all did our best with what we had, and we will be more prepared for the next challenge. Historically, we were secured on standards and regulations; knowing them keeps us current and adjust to modern technology and changes slowly, but now we must adapt faster, wiser, and more pragmatic way than ever. Our quality system was awarded by ECA (Ente Costarricense de Acreditación, certifying organism recognized internationally) in 2014 for a quality system's audit without any observation nor non-conformance and is fully compliant with ISO 17025 requirements. Keeping our decisions focused on human beings and earth as a whole creature might look obvious. However, it is not. Creating mechanisms to get this into reality in our communities is essential, no matter what the space is. We obtained certification of "Esencial Costa Rica," country brand design to assure local companies complies with the best practices in social and environmental responsibility business and compete locally and internationally. How do you envision scaling your organization' operations and offerings in 2022 and beyond? Also, in 2021, Coyol Free Zone, catalogued as the best free zone in the Americas, and dedicated to the medical device industry in Costa Rica, awarded us with one of the two prizes to the best two suppliers for the companies settle down in it. We are constantly hearing the voice of the customer. With the struggles getting consumables from outside the country, www.insightscare.com APRIL 2022 34

  30. Innovations and Advancements Technology and Future Healthcare Y the demands of the changing world,” suggests the Future Health Index Report of 2022. ou’re experiencing pain, and your first go-to place is a clinic in order to seek for proper medical attention. The doctor is still in his cabin, attending to patients who’ve come before you. You sit in the waiting room. It’s been an hour, and you’ve started to feel a little frustrated. In such regard, there has been a rapid emergence of digital health technologies that have enabled care to be closer to the patients. It is therefore believed that trends related to digital health technologies could be the future of healthcare. Regardless, the waiting time only keeps extending. Below are the advancements that demonstrate the innovative future of healthcare. But what if you don’t wait in the room and the doctor visits you right away? Distributing Care: The First Step to Innovation The needless cost and long waiting hours have been one of the greatest concerns in the healthcare sector today. For instance, according to a 2022 Health Care Survey, more than half of U.S. adults, i.e., approximately 47%, stated that it is difficult for them to afford healthcare costs, despite having health insurance coverage. “Alternative means of extending the approach to care could become a priority,” states the Health Index Report of 2022. Building multiple hospitals may not be the answer to delivering satisfactory care. The healthcare sector has been experiencing financial burdens lately, with healthcare expenditures growing beyond one’s control. Consequently, adults skip or delay seeking essential services. As statistics suggest, one-third of adults have not gotten any medical treatment as recommended by their doctor, while others have completely postponed it. In addition, if the government were to switch to sustainable and affordable healthcare, moving to a lower-cost setting may be essential. For instance, there has been a global shortage of six million nurses, with an estimated shortfall of 13 million by the year 2030. Certainly, “How can care be Addressing the matter, “Healthcare leaders worldwide are attempting to shift the healthcare paradigms and navigate www.insightscare.com APRIL 2022 36

  31. www.insightscare.com APRIL 2022 37

  32. short on healthcare professionals. Additionally, these mobile trucks allow patients to connect with a clinical expert remotely, where virtual assistance can be sought with ease. provided with low costs? How can it be diverted away from labor-intensive hospitals to more labor-efficient care settings?” In exploring alternatives, reports suggest that patients find digital healthcare experiences to be cost-effective and time- saving. It also enables them to connect with their preferred doctor. As per the McKinsey Survey of 2022, 60% of patients agree that virtual care is more convenient than in-person care. Since diagnostics contribute to the healthcare sector on such a large scale, it hasn’t been left behind in switching to mobile means of diagnosing a condition. As per the National Library of Medicine, mobile diagnostic solutions are made possible through the enhancement of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.). For this reason, Henk believes that such diagnostic tools hold great promise for the future. Not only could the A.I. make it easier to acquire the right images, but it could also enable local healthcare workers to interpret the information accurately. It is good news, as this may mean that ‘Distributed Care’ could be incarnated, wherein rather than the patients seeking care at one location, care will be brought to the patient’s doorstep. “Such an approach is more urgent than ever,” states Henk van Houten in a report on technology. The Future is Near: Walk-In Care Connecting the Hospital to the Home Through Cloud Monitoring With more and more use of mobile care, with its steady growth, it is expected that healthcare services will begin to operate in walk-in settings at specific locations such as shopping malls, department stores, gyms, and airports. In an incident where an Australian care provider was faced with high numbers of patients, he made use of alternative ways of making care accessible. In this regard, remote patient monitoring has been proven useful. Additionally, based on the ‘Distributive care’ approach, diagnostic centers may be considered to be run separately, i.e., far apart from the hospitals and closer to the local population and community-based settings. This may be part of the solution, as patients do not have to rely on episodic doctor visits while the doctors can follow the patient's health. Acknowledging a “one-stop shop” concept, the NHS, for instance, is planning to build a community-based diagnostic center for every 30,000 people, making it a total of 150 diagnostic hubs. Similarly, the U.S., addressing the fact that rural areas make up one-fifth of the population, would design virtual care stores for patients to connect with providers in a remote and secure form. For instance, a report based on wearable patches found that they have been effective devices in the early detection of heart rhythm irregularities, preventing strokes in a repeated fashion. These patches are not only useful in the prevention of diseases but also in maintaining an active lifestyle while having the physicians keep sight of patients' health. What Role Would Hospitals Play? Technically, such cloud-based A.I. systems can spot heart rhythms based on 20 million ECG recordings which allow doctors to intervene accordingly. As healthcare would become distributed, hospitals would no longer offer all services under one roof. Perhaps only a narrow set of operations would be run within, while a dominant role of care would be played at homes or within community-based settings. Making Care Mobile It is not always possible for clinical care to take place remotely. However, does that mean that in-person care would remain in a fixed location? Probably not. Lastly, it could be agreed upon the idea that – the future of healthcare doesn’t revolve around the location of a hospital. Rather, it revolves around the patient, regardless of where they live and the means through which they can best access care. Ida, a city in Japan, has managed to pilot the use of health trucks, an innovative form of mobile care, bringing care closer to the patients. Such a concept has managed to specifically serve the underserved communities that run - Saloni Agrawal www.insightscare.com APRIL 2022 38

  33. Luciano Tourn Founder and CEO Wúru

  34. Latin America's 10 Most Ingenious Healthcare Solution Providers for 2022 Wúru Ushering an Era of Perpetual Innovations T complex data in the healthcare industry makes it almost intimidating for healthcare providers and organizations which do not have the precise data analytics tools and internal expertise to handle it. When implemented correctly, data analytics in healthcare reduces treatment costs, offers comprehensive insights into patients and conditions that affect or have the potential to affect the quality of life. Healthcare data analytics combine historical and real-time data to predict trends, reveal actionable insights, and achieve medical advances, ensuring long-term growth altogether! he healthcare industry is one of the most challenging industries regarding data analytics and artificial intelligence. The massive influx of Applying data analytics and visualization in the right way can increase patient access to services, resulting in lower costs, better outcomes , and improved patient satisfaction. Data analytics has changed the way we used to manage, analyze, and leverage data across industries. One of the most notable sectors where data analytics enables significant improvement is healthcare. Wúru is one such company that enables an era of continual data driven healthcare by offering data products that unlock innovation, productivity, and cost-efficiency in health providers worldwide, to ensure that all their operational decisions can be made based on evidence. A Coherent Leadership Luciano is 46 years old and is an industrial engineer by background. He started his career in energy and later on moved to consumer goods. At age 30, he did an MBA focused on entrepreneurship and innovation at MIT in Cambridge. After finishing his master's degree, he joined a startup doing pioneering work on AI for voice recognition in mobile phones. Under the articulate leadership of Luciano Tourn, Founder and CEO, the technology developed by Wúru allows health providers to leverage the flow of data generated daily in each patient itinerary. In an interview with Insights Care, Luciano sheds light on his professional tenure showcasing the significance of Wúru's data analytics and its impact on the healthcare industry. At that time, he recalls that "it was mind blowing to talk on the cell phone and for it to understand you". This experience showed Luciano the power of AI first hand. That voice was his first contact with the world of technological innovation. Luciano, enlighten our readers about Wúru and your inspiration behind venturing into the healthcare industry. At Wúru we believe that technology and data analytics in particular is the key to make care more accessible in Latin America. We know that what we do is to empower care professionals to define the best route, enhancing their actions through a digital product that generates better care delivery at lower costs. We think always in terms of Four years later, back in Argentina, he managed the operations of an integrated healthcare delivery called Grupo Gamma, where he led a greenfield project to build a 20,000 square meters 150 beds hospital. There he came www.insightscare.com APRIL 2022 41

  35. combining the empathy of humans with the optimization and efficiency of AI technology. It is known with each click or "like" that we leave while browsing the internet, we produce information that can be used in multiple ways. Nevertheless, there is still not so much awareness that health, today more than ever in times of pandemic, is an essential generator of data, more than any other sector. I am convinced that this data is still very little used to make the best decisions in the health field. For this reason, together with three cofounders in 2020, I created Wúru, a data analytics company, to ensure that all healthcare operational decisions can be made based on evidence. We think always in terms of combining the empathy of humans with the optimization and efficiency of AI technology. www.insightscare.com APRIL 2022 42

  36. Tell us about the services and solutions that positioned Wúru as one of the Most Ingenious Healthcare Solution providers in the niche. What would be your advice for the budding aspirants willing to venture into the healthcare industry? Healthcare in Latam has extraordinary potential for growth. Consider that around 50% of the population either cannot access healthcare at all or receives substandard and low quality care. The opportunity for reducing the operational cost of accessing and delivering care is huge. It´s similar to what happened to finances with the emergence of fintech 8 or 10 years ago. There is space for hundreds of innovative startups such as Wúru, so I encourage all entrepreneurs to join this space and have a lasting impact on millions of lives. The platform gathers all this information and analyzes it to recommend actions, which reach professionals directly on their mobile phones, making it possible to streamline and improve the entire care process, saving time and resources, both in critical and emergency situations, as well as in the face of the challenges that are part of the day to day of clinics and hospitals. At Wúru, we believe in the potential of putting data into action. The problem is that information abounds in the health area but is not used or remains dispersed in siloed systems; Wúru's first step is to unify and clean all the data from the value chain in one place and then apply algorithms to extract findings. How do you plan to embrace the changes happening in the healthcare industry? My proposition is that healthcare would be revolutionized if all this data were integrated into one place and analytics and artificial intelligence models were run to create evidence on the best way to do things. Thus, we can think, in the simplest way, of a virtual assistant who coordinates all the decisions of a care team with newest evidence, indicating, for example: Currently, we have three data products that optimize surgical and diagnostic imaging workflows. First, Intelligent Scheduling to accurately predict procedure duration, assign blocks to service lines and avoid delays and cancellations. Second, Staff Optimization to dynamically match available care professionals to predicted procedure demand. And third, Pricing & Cost to allow hospitals to identify cost outliers and transparently set the correct price for payers. All combined can eventually drive value based care in the entire region. I recommend you reallocate these idle resources, move or reassign this surgical tech or nurse to another OR, and use these beds for these specialties, schedule this procedure in this slot, etc. The potential for improvement is enormous because as more data is consumed and analyzed, there is a better understanding of best practices a direct impact on the best practices of the systems. What is your opinion on the impact of emerging technology like AI (Artificial Intelligence) on the healthcare industry? What are your future goals and how do you envision scaling Wúru's operations eventually? In 2021 Wúru did a pre seed funding round, and that allowed us to invest in product R&D and commercial expansion. Today we have customers in Colombia, Perú, Argentina, Panamá, Spain, and more that 30 hospitals use our solutions. We do not think of Artificial Intelligence as something that comes to replace people; what AI allows us to do is take that data and turn it into the necessary evidence to help health teams make the best decisions, enhancing the richness of personal experiences and the capacities of doctors, nurses, or administrators. The significant paradigmatic change that can be promoted in health involves creating the technological infrastructure for the hospital of the future. For 2022 we expect a similar accelerated growth, both in terms of customers and product roadmap. This infrastructure is an interoperable data platform that is ready to be exploited, which no longer needs to replace the systems but integrates the information to make the best decisions. In this way, the provider with the best data will generate the operational efficiency and at the same time the best clinical outcomes and experience for patients. Our vision remains the same, to design and orchestrate a new data driven healthcare system that is efficient, accessible, and high quality. We won´t stop until this is a reality for all. www.insightscare.com APRIL 2022 43

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