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Do You Want To Know How To Trim Hedges?

You must view the provided PDF for more in-depth information if you are having trouble understanding how to trim the hedges in your garden and want to know which hedges require regular, moderate, or light pruning.

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Do You Want To Know How To Trim Hedges?

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  2. OPTIMAL HEALTH HEDGE TRIMMING TECHNIQUES It is simple to incorporate hedge maintenance into a routine for a landscape. Hedge maintenance questions are frequently asked of us. Pruning hedges keep them at the desired size and improves their general health and quality.

  3. LIGHT PRUNING 1X PER YEAR InstantHedge provides uniformly pruned, finished hedges, necessitating only a quick annual maintenance trim. To give the hedge time to adjust to its new environment, pruning should be minimized during the first year after installation. The only thing that can be done is clip vigorous shoots that outgrow their companions.

  4. MODERATE PRUNING 1-2X PER YEAR Annual hedge trimming should start in the second year of growth and continue after that. The type of hedge will determine the frequency and intensity. Fast-growing hedges may require two trims per year, whereas slow- growing hedges may only require one every two to three years.

  5. They are designed to be a formal, compact hedge. The following tables list the pruning needs for some of our most well-liked hedges: The types of plants that require light pruning, moderate pruning, and regular pruning will be covered in the following three slides.

  6. LIGHT PRUNING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Emerald Green Arborvitae Yew Hedge Holly Arrowwood Viburnum Fagus Sylvatica Atropurpurea

  7. MODERATE PRUNING 1. Virescens Western Red Cedar American Arborvitae Portuguese Laurel Schip Laurel Carpinus Betulus 2. 3. 4. 5.

  8. REGULAR PRUNING 1. 2. 3. Green Giant Arborvitae Prunus Laurocerasus Flame Amur Maple

  9. We now have a succinct explanation of how to trim hedges as well as an idea of what that entails. The best times to prune hedges are in the late spring, early fall, or winter (when the hedges are fully dormant). Avoid trimming hedges in extremely hot, dry weather, and do so well in advance of the first frost date. If possible, prune on a cloudy day to prevent severe leaf burn.

  10. TO KNOW MORE: FOLLOW US ON: ORDER AT: order@instanthedge.com

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