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Fast Growing Hedges for Urban Homes

Fast-growing hedges can provide year-round interest, with many varieties boasting colorful foliage or delicate flowers. When selecting a fast-growing hedge, it is important to consider the plantu2019s mature size and growth habit, as well as it's light and water requirements.

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Fast Growing Hedges for Urban Homes

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  2. Why Fast Growing Hedges? Fastgrowinghedgesareagreat way to create privacy and enhancethelookofyourproperty. Thereareanumberofdifferent plantsthatcanbeusedfor hedges, andsomevarietiesgrow fasterthanothers.

  3. How to Choose? Whenchoosingahedgeplant, besure tothinkaboutthesizeofthemature plant. Youdon'twanttochoose somethingthatwillgrowtoolargefor yourspace. Also, takeintoaccountthe growth rate when making your decision. Afast-growinghedgecanbe agreatwaytocreateprivacyinahurry, but it will also require more maintenancethanaslower-growing plant.

  4. Hedges to Plant - Forsythia Growsupto3feetperyear; idealfor privacyhedgesorwindbreaks - Privet Growsupto2feetperyear; idealfor privacyhedges - Redtwigdogwood Growsupto2feetperyear; idealfor accenthedgesorasaprivacyscreen inthewinter

  5. Hedges to Plant -GreenGiantArborvitae Growsupto2feetperyear; idealfor privacyhedgesorwindbreaks. - GreenMountainBoxwood Growsupto1footperyear; idealfor formalhedgesortopiaries. -HicksYews Growsupto1footperyear; idealfor formalhedges.

  6. Fertilizing Fast Growing hedges fast-growing hedges Toensurethatyour willreachitspotential, itisimportant tofertilizeregularly. Thebesttimeto fertilizeisinthespring, justasnew growthbegins. Useafertilizerthatis highinnitrogen. Applythefertilizer according to the manufacturer's instructions, andwateritwell.

  7. Watering Fast Growing Hedges Inorderforfast-growinghedgestoreach theirpotential, theymustbewatered regularly. Whenwatering, besuretosoak therootzonethoroughly. Thiscanbe donewithagardenhoseordripirrigation system. Waterearlyinthedaysothatthe leaveshavetimetodrybeforenightfall. If youliveinanareawithhighhumidity, youmayneedtowatermorefrequently topreventleafdiseases.

  8. Pruning Fast Growing Hedges Tokeepfast-growinghedgeslooking theirbest, theywillneedtobeprunedon aregularbasis. Formostspecies, pruning shouldbedoneinlatewinterorearly spring. Thiswillhelptoshapethehedge and encourage new growth. When pruning, besuretousesharppruning shearsandmakecleancuts. Also, avoid over-pruning, asthiscandamagethe plant.

  9. Contact us for more details on Fast- growing hedges Visitourwebsite- www.instanthedge.com Mailusat- order@instanthedge.com

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