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With Instant Shade Marquees, you can take your experience to the next level with our wide range of marquee accessories. From standard items like side panels and weights to completely custom options such as roll-up doors or flyscreen windows - we have everything you need for making yourself at home under a canopy! Need something special? Get in touch so we can help make it happen. For more information, visit us at http://www.instantshade.com.au/Instant-marquee-accessories.html. <br>
I N S T A N T S H A D E M A R Q U E E S , A N A U S T R A L I A N O W N E D A N D O P E R A T E D I N S T A N T M A R Q U E E O R I G I N A L A N D T H E B E S T P O P - U P M A R Q U E E S A V A I L A B L E I N M E L B O U R N E , S Y D N E Y A N D N A T I O N W I D E A C R O S S A U S T R A L I A . C O M P A N Y O F F E R T H E MARQUEE ACCESSORIES We have a wide range of accessories to use with your Instant Shade Marquee. Our accessories have been designed to suit our products and compliment them perfectly. We have a wide range of standard accessories including marquee walls (side panels), carry bags and weights for securing your marquee. We can also custom make accessories for special requirements, eg. roll-up doors in side panels, windows with "flyscreen" netting, etc. CARRY BAGS Our marquee carry bags are full length to fit marquees, and made from a heavy duty polyester fabric. transporting a marquee to your vehicle simple and quick. Available in 2 sizes - small to fit 2.4x2.4m and 3x3m, and large to fit 3x4.5m and 3x6m. They make STEEL LEG WEIGHTS The unique design of our steel leg weights are made to fit securely around marquee legs, securing them in place. Powder coated black, the steel leg weights are sold individually, though are more effective when using 2 weights per marquee leg. MARQUEE WHEELIE BAG Medium, to suit a marquee with the dimensions 3x 3m, or 3 x 4.5m and Large, to suit a marquee with the dimensions 3 x 6m CONTACT US Address : 90-98 Woodlands Drive, Braeside VIC 3195, Melbourne,Australia Phone : 1800 08 33 00 | (03) 9915 3599 Email : info@instantshade.com.au www.instantshade.com.au