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If you are looking at an effective way of marketing your business, printed pop up tents are a great choice. Instant shade provides printed marquees in Melbourne. Our printed pop up tents are extremely attractive. Moreover, these branded pop up marquees can be personalised as per your wishes. Enquire for our personalised marquee at https://www.instantshade.com.au/Instant-promotional-marquees.html or call 1800 08 33 00.<br>
I N S T A N T S H A D E M A R Q U E E S , A N A U S T R A L I A N O W N E D A N D O P E R A T E D I N S T A N T M A R Q U E E O R I G I N A L A N D T H E B E S T P O P - U P M A R Q U E E S A V A I L A B L E I N M E L B O U R N E , S Y D N E Y A N D N A T I O N W I D E A C R O S S A U S T R A L I A . C O M P A N Y O F F E R T H E PROMOTIONAL MARQUEES Popup marquees are a great form of portable, flexible outdoor branding. We are the branded promotional marquee experts. Let our designers create a branded marquee layout to maximise your exposure. SIGN-WRITING PVC fabric in choice of many colours Professional and experienced sign-writers Perfect for simple text and logos DIGITAL PRINTING Polyester fabric All over coverage Full colour (4-colour process) High resolution (720 x 1400 DPI max) Perfect for intricate logos, graphics and photography Make your marquee STAND OUT! CONTACT US Address : 117CochranesRoad,MoorabbinVIC3189, Melbourne, Australia Phone : 1800083300 Email : info@instantshade.com.au www.instantshade.com.au