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All kinds of organisations love to conduct outdoor events to get their employees to bond. Even schools keep marquees handy for keeping the children entertained with a variety of outdoor sporting activities and camping. For all such instances, you require portable marquees that are easy-to-setup but are sturdy enough to stand firm throughout the entire duration. Visit Instant Shade Marquees to purchase or hire sturdy, reliable portable marquees for your events. Call us on 1800 08 33 00 or visit us at https://www.instantshade.com.au/instant-schools-marquees.html for more information.<br>
I N S T A N T S H A D E M A R Q U E E S , A N A U S T R A L I A N O W N E D A N D O P E R A T E D I N S T A N T M A R Q U E E O R I G I N A L A N D T H E B E S T P O P - U P M A R Q U E E S A V A I L A B L E I N M E L B O U R N E , S Y D N E Y A N D N A T I O N W I D E A C R O S S A U S T R A L I A . C O M P A N Y O F F E R T H E SCHOOL & SPORT CLUB MARQUEES Instant Marquees are also a great way of getting your brand out into the community. Branded marquees can be loaned to local organisations to help in their fundraising and local events. Sporting Clubs Rowing clubs Athletic events Lifesaving clubs Go-karting PRINTED 3X3 MARQUEE Polyester marquee with digital print All over coverage – as many logos as you like! Great for stalls selling merchandise, promotions, ticket collecting, etc. HEAVY DUTY 3X6 MARQUEE PVC marquee with sign-writing Heavy Duty frame Great for Surf Lifesaving Clubs, Rowing, etc. where extra strength is required PRINTED 3X6 MARQUEE Polyester marquee with digital print Great for intricate logos and eye- catching designs Cover up to 25 people at your next event CONTACT US Address : 90-98 Woodlands Drive, Braeside VIC 3195, Melbourne,Australia Phone : 1800 08 33 00 | (03) 9915 3599 Email : info@instantshade.com.au www.instantshade.com.au