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Looking for a marquee that is both high-quality and affordable? Look no further! Our marquees are designed and printed in Australia to the highest quality standards. You can be sure your marquee will be eye-catching and perfect for your event. Our marquees are now available for sale in Melbourne. To know more, visit us at: https://www.instantshade.com.au <br>
I N S T A N T S H A D E M A R Q U E E S , A N A U S T R A L I A N O W N E D A N D O P E R A T E D I N S T A N T M A R Q U E E O R I G I N A L A N D T H E B E S T P O P - U P M A R Q U E E S A V A I L A B L E I N M E L B O U R N E , S Y D N E Y A N D N A T I O N W I D E A C R O S S A U S T R A L I A . C O M P A N Y O F F E R T H E INSTANT SHADE MARQUEES, MARKET TENTS & PROMOTIONAL MARQUEES! Instant Shade Marquees, an Australian owned and operated Instant Marquee Company offer the original and the best pop-up marquees available in Melbourne, Sydney and nationwide across Australia. Buy a Marquees from Instant Shade Marquees and you will have no loose parts or ropes so they can be easily erected by two people in just 30 seconds. These outstanding outdoor marquees provide you with protection no matter what the weather and come in a range of designs and sizes to suit your requirements. Our marquees and promotional marquees can also be fully or partly enclosed using our "easy-on" Side Panels and many accessories are available. Our Quality Promotional Instant Shade Marquees can be branded and customised with printing of logos, graphics and branding. Our digital printing capabilities allow us to produce branded marquees that are covered in graphics, whether it be logos, photography or specific corporate colours. We have recently reduced the price of our printed marquees to make them the BEST VALUE PRINTED MARQUEES IN AUSTRALIA. CONTACT US Address : 90-98WoodlandsDrive, BraesideVIC3195 , Melbourne Phone : 1800083300 Email : info@instantshade.com.au www.instantshade.com.au