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Order from thousands of your neighborhood local grocery stores directly. Browse a shop, search for the best prices for a product, and discover hidden gems in your locality with a tap. Choose for delivery or direct pickup.For More Visit - https://bit.ly/3xmrmb5<br>
ChennaiLocal StoresAvailable Online www.theinstock.in
AboutUs InStock®mobile app can be used to check for products that users would like to buy around their location, compare prices between shops, and then place an order for home delivery or storepickup.Usersmaybeabletosee specific offers from participating shopsand canalsoavailthebestdealsandspecialdirect offers from brands. Currently, InStock® has a listingofmorethan300shops(mostlygrocery storesthatcatertodailyneeds)inandaround AnnaNagar,Chennai.
WhatWeDo? We are a passionate entrepreneurs small but bunch enabling super of local retailers to be part of the digital revolution .Order from thousands ofyourneighborhoodretailstores directly.Browseashop,searchfor bestpricesforaproduct,discover hiddengemsinyourlocalitywitha tap. Choose for delivery or direct pickup.
Howtousetheapp: RegisterwithInStock®andsetcurrentlocation. Browse and buy the products sold by the participatingshopsaroundandcheckavailable offers. Alternatively, search for products available in shopsaround,comparepricesandplaceanorderfor home delivery(subject to the service offered by the shop)orstorepickup. Makepaymenttotheshopdirectly,throughanyof thepaymentmethods,suchas,COD,GPay,PayTM, PhonePe,etc. Createamonthlyorweeklyshoppinglistand managepurchasesefficiently. KeeptrackofOnlineandCounterpurchasesusing thisapp. DownloadNow
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ContactUs 917576030303 support@theinstock.in www.theinstock.in
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