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Online Local Grocery Store in Chennai

Order your daily need products from thousands of your neighborhood local grocery stores online directly right from your home at InStock. Browse a shop, search for the best prices for a product, and discover hidden gems in your locality with just a single tap on your mobile. Choose for delivery or pickup as convenient. <br><br>To Know More Visit - https://theinstock.in/

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Online Local Grocery Store in Chennai

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Online Local Grocery Store in Chennai InStock®

  2. It's time to embrace remote shopping. InStock® is the new way to shop grocery online in Chennai Moreandmorepeoplewanttoshopwithoutleavingthe comfortoftheirhomes. It's time to personalize customer service. Customersdon'twanttobetreatedliketickets.Theywanta shoppingpartnerthatcommunicateswiththem. It's time to embrace video streaming in retail. InStock® isembracingnewwaystoshop,combining technologyandtraditionalstrategiestogivecustomersa nativeshoppingexperience.

  3. HowWeStarted InStock®startedwithasimplequestion: howcanwemakeremoteshoppingbetter? PRE-SEEDFUNDING 2019 SEEDFUNDING 2020 SERIESAFUNDING 2021 NEXTSTEPS

  4. How To Use App 1.RegisterwithInStock® andsetcurrentlocation. 2.Browseandbuytheproductssoldbytheparticipatingshops aroundandcheckavailableoffers. 3.Alternatively,searchforproductsavailableinshopsaround, compareprices,andplaceanorderforhomedelivery(subjectto theserviceofferedbytheshop) orstorepickup. 4.Makepaymenttotheshopdirectly,throughanyofthepayment methods,suchas,COD,GPay,PayTM,PhonePe,etc. 5.Createamonthlyorweeklyshoppinglistandmanagepurchases efficiently. 6.KeeptrackofOnlineandCounterpurchasesusingthisapp.

  5. About Us InStock® mobile app can be used to check for products that users would like to buy around their location, compare prices between shops, and then place an order for home delivery or store pickup. Users may be able to see specific offers from participating shops and can also avail the best deals and special direct offers from brands. Currently, InStock® has a listing of more than 300 shops (mostly grocery stores that cater to daily needs) in and around Anna Nagar, Chennai. InstallApp Installnow

  6. What Our Customers Says "I am excited to use the InStock® app for billing and send SMS receipts to customers" "I am happy to have my own online store with zero investment with InStock®" "I can compete with big ecommerce players in my area now"


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