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IntellectPeritus - Search Expertise

At IntellectPeritus, we have unique search model which overcomes challenges of patent searching and effective search strategies leading us towards completion of 100 % patent searching. Our search model is combination of keywords based searching, patent classification searching, citations searching and assignee / inventors searching. In give limited time period, IntellectPeritus search model provides results claiming towards 100 % completion of search.

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IntellectPeritus - Search Expertise

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  1. Domain Expertise  Expert & Experienced Team    ? Our searchers are top rankers from leading universities and postgraduate programs, and  with solid technical expertise.  They are complemented with rich professional search experi‐ ence in patent field.  Our search experts also have worked for technology‐leading organiza‐ tions in various technology domains for decade of years.  ? Medical Devices  Team  ? Electronics  ? “Happily, we work to create Innovigence that you can trust !”  ? Communication Tech.  Wide range coverage  with nuances of searching of patent and non‐patent database  ? ? Pharmaceutics   Our searchers have access to wide range coverage of patent and non‐patent databases across globe.  They deeply understand the strengths, weaknesses and nuances of searching them and hence know  where and how to search for maximum impact and effective search results  Global Database coverage   ? Microbiology  ? IEEE ? ScienceDirect ? Thomson Derwent (DWPI) and Asia Pacific Content database (primarily we use) Innovation World with Index ? Web of Knowledge Patent Non‐Patent  Database ? Elsevier ? Biotechnology  ? ProQuest ? Our team also have expertise to search in other free and paid database like ? Infotrac GALE Libraries EBSCO ? ? Material Science  • Orbit ? INSPEC • MicroPatent Patent  Database ? Google Scholar • Delphion PubMed ? • PatBase, ? Agriculture  ? STN hosted database • STN hosted database ? Factiva ? LexisNexis ? Automotive  Unique search model to reduce or eliminate irrelevancies  ? Software & IT  ? Exhaustive search starting with narrow to broad approach ? All possible synonymous and similar technology terms Unique  Search Model  Keyword 1 2 ? Consumer Goods  Keyword + Patent Class ? Keyword based broad searches with carefully selected patent classes ? Animal Healthcare  ? Comprehensive multi-level citation analysis Citation 3 4 Patent Class + Assignee/Applicant/Inventor ? Carefully selected patent class with applicants including corporate tree www.intellectperitus.com ©2014-2015 info@intellectperitus.com

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