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Data. GridFTP WG To develop a fast, secure, efficient transport mechanism for Grid applications Bill Allcock,( allcock@mcs.anl.gov ) Data Replication RG This Group explores issues related to management of replicated terabyte- and petabyte-sized data sets in grid computing environments
Data GridFTP WG To develop a fast, secure, efficient transport mechanism for Grid applications Bill Allcock,(allcock@mcs.anl.gov) Data Replication RG This Group explores issues related to management of replicated terabyte- and petabyte-sized data sets in grid computing environments Ann Chervenak (annc@isi.edu) Persistent Archives RG The development of an architecture for the construction of persistent archives which are conceptually equivalent to virtual data. Reagan Moore (moore@sdsc.edu), Richard Marciano (marciano@sdsc.edu) Grid High Performance Network RG To provide a focus for bridging Grid and Network research sectors Jon Crowcroft (Jon.Crowcroft@cl.cam.ac.uk)Bruce Lowekamp (lowekamp@cs.wm.edu) • Area Directors: • Peter Clarke (clarke@hep.ucl.ac.uk), • Satoshi Sekiguchi (s.sekiguchi@aist.go.jp)
Information Systems & Performance GIS-WG Three activities of the original GIS Working Group are under evaluation toward creating one or more new GIS working groups. Grid Object Specification (GOS) Provide simple mechanisms for describing Grid entities Grid Notification Framework (GNF) Provide generic notification framework for propagation of state data about Grid entities Metacomputing Directory Services (MDS) Specification for MDS Gregor von Laszewski (gregor@mcs.anl.gov) Michael Helm (helm@es.net) Relational Database Information Services (RDIS-RG) Explore approaches to static and dynamic Grid information based on a relational data model. Peter A. Dinda (pdinda@cs.northwestern.edu) Beth A. Plale (plale@cs.indiana.edu) Steve Fisher (s.m.fisher@rl.ac.uk) • Area Directors: • Ian Baird (ibaird@platform.com), • Domenico Laforenza • (domenico.laforenza@cnuce.cnr.it)
Information Systems & Performance Grid Monitoring Architecture (GMA-WG) High-level architecture, components, and interfaces for interoperability of Grid monitoring systems Warren Smith (wwsmith@arc.nasa.gov) Dan Gunter (dkgunter@lbl.gov) Discovery & Monitoring Event Description (DAMED-WG) Define basic set of event descriptions with shared vocabulary Jennifer Schopf (jms@mcs.anl.gov) James Magowan (magowan@uk.ibm.com) Dan Gunter (dkgunter@lbl.gov) Network Measurements (NM-WG) Identify and characterize metrics useful to grid applications and middleware; develop standard metrics Bruce Lowekamp (lowekamp@cs.wm.edu) Brian Tierney (bltierney@lbl.gov) Proposed: Grid Benchmarking (GB-RG) Produce standard framework for specifying benchmarks and a set of prototype benchmark definitions Rob Van der Wijngaart (wijngaar@nas.nasa.gov) Michael Frumkin (frumkin@nas.nasa.gov)
Scheduling and Resource Management Area Distributed Resource Mgmt Application API WG Develop an API spec. for the submission of jobs J. Tollesfrud (j.t.@sun.com) Hrabri Rajic (hrabri.rajic@intel.com) Scheduling Attributes WG Define attributes to describe schedulers Uwe.Schwiegelshohn (Uwe.Schwiegelshohn@udo.edu) Scheduler Dictionary WG Define standard for common terms Wolfgang Ziegler (wolfgang.ziegler@scai.fhg.de) Grid Resource Management Protocol (proposed) WG Define standard protocol for advance reservations of CPU and network resources Jon MacLaren (jon.maclaren@man.ac.uk) Volker Sander(v.sander@fz-juelich.de) Wolfgang Ziegler (Wolfgang.Ziegler@scai.fhg.de) • Area Directors: • Jennifer Schopf (jms@mcs.anl.gov) • Bill Nitzberg (bill@computer.org)
GGF Security Area • GridCP WG • Develop a Certificate Policy (CP) to promote and facilitate interoperable Grid PKIs • Randy Butler (butler@ncsa.uiuc.edu) • Tony Genovese (tony@es.net) • GSI WG • Promote and further develop GSI as underlying security fabric of Grids • Von Welch (welch@mcs.anl.gov) • GGF4 Kerberos BOF (Proposed RG) Area Directors: Marty Humphrey (humphrey@cs.virginia.edu) Steve Tuecke (tuecke@mcs.anl.gov)
Applications, Programming and Models Area Applications and Test Beds Bridge between application community and developers / directors of grid policies, standards and infrastructures. Ed Seidel (eseidel@aei-potsdam.mpg.de), Tom Hinke (thinke@mail.arc.nasa.gov) Grid User Services Foster common understanding of user and support staff requirements in a grid environment; venue for sharing resources; facilitates communication for grid activities between users, support staff, and developers. John Towns (jtowns@ncsa.uiuc.edu) Grid Computing Environments Contribute to the coherence and interoperability of frameworks, portals, PSE's, and other Grid-based computing environments by exploring where standards to integrate technology implementations and solutions. Geoffrey Fox (fox@mailer.scri.fsu.edu), Mary Thomas, (mthomas@sdsc.edu), Dennis Gannon, (gannon@cs.indiana.edu) Area Directors: Jarek Nabrzyski (naber@man.poznan.pl), Satoshi Matsuoka (matsu@is.titech.ac.jp)
Applications, Programming and Models Area Applications and Test Beds Exploring human-centered techniques and technologies for facilitating interactive, collaborative, and immersive access of Grid resources from any where and at any time. Rick Stevens (stevens@mcs.anl.gov), Jason Leigh (spiff@evl.uic.edu), Mike Papka (papka@mcs.anl.gov) Grid Advanced Programming Models Identify and investigate programming methodologies that support the effective development of algorithms that perform well in grid environments. Thierry Priol (Thierry.Priol@irisa.fr), David Bader (dbader@eece.unm.edu),Craig A. Lee (craig@aero.org)
Architecture Area Grid Protocol Architecture RG provide a conceptual framework for discussing the interrelationships, completeness, and minimality of the protocol approach to Grid services William Johnston wejohnston@lbl.gov, Ian Foster itf@mcs.anl.gov, Reagan Moore moore@sdsc.edu Accounting Models RG Identify needed account and accounting information, determine the needed mechanisms to pass this in formation Bill Thigpen thigpen@nas.nasa.gov, Tom Hacker hacker@umich.edu Open Grid Service Infrastructure WG review and refine the Grid Service Specification and other documents that derive from this specification, including Open Grid Service Architecture (OGSA) infrastructure-related technical specifications and supporting informational documents Jeff Frey, jafrey@ibm.com, Steve Tuecke, tuecke@mcs.anl.gov Open Source Software WG Examine approaches and models for open source software licensing Mary Spada, spada@gridforum.org
Architecture Area Service Management Frameworks Research Group address the technical issues and management concerns in the emerging ‘Service Oriented Grid Computing’ research community related to dynamism, discovery and federation, autonomous composition of services Vladimir Getov, v.s.getov@westminster.ac.uk, Omer Rana, o.f.rana@cs.ac.uk, Eric Sharakan, eric.sharakan@east.sun.com In transition from“Jini” WG to SMF RG) New Productivity Initiative Working Group define the interoperability standards that allow effective multi-vendor cluster and Grid distributed resource management solutions Darren Pulsipher darrenp@cadence