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RM1. Río Doubs. 11 variables – 30 0bservaciones. doubs contains the following variables : dfs - distance from the source (km * 10), alt - altitude (m), slo ( log(x + 1) where x is the slope (per mil * 100), flo - minimum average stream flow (m3/s * 100), pH (* 10),
RM1. Río Doubs 11 variables – 30 0bservaciones doubs containsthefollowing variables: dfs- distancefromthesource (km * 10), alt- altitude (m), slo(log(x + 1)wherexistheslope (per mil * 100), flo- minimumaveragestreamflow (m3/s * 100), pH (* 10), har- total hardness of water (mg/l of Calcium), pho- phosphates (mg/l * 100), nit- nitrates (mg/l * 100), amm- ammonianitrogen (mg/l * 100), oxy- dissolvedoxygen (mg/l * 10), bdo- biologicaldemandforoxygen (mg/l * 10). Verneaux, J. (1973) Cours d'eau de Franche-Comté (Massif du Jura). Recherches écologiques sur le réseau hydrographique du Doubs. Essai de biotypologie. Thèse d'état, Besançon. 1–257.
Modelo doubs1<-lm(bdo~dfs+alt+slo+flo+pH+har+pho+nit+amm+oxy) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -12.360 -8.795 -1.746 5.670 19.636 Coefficients: EstimateStd. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 95.796641 120.646160 0.794 0.43698 dfs 0.003437 0.017574 0.196 0.84702 alt -0.076289 0.054218 -1.407 0.17555 slo 6.242197 4.245874 1.470 0.15788 flo -0.007352 0.007775 -0.946 0.35620 pH 0.818669 1.587167 0.516 0.61194 har 0.081596 0.257547 0.317 0.75484 pho 0.168851 0.115078 1.467 0.15866 nit -0.168605 0.047174 -3.574 0.00202 ** amm 0.560764 0.279089 2.009 0.05893 . oxy -0.867332 0.344339 -2.519 0.02089 * Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 Residual standard error: 11.31 on 19 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.9438 Adjusted R-squared: 0.9143 F-statistic: 31.93 on 10 and 19 DF, p-value: 9.089e-10
Analysis of VarianceTable Response: bdo DfSumSq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) dfs 1 6781.1 6781.1 52.9761 6.624e-07 *** alt 1 451.5 451.5 3.5271 0.0758077 . slo 1 122.9 122.9 0.9605 0.3393842 flo 1 7812.8 7812.8 61.0356 2.379e-07 *** pH 1 1044.7 1044.7 8.1611 0.0100917 * har 1 2706.4 2706.4 21.1428 0.0001963 *** pho 1 18955.6 18955.6 148.0864 2.045e-10 *** nit 1 1486.0 1486.0 11.6094 0.0029555 ** amm 1 694.9 694.9 5.4290 0.0309819 * oxy 1 812.1 812.1 6.3445 0.0208934 * Residuals 19 2432.1 128.0 --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Selección de variables • Start: AIC=153.86 • bdo~ dfs + alt + slo + flo + pH + har + pho + nit + amm + oxy • DfSumof Sq RSS AIC • dfs 1 4.90 2437.0 151.92 • har 1 12.85 2444.9 152.02 • pH 1 34.06 2466.1 152.28 • flo 1 114.47 2546.5 153.24 • <none> 2432.1 153.86 • alt 1 253.43 2685.5 154.83 • pho 1 275.58 2707.6 155.08 • slo 1 276.67 2708.7 155.09 • amm 1 516.77 2948.8 157.64 • oxy 1 812.12 3244.2 160.50 • nit 1 1635.16 4067.2 167.29 • Step: AIC=151.92 • bdo~ alt + slo + flo + pH + har + pho + nit + amm + oxy • DfSumof Sq RSS AIC • har 1 8.0 2444.9 150.02 • pH 1 55.6 2492.6 150.60 • <none> 2437.0 151.92 • pho 1 274.0 2711.0 153.12 • slo 1 411.2 2848.1 154.60 • amm 1 511.9 2948.8 155.64 • flo 1 672.2 3109.2 157.23 • alt 1 1375.1 3812.1 163.34 • nit 1 1703.0 4140.0 165.82 • oxy 1 4274.9 6711.9 180.31
Step: AIC=150.02 • bdo~ alt + slo + flo + pH + pho + nit + amm + oxy • DfSumof Sq RSS AIC • pH 1 59.5 2504.4 148.74 • <none> 2444.9 150.02 • pho 1 286.5 2731.4 151.34 • slo 1 405.4 2850.3 152.62 • amm 1 507.7 2952.6 153.68 • flo 1 669.6 3114.5 155.28 • alt 1 1773.6 4218.6 164.38 • nit 1 1882.7 4327.6 165.15 • oxy 1 4538.3 6983.2 179.50 • Step: AIC=148.74 • bdo~ alt + slo + flo + pho + nit + amm + oxy • DfSumof Sq RSS AIC • <none> 2504.4 148.74 • pho 1 348.9 2853.3 150.65 • slo 1 351.7 2856.1 150.68 • amm 1 465.6 2970.0 151.85 • flo 1 725.1 3229.5 154.37 • alt 1 1717.1 4221.5 162.40 • nit 1 1854.9 4359.3 163.37 • oxy 1 4688.9 7193.3 178.39 • Call: lm(formula = bdo ~ alt + slo + flo + pho + nit + amm + oxy) • Coefficients: • (Intercept) altsloflophonit182.688249 -0.085993 5.356013 -0.006105 0.180294 -0.167643 • ammoxy • 0.522792 -0.900982
Modelo reducido doubs2<-lm(bdo ~ alt + slo + flo + pH + har + pho + nit + amm + oxy) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -11.619 -8.859 -1.827 5.705 19.403 Coefficients: EstimateStd. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 100.182234 115.658651 0.866 0.39666 alt -0.085582 0.025475 -3.359 0.00312 ** slo 6.646535 3.618290 1.837 0.08113 . flo -0.005918 0.002520 -2.349 0.02922 * pH 0.949286 1.404775 0.676 0.50693 har 0.050742 0.198624 0.255 0.80097 pho 0.163443 0.108987 1.500 0.14933 nit -0.166220 0.044462 -3.739 0.00130 ** amm 0.555656 0.271101 2.050 0.05374 . oxy -0.926925 0.156492 -5.923 8.58e-06 *** --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 Residual standard error: 11.04 on 20 degrees of freedom MultipleR-squared: 0.9437 AdjustedR-squared: 0.9184 F-statistic: 37.26 on 9 and 20 DF, p-value: 1.452e-10
Analysis of VarianceTable Response: bdo DfSumSq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) alt 1 4942.3 4942.3 40.5614 3.252e-06 *** slo 1 362.4 362.4 2.9742 0.1000253 flo 1 416.1 416.1 3.4148 0.0794592 . pH 1 2187.4 2187.4 17.9519 0.0004042 *** har 1 901.1 901.1 7.3952 0.0132044 * pho 1 26462.1 26462.1 217.1720 3.334e-12 *** nit 1 530.4 530.4 4.3527 0.0499640 * amm 1 786.5 786.5 6.4551 0.0194624 * oxy 1 4274.9 4274.9 35.0838 8.577e-06 *** Residuals 20 2437.0 121.8 --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
RM2. aire Datos de calidad del aire en NY (mayo-septiembre de 1983) 111 observaciones -4 variables Bruntz, S. M., W. S. Cleveland, B. Kleiner, and J. L. Warner. (1974). TheDependence of Ambient Ozone on Solar Radiation, Wind, Temperature, and MixingHeight. In SymposiumonAtmosphericDiffusion and Air Pollution, pages 125–128. American MeterologicalSociety, Boston. m<-lm(ozone~radiation+temperature+wind) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -40.485 -14.210 -3.556 10.124 95.600 Coefficients: EstimateStd. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) -64.23208 23.04204 -2.788 0.00628 ** radiation 0.05980 0.02318 2.580 0.01124 * temperature 1.65121 0.25341 6.516 2.43e-09 *** wind -3.33760 0.65384 -5.105 1.45e-06 *** --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 Residual standard error: 21.17 on 107 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.6062 Adjusted R-squared: 0.5952 F-statistic: 54.91 on 3 and 107 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16 Analysis of VarianceTable Response: ozone DfSumSq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) radiation 1 14780 14780 32.971 8.853e-08 *** temperature 1 47378 47378 105.692 < 2.2e-16 *** wind 1 11680 11680 26.057 1.450e-06 *** Residuals 107 47964 448 ---Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
RM3. Suelos 250 Observaciones-7 variables m1<-lm(pHAgua~Ca+Mg+K+Al+H+C+N) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -0.304156 -0.068852 0.003626 0.077496 0.226002 Coefficients: EstimateStd. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 5.05275 0.12327 40.991 < 2e-16 *** Ca 0.24090 0.02421 9.950 < 2e-16 *** Mg 0.43709 0.10341 4.227 3.36e-05 *** K 0.35128 0.08206 4.281 2.69e-05 *** Al -0.77929 0.22938 -3.397 0.000795 *** H -0.03467 0.01187 -2.920 0.003826 ** C -0.30006 0.06992 -4.291 2.57e-05 *** N -0.95043 0.75956 -1.251 0.212035 --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 Residual standard error: 0.108 on 242 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.7636, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7567 F-statistic: 111.7 on 7 and 242 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16 http://www.cpatsa.embrapa.br/a_unidade/equipe/pesquisadores/pesquisadores/luis-henrique-bassoi
Analysis of VarianceTable Response: pHAgua DfSumSq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) Ca 1 7.3822 7.3822 633.1012 < 2.2e-16 *** Mg 1 0.8825 0.8825 75.6874 5.191e-16 *** K 1 0.1061 0.1061 9.0970 0.0028333 ** Al 1 0.2480 0.2480 21.2715 6.462e-06 *** H 1 0.1498 0.1498 12.8430 0.0004096 *** C 1 0.3273 0.3273 28.0712 2.629e-07 *** N 1 0.0183 0.0183 1.5657 0.2120354 Residuals 242 2.8218 0.0117 • step(m1) • Start: AIC=-1105.02 • pHAgua ~ Ca + Mg + K + Al + H + C + N • DfSum of Sq RSS AIC • N 1 0.01826 2.8401 -1105.4 • <none> 2.8218 -1105.0 • H 1 0.09945 2.9213 -1098.4 • Al 1 0.13459 2.9564 -1095.4 • Mg 1 0.20833 3.0301 -1089.2 • K 1 0.21368 3.0355 -1088.8 • C 1 0.21473 3.0365 -1088.7 • Ca 1 1.15440 3.9762 -1021.3 • Step: AIC=-1105.41 • pHAgua ~ Ca + Mg + K + Al + H + C • DfSum of Sq RSS AIC • <none> 2.8401 -1105.4 • H 1 0.11504 2.9551 -1097.5 • Al 1 0.13943 2.9795 -1095.4 • K 1 0.19843 3.0385 -1090.5 • Mg 1 0.26390 3.1040 -1085.2 • C 1 0.32732 3.1674 -1080.1 • Ca 1 1.13614 3.9762 -1023.3 • Call: lm(formula = pHAgua ~ Ca + Mg + K + Al + H + C) • Coefficients: • (Intercept) Ca Mg K Al H C • 4.97917 0.23713 0.47282 0.33325 -0.79235 -0.03688 -0.33660