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Have you ever wanted to pass a note to brighten someone’s day? Share a thought or a dedication to one of your students, classmates, or teachers? Tell that special friend, “Thank You!”, “You’re Awesome!”, or “You Rock!”? Send a “Happy Gram”.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Have you ever wanted to pass a note to brighten someone’s day? Share a thought or a dedication to one of your students, classmates, or teachers? Tell that special friend, “Thank You!”, • “You’re Awesome!”, or “You Rock!”? • Send a “Happy Gram”. • In the office, ask for a Happy Gram Business Card. For $5, you can send a special message and have it printed in the yearbook for someone special. On the back side of the card, please indicate your name and class. Questions? Contact Pearl Conroy at spconroy00@gmail.com. Looking forward to looking back! Make sure your student doesn’t miss out on this opportunity! YEARBOOKS ARE ON SALE! Complete and return your order form (distributed during Parent/Teacher Conference). Additional forms are located in the front office. Make checks payable to HCA with a memo: “YEARBOOK”. To order on-line, go to YearbookOrderCenter.com. 1.866.287.3096. School Order Number is 13280. TYPO in sales letter: Please download your photos of class trips, events, and activities to: www.hjeshare.com code: 3012614 If you have any questions, please contact Pearl Conroy at spconroy00@gmail.com.

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