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Dear Veterans, Thank you for fiting for our country and giving our country freedom. Thank you for keeping our country safe and we could not vote without you. Thank you for saveing our country. We could not serve without you. Love Anika ,.
Dear Veterans, Thank you forfiting for our country and giving ourcountry freedom. Thank you forkeeping our country safe and wecould not vote without you. Thank you for saveing ourcountry. We could not serve withoutyou. Love Anika,
Dear Veteran,Thank you for freedom. Veterans are hipfol. You get to help people.Love, Ayden.
Dear Veterans,Thank you for fighting for the stat. We are gratful for you. Thank you for serving the country. Love,Camille.
Dear Veterans, Thank you for fidene for are country.Love Bayley
Dear Veterans,Thank you for fighting for the country. Thank you for serving the military. Thank you for choosing the right to vote. Thank you for helping us. Love, Carolina.
Dear Veterans, Thank you for givingus the freedom to vote. Thank you for saving our country. Thank you for fiting for our country. Love, Chan-Hee.
Dear Veteran, Thank you for making our country free. We ore prod of you.Love, Devin
Dear Veterans, Thank you for fighting for freedom . Thank you for serving the country. Thank you for fighting for us to be safe. Love,Emmy.
Dear Veterans, Thank you! We are prod of you for keeping our country safe and serving our state. Thank you for giving us the right to vote.Love,Ethan.
Dear Veterans,Thank you for being in the military. We are prad of you. Thank you for hlpeg.Love,Garrison
Dear Veterans,Thank you for fihting for our freedom. Thank you for serving are country. You let us vote . Love, Gavin
Dear Veterans, Thank you for fidingfor our country. Love, Jack Dear Veterans,Thank for fiding for us.Love, Jack
Dear Veteran,Thank you for saving our country. Our country is prod of you. Thank you for serving America.Love, Jake
Dear Veteran, Thank you for saven are worldand are country . I love you.Thank you for fighting for the country.Love,Lily
Dear Veterans, Thank you for fiting for our freedom. Did yorfrins? Did you like the military? Thank you for serving.Love,Magnolia Copeland