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Planning for Positive Behaviour

Planning for Positive Behaviour. Our Story Waverley Primary School. Background. Urban K-6 Primary School Population 160 students Low Socio Economic background (third highest ENI in the State) Significant behaviour issues

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Planning for Positive Behaviour

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Planning for Positive Behaviour Our Story Waverley Primary School

  2. Background • Urban K-6 Primary School • Population 160 students • Low Socio Economic background (third highest ENI in the State) • Significant behaviour issues • Community characterised by single parent families, young mums, drug related issues and significant mental illness

  3. The Community exists of the School, Top Shop / Petrol Station and Waverley Lake. • Public Transport is limited • Positive relationships between school and home developed • Strong relationships between teachers and students are developed

  4. Our Belief Social and Emotional Learning is key to supporting our students into the future Imperative that we have effective strategies in place to minimise behavioural issues Focus can then be on a strong ‘learning culture’.

  5. Current Issues(Family centred) Resilience Personal motivation to succeed Parenting skills Diet Personal Care • Attendance • Appropriate Language • Family conflict • Students disturbing learning of others • Students individual engagement in learning

  6. The Big Ideas • SEL is a School Improvement Priority • ‘Kids Matter’ is core to the embedding of the social Emotional Learning and Waverley PS was/is one of the initial pilot schools • Member of the PBS network • Move Well Eat Well • Restorative Practice • Family Partnerships Training • Appointment of AST (National Partnerships) • School Chaplain • SEL Curriculum Team

  7. Walking in our shoes • Butterfly Room – established in 2007 (Foundation 33) • Visual Prompts • Through lines • School Rules • Good Choice cards • Levels of Positive Behaviour Support • Individual Learning Plans • Individual Behaviour Plans • Good things for Good Kids eg Excursion to local play area • Lunch time activities • Celebrate milestones in learning and behaviour • Breakfast Program • Daily Fitness • Professional Learning for Teachers – Ruby Payne PL • Family Open Days

  8. 2012 Developments • Uninterrupted Literacy and Numeracy Block • Reading time from 8.30am • Timetable adjustments • Reviewing Insight Learning Data – analysing in view of Positive Behaviour • WALT, WILF and TIB being embedded in learning • Organisational structures • Mentoring Programs

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