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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. Introduction to the Sira of Our Habib PBOH Lesson Plan The Meccan Period Class T hree Imam Ibrahim A. Rahim Sister Mariam N. Ismail TA. بيت الله الكعبة المشرفة بمكة المكرمة. Week #3 The cave, the man, the Angel, the mission and all of the moral lessons in between.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Introduction to the Sira of Our Habib PBOHLesson PlanThe Meccan PeriodClass Three Imam Ibrahim A. Rahim Sister Mariam N. Ismail TA
بيت الله الكعبة المشرفة بمكة المكرمة
Week #3 The cave, the man, the Angel, the mission and all of the moral lessons in between.
Imam Mujahid AHM records that Abdullah Ibn A’mr MAP reports: the House was Created before the Earth by two thousand years. Then Earth was then the Earth was unraveled from the House!عن مجاهد عن عيد الله بن عمرو قال: خلق البيت قبل الأرض بألفي عام, ثم دحيت الارض منه."دحيت الأرض يعني بسطت
عن عمر بن الخطاب أنه قال: الحجر الأسود من أحجار الجنة أهبط الى الأرض و هو أشد بياضا من الكرسف, فما اسود الا من خطايا بني ادم, و لو لا ذلك ما مسه أبكم و لا أصم و لا أعمى الا برئ."“The Black Stone is of the stones of Jennah. It was sent down to Earth and is was as white as cotton قطن at the time. The only thing that changed its color is the sins of mankind. Had its natural state of color not been altered by these sins, it would have cured every human illness: deafness, blindness and/or muteness.”
This is why we “touch” and kiss the stone, because our Habib touched it and kissed it himself PBOH!
A Sacred House for All Times and All People Al-Walid Ibn Al-Mugheera الوليد بن المغيرة took the pick (sledge hammer) and bravely began to demolish the stone as the rest watched. As he demolished the stone he made Du A’a saying: “O Allah do not become alarmed in any way, O Allah we only intend goodness” اللهم لا تردع, اللهم لا نريد الا الخير.
There was one in Sirian (Greeks)كتابا بالسريانية"أنا الله ذو بكة خلقتها يوم خلقت السماوات و الأرض و صنعت الشمس و القمر, و حففتها بسبعة أملاك حنفاء لا يزولون حتى تزول أخشابها, مبارك لأهلها في الماء و اللبن."“I am Allah Owner of Bekkah. I created her the day I created the Heavens and the Earth. I constructed the sun and the moon. Then I protected them with seven (Haneef) devout angels. They will remain in their places so long as they continue to exist. Blessings upon their inhabitants: in all of their water and all of their milk.”
Then our Habib’s “Sending” مبعث neared a few years after that PBOH Three groups of people began to feverishly forecast our Habib’s “Sending:” 1) Rabbis الأحبار, 2) Priests رهبان, and Fortune Tellers كهان. The Arabs used fortune tellers to discuss the unseen. The fortune tellers received their knowledge from disbelieving Jinn or Shaya T’een الشياطين.
These Jinn provide them with the knowledge of the unseen that they have stolen from conversations they steal from Allah’s Angels. The Angels use the stars to chase them away by “shooting” the stars at the disbelieving Jinn. They reason the Angels do this is to knock the Jinn down as they climb upon one another’s shoulders to elevate themselves to hear the Angel’s speak. Read Suratul Jinn and become acquainted with its Tefsir for additional details. The sky of Mecca lit up with shooting star events the closer or Habib’s “Sending” became.
The Lady Khadijah’s Cousin Waraqa Ibn Nowfal بأن ابن عبد الله أحمد مرسل الى كل من ضمت عليه الأباطح و ظني به أن سوف يبعث صادقا كما أرسل العبدان هود و صالح و موسى و ابراهيم حتى يرى له بهاء و منشور من الذكر واضح • And the son of Abdullah Ahmed will be sent to us, sent to everyone, • My opinion of him is that he will be Sent with the truth, just as two servants before him were sent with the truth: Hud and Salih, • And as was Sent Moses and Abraham until it will be seen under Muhammad, happiness that will spread from the Clear Gospel,
Zaid Ibn A’mr Ibn Nufayl أربا واحدا أم ألف رب أدين اذا تقسمت الأمور عزلت اللات و العزى جميعا كذلك يفعل الجلد الصبور • Shall I worship the One Lord or a thousand to address my many needs? • I have refrained from the false worship of Al-Laat and Al-Uzza as would any wise patient person do. • Our Habib prayed for Zaid and when asked by U’ Mar and others should we pray for Zaid, he responded: yes, ask Allah to Forgive Zaid. Zaid will be resurrected as his own Ummah by himself on the Day of Judgment. "فقال: نعم, فاستغفروا له, فانه يبعث أمة واحدة"
The Prayer Statement of Idolaters "لبيك, لا شريك لك الا شريك هو لك, تملكه و ما ملك" “He I am Allah, You have no partners, except those that are Your partners, and whom You possess along with their possessions.”
وَمَا يُؤۡمِنُ أَڪۡثَرُهُم بِٱللَّهِ إِلَّا وَهُم مُّشۡرِكُونَ Verse (12:106) - (sūrat yūsuf):Sahih International: And most of them believe not in Allah except while they associate others with Him. The only way they believe in Allah, is with Shirk on their tongues!
Aisha MAP teaches us that:"أول ما ابتدئ به رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم من النبوة حين أراد الله عز و جل كرامته و رحمة العباد به ألا يرى شيئا الا جاءت كفلق الصبح. فمكث على ذلك ما شاء الله عز و جل أن يمكث. و حبب الله عز و جل اليه الخلوة, فلم يكن شيئ أحب اليه من أن يخلو وحده." “The way Allah Commenced things with the Prophet PBOH in the beginning of his Prophethood is that Allah would Show him visions in his dreams. These visions would always come true. Then Allah Placed a love for seclusion in his heart. After that, nothing was dearer to him than living in seclusion.”
Our Habib would spend his time of seclusion within the Cave of Hira غار حراء. On his journeys to the outskirts of the City to perform seclusion, the stones and the trees greeted our Habib PBOH. This startled the Prophet and he would look around to see who was speaking to him and there would be no one there. He would hear:السلام عليك رسول اللهSalaam upon you, Messenger of Allah
“Jibriel came to me while I was sleeping and he had a silk cloth that had a book wrapped inside it. Then Jibriel said Iqra اقرأ to me (pronounce). I responded: pronounce what? He took the silk cloth from the book and wrapped it around my neck and I thought he was going to kill me. Then he stopped and looked at me again and said: Iqra اقرأ to me (pronounce) (4X). I continued to respond in this way so as to save myself from him and in hopes that he would stop. Then he recited the first five Verses of Surah A’laq to me. When he was done reciting them, he told me to recite them and I did. After I completed the recitation, he left. Then I awakened from my dream and it was as if though a Book had been written upon my heart!”
Our Habib had the encounter with two realms of reality: his dreams and then he would live the dream out in real life. After all, all of the dreams he had became true. The angle came to him in the cave while he was awake and the same events ensued.
How Does Inspiration Work? • True Visionالرؤيا الصادقة, our Habib was visited first by Jibriel in his dreams and was introduced to Inspiration. • Jibriel Gently BlowingInspiration into our Habib’s thoughts and heart PBOH ما كان يلقيه الملك في روعه و قلبه من غير أن يراه, we see the Prophet PBOH saying when he received Inspiration: "ان روح القدس نفث في روعي أنه لن تموت نفس حتى تستكمل رزقها" “The Holy Spiritcame to me with Inspiration and informed me that no soul shall die until it completely consumes its Blessings.”
How Does Inspiration Work? • Taking on the human form أنه كان يتمثل له الملك رجلا فيخاطبه, in these instances the companions could also see Jibriel. • In the form of Extremely Intense Bells كان يأتيه في مثل صلصلة الجرس, this form was the most taxing and painful to endure for our Habib PBOH. • Original formيرى الملك في صورته التي خلق عليها, as is noted in what he saw outside the Cave.
How Does Inspiration Work? Direct Inspiration from Allah ما أوحاه الله اليها و هو فوق السماوات ليلة المعراج, when he received the five Prayers.
Home Work • Q1 Discuss the following quotation regarding the House: “then the Earth was unraveled from the House.” • Q2 Discuss Does sin change the color and/or tone of a thing?
Home Work • Q3 Differentiate between the Qurashy poem and then their prayer statement while Circling the Ka’ Bah: Oh Allah I am one if I complete this, and whomever Allah completes, is completed. O Allah if You Forgive, Forgive this gathering, any who serves You is free of pain. AND “He I am Allah, You have no partners, except those that are Your partners, and whom You possess along with their possessions.”
Home Work • Q4 Discuss the Sirian Writing found in the rocks of the House: “I am Allah Owner of Bekkah. I created her the day I created the Heavens and the Earth. I constructed the sun and the moon. Then I protected them with seven (Haneef) devout angels. They will remain in their places so long as they continue to exist. Blessings upon their inhabitants: in all of their water and all of their milk.”
Home Work Q5 What is Islam’s theology regarding shooting stars? Is there any harm in getting your palm read just for kicks or reading your daily horoscope?
Home Work • Q6 Discuss Waraqa’s poem statements: And the son of Abdullah Ahmed will be sent to us, sent to everyone, My opinion of him is that he will be Sent with the truth, just as two servants before him were sent with the truth: Hud and Salih, And as was Sent Moses and Abraham until it will be seen under Muhammad, happiness that will spread from the Clear Gospel,
Home Work • Q7 Discuss why Zaid wasn’t persecuted and sought after for murder when he publicly preached against idolatry as our Habib did PBOH when he said: Shall I worship the One Lord or a thousand to address my many needs? I have refrained from the false worship of Al-Laat and Al-Uzza as would any wise patient person do.
Home Work • Q8. Discuss the habit of seclusion and differentiate between Ramadan seclusion and other forms. • Q9 Can our dreams be an aspect of Allah’s Inspiration to us as individuals, not prophets? • Q10 Discuss the various ways Allah Inspired our Habib.