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Name of presentation. C o mpany name. October Cybersecurity Month. Future Trends in Education and Technology Purdue Security Issues/Priorities. Scott Ksander Richard Katz video: The school of Athens or Mr. Fords Factory Gerry McCartney Educause student video winners for 2007.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Name of presentation Company name

  2. October Cybersecurity Month • Future Trends in Education and Technology • Purdue Security Issues/Priorities

  3. Scott Ksander • Richard Katz video: The school of Athens or Mr. Fords Factory • Gerry McCartney • Educause student video winners for 2007

  4. Gerry McCartney • McCartney has served as the university's top information technology administrator since July 2006. • From 1993 until 2004, McCartney served as associate dean and chief information officer at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School. • Education Background: • PhD Sociology and Anthropology from Purdue in 1996 • Received diplomas in advanced programming and systems analysis from Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, in 1982 and 1984, respectively. • He received his bachelor's and master's degrees in 1981 and 1982 from NUI Maynooth in Ireland.

  5. Educause Student Videos • Identity Theft for Criminals • Out in the Open • Short Film

  6. Stages of Security • Blissfully ignorant (20%) • Awareness (30%) • Corrective Action (40%) • Operational Excellence (10%)

  7. The Cost of Security • Blissfully ignorant (<3% of IT budget) • Awareness (4-6%) • Corrective Action (7-8%) • Operational Excellence (3-4%) Real progress on IT security will REDUCE IT security spending requirements!

  8. Purdue Security Priorities • Defend the Border • Absolute path blocking (port blocking) • Content-based path blocking (intrusion prevention) • Defend Critical Regions • Absolute • Conditional • Content-based • Machine-level Protection • Operating System patching • Application Program patching • Content change monitoring (tripwire) • Anti-Virus • Anti-Spyware/Anti-Adware/Anti-Malware

  9. Purdue Security Priorities • Authorized Personnel Only • Establish and maintain central credential • Network access credential control • Application access credential control

  10. Purdue Security Priorities • Policy/Procedures/Guidelines • University level • Boundaries for unit level operations • Interpretation and Consultation • Enforcement/Compliance • Incident Response • Response Exemplary • Investigation/Forensics • Identify Remediation • Post-incident reporting • Post-incident evaluation

  11. Purdue Security Priorities • Awareness and Education • Students • Staff • Faculty • Operational Units • Risk Identification and Remediation • Facilitated Risk Assessments • Self-conducted risk analysis tools

  12. Purdue Security Priorities • Defend the data • In transit • At rest • Monitoring/Logging/Review • Network • Machine-level • Application

  13. Purdue Security Priorities • Application of New Technologies • Defense technologies • Protection technologies • Credential technologies

  14. Stay Informed

  15. It Has Been a Great “Ride” • Pablo Malavenda – use, abuse, and risks of social networking • Chris Burgess, CISCO Chief Scientist – culture of security needed within organizations • George Heron, McAfee Chief Scientist – need to educate and empower users through awareness and security tools

  16. Questions Before Elvis Leaves The Building?

  17. Questions?? • As always, be careful out there.

  18. Credits: • Thanks to David Fry, John Holladay, and all the guys downstairs taping the program!! • Thanks to Gary, upstairs managing the sound, video, whatever we ask of him • ITNS staff who support and encourage each other: special thanks to Joanna Grama • Gifts from Microsoft, Dell, PEFCU, Dewpoint, Symantec, CERIAS, Awards Unlimited and Scott Ksander

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