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Buddhism. Buddhism. Started out as a philosophy Now considered a religion, but is “nontheistic” No central god or deity Founder: Siddhartha Gautama B. 563 B.C – D. 487 B.C. (80 years old) “The Buddha” – means “awakened” or “enlightened”. Background.

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  1. Buddhism

  2. Buddhism • Started out as a philosophy • Now considered a religion, but is “nontheistic” • No central god or deity • Founder: Siddhartha Gautama • B. 563 B.C – D. 487 B.C. (80 years old) • “The Buddha” – means “awakened” or “enlightened”

  3. Background • Born in region along India/Nepal border • Father was a raja (king) • “Seers” or astrologers predicted he was someone great but would reject his legacy • So…his father kept him sheltered in the palace • Marries, has son • Finally leaves palace and encounters realities of life as an adult

  4. The Great Renunciation • Encounters: poverty, old age, sickness, and death. • After meeting a holy man, he decides to start to try to find the meaning of life • Renounces royal title, all material belongings, left palace, wife and kids • Wanders around, experiences enlightenment and becomes “the Buddha.” Shares his teachings =Buddhism

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSPpRUkkxN0

  6. Buddha’s Teachings • The Four Noble Truths: • Life is subject to sorrow. • Sorrow is caused by our cravings or desires, which come from being ignorant. • Sorrow can be eliminated by eliminating cravings/desires. • The way to eliminate cravings/desires is to follow the Eightfold Path or “Middle Way.”

  7. Eightfold Path • Right views 5. Right Livelihood • Right intentions 6. Right effort • Right speech 7. Right mindfulness • Right action 8. Right concentration By following the Eightfold Path, the ultimate goal is to eliminate sorrow and achieve “nirvana” or true enlightenment.

  8. On a sheet of paper: • If everyone followed the 4 Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, would it bring and end to sorrow and suffering? Explain your opinion in a paragraph. • How is Hinduism similar to and different from Buddhism? Make a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting the 2 religions.

  9. A Venn Diagram • http://www.svsd.net/cms/lib5/PA01001234/Centricity/Domain/733/Venn%20Diagram%20budh%20and%20hindKEY.pdf • http://creately.com/diagram/example/ha2lr9kv2/Buddhism+vs.+Hinduism

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