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Race – biological descent – physical features Ethnicity – cultural heritage: religion, gender roles, language. Set the group apart. Common ancestry , appearance , cuisine , dressing style , heritage , history, language , dialect , religion, symbols, traditions. Ethnic Groups.
Race – biologicaldescent – physical features • Ethnicity – cultural heritage: religion, gender roles, language
Set the group apart • Commonancestry, appearance, cuisine, dressing style, heritage, history, language, dialect, religion, symbols, traditions
EthnicGroups • are artificial, based on a belief in their kinship or community. Community doesn’t create the group, the group creates the community. • Community doesn’t create the group, the group creates the community.
Situational, not perpetual /essential ? • Terms of membership get broadened or narrowed depending on what’s useful : • a toolused by politicalgroups to manipulateresourcessuch as wealth, power, territory or status in theirparticulargroups' interests
--groups emerge, change, and vanish • --external and internal labeling. • Tutsi/Hutudistinctionwascodified by the Belgiancolonial power in the 1930s on the basis of cattleownership, physicalmeasurements and churchrecords.
Etnocentrism • is the tendency to look at the world primarily from the perspective of one'sownculture, and to downgrade all othergroupsoutsideone’sownculture
Ethnicconflict: primordial • conflict in a deep sense of identity • ethnic conflicts arise when ancient hatreds are unleashed because certain authoritarian controls were removed. • causes outside the control group leaders and thus of third parties as well.
Instrumentalism • conflicts arising from policies pursued by groups who use group identity as a tool to mobilize people in pursuit of specific gains • Conflict may be fomented by elites who manipulate the symbols dear to their group and can stir resentment against other groups.
Instrumentalism • invoke hatred through propaganda, or they take covert actions to provoke violent reactions from their followers • group emotion does not usually combust spontaneously: it must be whipped up.
Instrumentalism • ethnic conflicts are less subject to unalterable forces and more contingent on the action of elites and individual leaders
Ethnic nationalism • Idea that ethnicgroupscan be identifiedunambiguously, and that eachsuch group is entitled to self-determination. • self-regulatedadministrative bodieswithin an already-establishedsociety • autonomousentity separate from that society • a sovereignstateremoved from that society