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DOs and DON‘Ts playing DOORS seriously

DOs and DON‘Ts playing DOORS seriously. Dr. Bernd GRAHLMANN Bernd@Grahlmann.net www.grahlmann.net +33 (0) 6 82 86 68 03. Today: Independent Requirements Management and DOORS consultant / trainer

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DOs and DON‘Ts playing DOORS seriously

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  1. DOs and DON‘Ts playing DOORS seriously Dr. Bernd GRAHLMANN Bernd@Grahlmann.net www.grahlmann.net +33 (0) 6 82 86 68 03

  2. Today: Independent Requirements Management and DOORS consultant / trainer Last 3 years: Global manager for Requirements Management (in particular, DOORS) for GE Medical Systems (involving about 2000 engineers worldwide, cross modalities). Before: Ph. D. + 6 years project manager (software development: 500 kloc, 30 programmers) Company with a considerable engineering percentage Opportunities for improvements in the area of requirements management Open for or (better) already committed to DOORS Want to implement / roll out fast and avoid pitfalls Don’t want to waste resources, money, time, … My experiences /Your situation My experiences / Your situation • Today: Independent Requirements Management and DOORS consultant / trainer • Last 3 years: Global manager for Requirements Management (in particular, DOORS) for GE Medical Systems (involving about 2000 engineers worldwide, cross modalities). • Before: Ph. D. + 6 years project manager (software development: 500 kloc, 30 programmers) • Company with a considerable engineering percentage • Opportunities for improvements in the area of requirements management • Open for or (better) already committed to DOORS • Want to implement / roll out fast and avoid pitfalls • Don’t want to waste resources, money, time, … © Bernd@Grahlmann.net

  3. Overview • Intro + situation • DOORS related tasks • Infrastructure (server, client, integrations) • Training / consultancy / communications • Coaching / champions • Measuring / piloting / reporting • Profiting from others • Summary / Questions © Bernd@Grahlmann.net

  4. DOORS help desk: Telelogic follow-up Maintaining FAQ and problem DB DOORS IT: DOORS/DOORSNet server installs / upgrades / tests / backup / restore / trouble shooting Provide client installs Test new versions Maintaining internal web site (see slide) Training (material, organization, giving, … - see slide) Process, guidelines, templates (see slide) Administration User DB with training and version status Licenses, maintenance, contract, … Budget, financing, … (for FDA, FAA, CMM, …): DOORS validation DOORS & integrations development: DXL development Telelogic or 3rd party development DOORS evangelist DOORS related tasks © Bernd@Grahlmann.net

  5. Infrastructure (server) • One server / multiple servers: • How is your company organized (distributed or local, collaborating or separated projects)? • Single- or multi-site licenses? • Network speed? • Working hours? • Workload, space requirements, …? • Political issues? • Separate test server? • Separate DOORSNet server? • Simultaneous upgrade issues? • Server architecture: • Unix (Sun) or Windows or (in the future) CITRIX? • Failback approach? • Mirrored disks (backup)? • Separate (redundant) license server? • Write detailed guidelines for installation, upgrade, trouble shooting, backup, restore, shut-down, …! © Bernd@Grahlmann.net

  6. Infrastructure (clients) • Out-of-the-box Telelogic install or own install? • How often do you intend to upgrade? • How many users? • How many different OS versions (95/98/2000/NT/XP, English, Japanese, German, …)? • User qualification? • Company / personal DXL scripts? • DOORS invocation scripts? • DOORS training DB and/or DOORS templates/guidelines? • DB of DOORS client installations? • DNS? • Thin or thick client? • Remove (part of) license utility? • Test, test, test! • Write detailed guidelines for install, upgrade, launch, …! © Bernd@Grahlmann.net

  7. Infrastructure (integrations) • DOORS is only one part of the puzzle! • Interface with configuration management • Interface with defect tracking • Interface with modeling tools • Embedded in Product Data Management (e.g. eMatrix): • Opportunities: • Traceability among all product related data • Web-view on baselines • … • Issues: • Permissions • 1-1 DOORS (project->folder->project->module->object) to eMatrix translation is needed • Handling of DOORS attributes • Update of published information after update/deletion in DOORS © Bernd@Grahlmann.net

  8. Training (pre work) • Develop templates and guidelines • Templates (with sections, standard text, attributes and attribute types, views, link set up, help, guiding, …) for: • user requirements • system requirements • subsystem requirements • various test plans/results • use cases • … • Guidelines including: • Contacts • Scope and traceability overview • Standards • New project set-up • Document life-cycle • Module templates • Various tasks in more detail © Bernd@Grahlmann.net

  9. Training • Requirements management and thus DOORS are not simple / not everyone is an expert => engineers need to be trained well !!!(in addition, training may be an FDA, … requirement) • Perfect world: • Customized trainings (integrate templates & guidelines, skip unnecessary, adapt everything, own examples/exercises, …) • Professional trainer • DOORS expert • Expert for all aspects of your company / area • Different trainings: • Overview (2-3 hours) • DOORS for testers (0,5 – 1 day) • General (2 days, may be split in two parts) • Project workshops (3-5 days) • Expert trainings (short sessions on individual topics or 2-5 days) • Train-the-trainer (3-5 days) © Bernd@Grahlmann.net

  10. Traceability: Guidelines - Training • Training curriculum based on DOORS guidelines ensured by links between both DOORS modules. • Training uses specific tasks from the guidelines as examples. © Bernd@Grahlmann.net

  11. Other ‘training’ possibilities • Best practices workshops • Great internal experience exchange • Encourages all to work a bit more / better • Team building • Nice event / conference character • ‘sponsor’ and time/energy needed • Regular T-confs to spread news and discuss specific topics (like partition/rejoin, migration, printing to PDF, user administration, permission set-up, managing multiple products with mulitple releases in one module,…) • Expert building • Open DOORS to newcomers • Team building • … • Time/energy needed (lots of testing, documenting, …) © Bernd@Grahlmann.net

  12. Example of Best Practices WS © Bernd@Grahlmann.net

  13. Internal DOORS website • Great communication mechanism! • Information on: • News • Company DOORS strategy • Company DOORS client/server architecture • DOORS client install guidelines (with downloads) • FAQ • Training (plan, slides, contact) • Templates / Guidelines • Demos • DOORSNet overview, guideline and link • Online help • Admin corner • DOORS purchase / contract / licenses … • DOORS add-ons • White papers © Bernd@Grahlmann.net

  14. Coaching / validation • Continuous coaching and validation are important: • Provide instant help for simple problems • Provide quick help for medium problems • Contact expert and follow-up for tricky problems • Provide general ‘get started’ help • Quick routine checks (general structure, permissions, …) to catch standard errors / problems • Regular more detailed one-on-one checks (detailed structure, link set-up, OLEs, attributes, views, analyses, detailed permissions, DOORSNet publishing, baselines, deleted objects, printing, …) • Real internal audits © Bernd@Grahlmann.net

  15. Mgr with direct &indirectinfluence Europe Mgr core teamwith influence US poles, modalities,programs, …champions withinfluence teams writingrequirements, validation &verification Asia Possible DOORS team structure © Bernd@Grahlmann.net

  16. Measuring / piloting / reporting You need internal buy-in: • Measuring • (If at all possible) spend time on measuring • Discuss, identify, document and get accepted measures • Measure projects done in the ‘old-fashioned’ way • Continuously measure projects done in the ‘new’ way • Piloting • (If at all possible) test the developed templates / guidelines on one or more pilot projects first • Use pilots to improve • Use pilots to measure / document success in order to have a strong communication argument • Reporting • Provide short weekly reports on progress, news, links and (from time to time) issues • Creates ‘being established as standard’, awareness, contacts, … • Provide either regular (e.g. quarterly) or occasion-based longer reports (in particular to upper management) © Bernd@Grahlmann.net

  17. Profit from others !!! Doing everything on your own is expensive and almost impossible => • User conferences (great opportunities, meet others, learn from them, establish contacts, meet the developers, project manager, discuss your issues) – if possible also go to the US UGC • (if you qualify) Wolfpack meetings (get insights, first hand infos, best contacts, you’ll be better informed than Telelogic sales team ;-) • Webinars (in particular, on specific topics, for free, with questions session, …) • Telelogic web site: • White papers (less interactive, but often very much worth the time, for free) • Automate (monthly newsletter) • UGC presentations • Special interest groups • DXL discussion forums • Demos • Help, known bugs, … • Community network © Bernd@Grahlmann.net

  18. DOORS is a great tool! But, requirements management (in particular) in big, distributed (maybe, multi-national) companies is not easy. Avoid pitfalls, implement it the right way and your company will benefit big times. Do not hesitate to contact me on details, trainings, consultancy: Bernd@Grahlmann.net www.grahlmann.net +33 (0) 6 82 86 68 03 Summary / Questions Summary / Questions • DOORS is a great tool! • But, requirements management (in particular) in big, distributed (maybe, multi-national) companies is not easy. • Avoid pitfalls, implement it the right way and your company will benefit big times. • Do not hesitate to contact me on details, trainings, consultancy: Bernd@Grahlmann.net www.grahlmann.net +33 (0) 6 82 86 68 03 • Intro + situation • DOORS related tasks • Infrastructure • Training • Coaching / champions • Measuring / piloting / reporting • Profiting from others • Intro + situation • DOORS related tasks • Infrastructure • Training • Coaching / champions • Measuring / piloting / reporting • Profiting from others © Bernd@Grahlmann.net

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