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WP2 Labour input in the National Account: Italy

WP2 Labour input in the National Account: Italy. Consortium meeting Helsinki 9-11 June 2005. Labour input estimates in compliance with ESA95. The overall volume of labour input within the national accounts framework includes different registered and unregistered types of employment.

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WP2 Labour input in the National Account: Italy

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  1. WP2 Labour input in the National Account: Italy Consortium meeting Helsinki 9-11 June 2005

  2. Labour input estimates in compliance with ESA95 The overall volume of labour input within the national accounts framework includes different registered and unregistered types of employment. The concept of registered and unregistered employment is closely linked to the one of observed and non-observed productive activities included within the production boundaries of ESA95. Moreover, the labour input estimates are coherent with the recommendations of the Exhaustiveness criterion (European Commission decision of February 1994)

  3. The exhaustiveness criterion Commission decision of 22 February 1994 Definition - Article 2 GNP and GDP estimates are exhaustive when they cover not only production, primary income and expenditure which are directly observed in statistical surveys or administrative files, but include production, primary income and expenditure which are not directly observed

  4. Measures of labour input in NA • Domestic workers • Jobs • Full-time equivalent units • Hours actually worked

  5. Measures of labour input associated to each sources of information (1/2) Workers employed Households surveys (LFS, Multipurpose Survey, Census of population), registered and part of unregistered workers Jobs Enterprises surveys (Istat business survey, ASIA business register), registered jobs (Social Security data base). Full-time equivalent units Full-time jobs plus part-time jobs transformed in full-time using coefficients that take into accounts hours worked.

  6. Measures of labour input associated to each sources of information (2/2) Hours worked Households surveys, hours actually worked and normal hours as declared by the interviewed in the main as in the secondary jobs (registered and unregistered) Enterprises surveys, hours actually worked in registered jobs (both main and secondary) as declared by enterprises

  7. Problems connected with the hours worked measure • Lack of complete information regarding hours actually worked • Difficulties concern the possibility of distinguishing the labour input among the different skills (such as qualification, level of education or position on the job) due to the lack of detailed and coherent statistical sources, even on the corresponding remunerations

  8. Compensation of employees: main data sources • In the NA framework, compensation of employees are coherent with jobs, Full Time Equivalent units and hours actually worked • Main sources: business surveys and social security data base

  9. Type of employment by professional status

  10. What has been done to estimate adjusted labour input growth rate • To use full-time equivalent units as measure of labour input • To qualify labour input by industry in terms of: 1) the professional qualification of registered employees (managers, blue collars, white collars and apprentices) 2) unregistered employees 3) registered and unregistered self-employed

  11. Classification of labour input

  12. Classification of labour compensation Compensation of employees for job position (managers,white collar, blue collar, apprentices) Registered employees Unregistered employees Wages and salaries of employees Self-employed workers Compensation of employees

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