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But what is IQ exactly? How should we decipher what IQ stands for? And what do IQ tests actually measure?
What IQ Stands For And What It Actually Measures For centuries, scientists have been trying to identify and measure what factors make some people more successful in life than the others? Today it’s widely accepted that one of major predictors of a person’s success is their intelligence orIQ. But what is IQ exactly? How should we decipher what IQ stands for? And what do IQ tests actuallymeasure? We’re going to break down how IQ works and what standardized tests are actuallymeasuring. What Is IQ ShortFor?
IQ stands for for intelligence quotient. It was first coined by William Stern back in 1912. Stern was a German psychologist interested in the field of humanintelligence. Before Stern, there was no standardized measure of cognitive ability. But Stern believed in a form of generalized intelligence that could be accurately measured under the rightcircumstances. It was from Stern’s theory of generalized intelligence that the first IQ tests were born. But what do these tests actuallymeasure? What Do IQ TestsMeasure? It’s not how smart you are, but how are yousmart. — Jim Kwik, Author of Mindvalley’sSuperbrainProgram It’s a common misconception that IQ tests measure intelligence. Or rather, that they’re the most accurate measure ofintelligence. So, what is intelligence, anyway? There are many competing theories on the different types of intelligence we possess. And IQ tests measure very specific forms ofintelligence. Two of the most common forms of intelligence tests are the WechslerAdult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) test and the Raven’s Progressive Matrices (RPM)test. Different IQ tests have different types of questions. The ones taken during job applications are different from the ones students take when enrolling inuniversity. However, they all have one thing in common: they are standardized. An IQ testcan, therefore, measure the capacity of a three specific types ofintelligence.
Verbal Intelligence As the name implies, verbal intelligence is the intelligence of language. It helps us identify patterns between words and to use language to communicate more effectively. Those with verbal or linguistic intelligence enjoy reading and writing. They are skilled with word puzzles and have the ability to quickly learn newlanguages. Logical/MathematicalIntelligence Logical/Mathematical intelligencecomes from the capacity to form logical relationships and use deductive reasoning. Individuals with this form of intelligence are rational, objective, strategic, organized, andanalytical. SpatialIntelligence
According to an American developmental psychologist Howard Gardner,spatial intelligenceis the intelligence of visual thinking. With the help ofspatial intelligence, we’re able to manipulate three dimensional objects in our mindseye. Those with spatial intelligence are excellent navigators. They are keen to notice fine details and pick up on subtle patterns withease. What Is The IQ Of An AveragePerson? The average person has an IQ score between 85 and 115. Only a little more than 2% of the population scores higher than 130 or below70. How Is IQCalculated? Your intelligence quotient is calculated by two important factors: the number of correct answers you provide on the test, and the length of time it takes you to arrive at thoseanswers. That’s right: an IQ test measures not only whether your answer is correct, but how long it took you to answer thequestion. The median score on a standardized IQ test is 100. When assembled together, the scores follow a bell curve, which peaks in the middle where the greatest concentration of similar scoresare. Scores then range up or down by 15 IQ points, which is called a standarddeviation.
What Is An IQLevel? We know that IQ stands for intelligence quotient. But what is an intelligence quotient and how do IQ levelswork? An IQ level is the range of the score a person can have. If you possess an IQ of 125 points, you likely have an above average intellect. If you fall within the upper 2% of highly gifted individuals, you’re eligible to join the genius’ club – Mensasociety. And while understanding what IQ stands for and how the intelligence quotient works is important, it’s also important to keep something else inmind: There are many new theories that have begun to emerge in the field of human intelligence. It’s become widely acknowledged that the standardized IQ test is limited in theircapacity. The IQ test can measure only a few forms of intelligence. But today, there are scientists who suggest we actually posses up to nine different types ofintelligence.
The bottom line is: everyone possesses their own special gifts and abilities. Don’t judge yourself or another on how well you score on an IQ test. Your brain is an incredible machine, and capable of learning and developing more than yourealize!