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H680 我們聚集在祢墓的四圍 AROUND THY GRAVE, LORD JESUS (1/4). 主耶穌,我們聚集在祢墓的四圍, Around Thy grave, Lord Jesus, In spirit here we stand, 口中歌唱心歡喜,見證祢的作為; With hearts all full of praises to keep Thy blest command; 我們用信來跟隨,追 蹤 祢 的道路, Our souls by faith rejoicing, To trace Thy path of love,
H680我們聚集在祢墓的四圍 AROUND THY GRAVE, LORD JESUS(1/4) 主耶穌,我們聚集在祢墓的四圍, Around Thy grave, Lord Jesus, In spirit here we stand, 口中歌唱心歡喜,見證祢的作為; With hearts all full of praises to keep Thy blest command; 我們用信來跟隨,追蹤祢的道路, Our souls by faith rejoicing, To trace Thy path of love, 藉這莊嚴奧妙水,進入祢的工夫。 Down through death's angry billows, Up to the throne, above.
H680 (節2/4, 頁1/1) 主耶穌,我們記念祢魂中的苦難, Lord Jesus! we remember the travail of Thy soul, 因向我施恩典,曾被波浪沖漫; When through Thy love's deep pity, The waves did o'er Thee roll; 為我,祢浸死水中,為我,祢曾流血, Baptized in death’s dark waters, For us Thy blood was shed; 為我,祢曾離天庭,為我,祢曾命絕。 For us Thou, Lord of Glory, Wast numbered with the dead.
H680 (節3/4, 頁1/1) 哦,主,祢今已復活,黑暗已成往事, O Lord!Thou now art risen, Thy travail all is o'er; 現今祢已登寶座,活著,永不再死; For sin Thou once hast suffered, Thou liv'st to die no more; 罪、死、陰府祢毀盡,我也同祢得勝, Sin, death and hell are vanquished by Thee, the Church's head; 因祢是我的生命,我是坐享其成。 And lo!we share Thy triumphs, Thou first-born from the dead.
H680 (節4/4, 頁1/1) 我今受浸歸祢死!承認與祢同釘, Unto Thy death baptized, We own with Thee we died; 我也與祢同復活,與祢榮耀有分; With Thee, our Life, we're risen, And shall be glorified. 撒但、世界和罪惡,今都不能摸我, From sin, the world, and Satan, We're ransomed by Thy blood, 我今同祢作旅客,同祢為神生活。 And here would walk as strangers, Alive with Thee to go.