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Trilepton searches in p11.12 data. Search for eee, eeμ, eμμ, μμμ, and eventually more leptons. Characteristics of the input dataset. Dataset p11.12.01 streamed by TOP Group: http://www-clued0.fnal.gov/~golling/top_dqm/processing_status.html
Trilepton searches in p11.12 data Search for eee, eeμ, eμμ, μμμ, and eventually more leptons. Anne-Marie Magnan---ISN Grenoble
Characteristics of the input dataset • Dataset p11.12.01 streamed by TOP Group: http://www-clued0.fnal.gov/~golling/top_dqm/processing_status.html - DiEM selection : 2 EM particles with pt > 12 GeV and |id| = 10 or 11. - DiMUON selection : 2 μ with pt > 2 GeV and whits_a 2whits_bc 2 shits_a 1 shits_bc 1. - EM + μ selection : one EM particle with pt > 10 GeVand one μ with pt > 2 GeV. • Runs 155554 to 165775, from 1st June 2002 to 8th Oct 2002. • Bad muons runs removed, bad SMT and CFT also. • Luminosity : 3.57 pb-1 for EM_MX. Anne-Marie Magnan---ISN Grenoble
Further selection • Use of MuoCandidate and EmCandidate classes Certified Objects. • Analyze performed with certified cuts : • for muons: in GetMuoCandidate Class : MuoCandidate::All, doCalTracking = false, CutCosmics = true, selection of mediumquality μ, and |timeBC(µ) – timeA(µ)| < 10. • for EM objects: EM fraction > 0.9, Isolation < 0.15, HMatrix < 100, removed EM objects in phi cracks. Anne-Marie Magnan---ISN Grenoble
Some more cuts • At least 3 leptons: Anne-Marie Magnan---ISN Grenoble
Characteristics of eee sample • 1st electron: 0are matched, • 2nd electron: 3 are matched with - sign, • 3rd electron: 1is matched with + sign. new cuts : distance between electrons > 0.7 and at least one track match. Remains 2 events with 3 electrons. Anne-Marie Magnan---ISN Grenoble
C : central F:forward L : local Remaining events corrected certified Anne-Marie Magnan---ISN Grenoble
µµµ : ?? • low PT, • 2 µ are close, • MET = 19 GeV, • Mµ2µ3=5.6 GeV, • JΨ ?? • e : 21 GeV • υe : MET = 35 GeV • Mµ+µ-= 77 GeV Jets faking electrons eυe µ+µ- Possible interpretation of the events • eee : • 1st event : Z γ e+e- γ • 2nd event : Z e+e- e+e- γ • eµµ : • Z W ! Anne-Marie Magnan---ISN Grenoble
Lego view of eee event 2 Run 164 537 Event 42 768 888 e1= γ e3= e+ jet MET=16 GeV + PT (jet)= 37 GeV e2= e- Anne-Marie Magnan---ISN Grenoble
XY view of eee event 2 jet e2= e- e3= e+ e1= γ Anne-Marie Magnan---ISN Grenoble
Perspectives • Switch to the Thumbnails, to analyze p13 data, • Add Monte-Carlo simulation, to study the instrumental and physic background, • Add trigger requirement and study efficiency with trigger simulation, • Searches for dilepton + jets. Anne-Marie Magnan---ISN Grenoble