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About Us. What lasting educational benefits can be created by mega events?. Winter Olympics. Summer Olympics. Commonwealth Games. Other Events. FIFA World Cups. About us.
About Us What lasting educational benefits can be created by mega events? Winter Olympics Summer Olympics Commonwealth Games Other Events FIFA World Cups
About us • CfBT – One of the world’s largest Education Trusts, CfBT provide education for public benefit in the UK and internationally. We support educational reform, teach, advise, research and train • Skyblue – An innovative research, evaluation and creative organisation offering solutions to a variety of different challenges, with extensive experience in the skills and education sectors.
The Project We noticed that while legacy planning for mega events is an increasingly major part of the process, explicit planning of an education legacy is rarely part of strategic thinking. We believe that mega events can catalyse and inspire innovative projects which have lasting education benefits, and we hope through this project to bring those benefits to the forefront of current thinking.
London 2012 Athens 2004 Summer Olympics Atlanta 1996 Beijing 2008 Barcelona 1992 Rio de Janeiro 2016 Sydney 2000
Lillehammer 1994 Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics Nagano 1998 Albertville 1992 Salt Lake City 2002 Turin 2006 Sochi 2014
Manchester 2002 Glasgow 2014 Kuala Lumpur 1998 Commonwealth Games Victoria 1994 Delhi 2010 Melbourne 2006
England 2018 Germany 2006 France 1998 FIFA World Cups Japan/South Korea 2002 USA 1994 Brazil 2014 South Africa 2010 Other Legacies
Paralympic World Cup Nanjing Youth Olympics 2014 Other Events Singapore Youth Olympics 2010 Legacy lives reports 2007/10
Barcelona 1992 Little evidence of formal educational legacy planning In volunteer recruitment, elected to seek out volunteers already possessing the skills required rather than embarking on a large training programme
Atlanta 1996 Aim: “to motivate the youth of Georgia to strive for excellence in all areas of their lives by promoting participation in academic, cultural, and sports development projects” Some sign of follow-up on some key projects (eg NJTEP) but no formal measurement of impact Key Projects: Neighborhood Job Training and Employment Program (NJTEP) – employability training for the construction industry. Host Broadcast Training Program provided broadcasting experience for 900 students. Olympic Day in the Schools: Curriculum programme including teacher seminars, classroom resources, city-wide competitions, academic and athletic competitions
Sydney 2000 No stated educational aims; aim to improve customer service skills of workforce No formal top-level evaluation Key Projects: Welcoming the World – Customer Service training programme for 50,000 people carried out by TAFE NSW
Athens 2004 Aim of Youth Camp: “Encouraging the young people who participated to become the next generation of participants in the Olympic games, enriching this effort with an attitude that promotes balance between mind and body” No measurement of impact or lasting legacies. Key Project: Youth Camp – 414 students from 182 Countries. 4 week programme combining official sports with historical visits.
Beijing 2008 Aim to “Carry out Olympic education among teenagers, advocate the Olympic spirit, widespread Olympic knowledge and promote physical training of school children” Olympic Games Impact (OGI) Study first carried out in Beijing, still waiting for results – final report due 2010 Key project: ‘Heart-to-Heart Programme’ – Partner 200 schools in Beijing with 205 schools from National Olympic Committee’s in other Countries. Communication between the 2, along with chance to support athletes in competition in Olympics. ‘Model Schools’ – 500 schools to include 2 hours ‘Olympic Education’ into curriculum a month, involving 400 million young people
London 2012 Aim: “Enhancing young people's learning right across the curriculum - through sport, culture and education" Implicit – Charity ‘v’ aims to get additional 500,000 young people involved in volunteering activities in next 3 years. Lasting legacy – Scholarship scheme for young athletes runs between August 2012 and July 2013 Key project: ‘Get set’ – official educational programme for London 2012 – Online resource network for schools and colleges.
Rio de Janeiro 2016 Aim to: “Promote sport and healthy lifestyles, tailored to different age groups and target audiences“ OGI Study Olympic Training Centre (OTC) Scholarships – offers up to 11,000 young athletes, who are not privately sponsored funding between now and 2018. Programa Segundo Tempo (PST) – aims to increase sport participation in schools from 1 million children to 3 million ‘Mais Educacao’ – ‘More Education’ – Investment of $400 million for funding of sports in public schools
Albertville 1992 • No common aims or evidence of measuring the games • Lasting legacy: An educational project which brought together COJO, the National Education department and the Grand Arc sixth form college, which enabled 25 young technical students (17 to 19 years old) to receive training in refrigeration and air-conditioning and in the different professions concerned with ice maintenance, especially the preparation of the ice surface.
Lillehammer 1994 • Aim of basic training to “create positive spin off effects both in the Olympic region and nationally” • Key project: Basic training programme – 10,829 people participated from 34 companies and 9,935 volunteer and employees also participated. In total 23,000 people took part between 1991 and 1993.
Nagano 1998 • Aim of ‘One School. One Country’ – “giving school children a chance to deepen their international understanding” • Lasting legacy: from ‘One School One Country’, ‘Children’s International Exchange Fund’ was set up to encourage international educational development throughout world. Mayor of Salt Lake City pledged to continue programme. • Key project: ‘One School. One Country’ – 76 schools in Nagano paired with participating country schools – to promote cultural awareness and international education, through studying other Countries culture and history.
Salt Lake City 2002 • Aim of education function: “to provide an Olympic-related experiences for more than 600,000 Utah students in kindergarten through 12th grade” • Key projects: ‘One School. One Country’ – same as Nagano, piloted in Salt Lake City 1998-99 and launched state wide 1999-2000 • REACH – a book distributed to all teachers from kindergarten through 6th grade about Olympic education and written by Salt Lake City Olympic Committee education. Alongside a website with online teaching resources (http://www.uen.org/2002) which is no longer available.
Turin 2006 • Aim: “Promoting a healthy sports culture, spreading awareness of the value of Olympism, and generating interest and enthusiasm among youth for the Olympic games through active commitment and direct involvement” • Lasting legacies – Website created - www.kidsvillage.torino2006.org but no longer available after games. • Key project: 5 Olympic Rings; Red – sports and culture; Green – sport and environment; Yellow – sport science and technology; Blue – sport and health education; Black – sport and human rights/multiculturalism
Vancouver 2010 • Aim to: “Develop Olympic themed learning resources to teach students about basic money management concepts such as sharing, saving and spending” • PALS (Parents As Literacy Supporters) – 5 year study by professor Jim Anderson from University of British Columbia on effectiveness of programme • Action Schools! – 17 month physical activity pilot study on grades 4 -7 – results – participants more active, contributing to overall health • Lasting legacy – ‘National Paralympic School Week’ – across whole of British Columbia to raise awareness of issue. • E-legacies – provide post learning experience for students, until 2012 • Key project Canadian Olympic School Programme – Online educational resource centre for students and teachers
Sochi 2014 • Aim to: “Uncover, communicate and share the rich cultural history of the Olympic games with the people of the world” • ‘Dream Programme’ (Sochi youth camp) launched in 2004 and ran every year since, ‘New Dream Programme’ to launch in 2011, no evidence as to whether it will or won’t continue after the games. • The programme gives those with little or no access to winter sports an opportunity to experience it.
Victoria 1994 • No mention of aims or measurement of impact. • Lasting legacy in Geelong in 2006 as the neighbourhood renewal has “generated new jobs at the Rosewall training café, places for 60 kids in an after school activities program, and improvements to 190 homes in the last year alone”
Kuala Lumpur 1998 • No documentation for this report at all.
Manchester 2002 • “Provide an opportunity for school children and teachers to study a major sporting event” • Positive resulting legacies for “business, tourism, health, education, arts, volunteering and young people” • Key Project: ‘Passport 2K’ – out of school hours activities for young people aged 11-18 across North-West with 13,500 people getting involved, given further opportunity to train and volunteer in local communities. • The Commonwealth Curriculum Pack – online teaching and learning facilities – one year on 2003 DVD produced. Lasting legacy.
Melbourne 2006 • 3 main aims: “learn – about commonwealth, link – teachers and students with schools elsewhere in commonwealth and participate in games and similar sporting activities” • Legacies from educational benefits – “because of the increased educational focus on other Commonwealth countries and on our own indigenous community” • Education programme – online resource, however, no longer available except for home page.
Delhi 2010 • “Every school, institution, college and university is expected to promote not only excellence in academics but promote sports from the junior-most class, so that a sports culture is in-built into each and every Indian child and youth” • Making Physical Education compulsory up to secondary school level – meaning more integrated with education curriculum. • National Fitness Programme will be introduced in all Schools in the country. Specialised sports schools may also be set up.
Glasgow 2014 • “Education is being interpreted in its widest sense, as both formal and informal, and is envisaged as contributing not only to a programme within Glasgow and Scotland but also for other Commonwealth countries.” • Ongoing monitoring until 2019 when results can be viewed – conduct data on success levels as well as research • Commonwealth links – “every local authority and school across Scotland will be encouraged to establish and maintain links with schools and teams across the Commonwealth before, during and after the 2014 games” • Working alongside London 2012 ‘get set’ – online resource aimed at children and young people aged between 3-19
USA 1994 • No documentation for this report at all.
France 1998 • No documentation for this report at all.
Japan / South Korea 2002 • No documentation for this report at all.
Germany 2006 • “Talent 2006 – the FIFA world cup at school” – mainly targeted at school children and young people. • No evidence of measurement of impact, or of lasting legacies.
South Africa 2010 • 1Goal – ten pledges to be achieved by 2015, 4 for rich countries, 4 for poor and 2 for all. • Programme aims “all children should have good quality education, girls have the same chance as boys and number of adults unable to read or write should be halved” • Celebrities and world leaders supporting programme, including; ChristianoRonaldo; Gary Lineker; Jessica Alba; Bono; Hillary Clinton; Jacob Zuma and ZeppBlatter (FIFA president). • 164 governments supported Education for All in 2000, and 1Goal is programme from this using South Africa World Cup to help boost the projects profile.
Brazil 2014 • No documentation for this report at all.
England 2018 • The David Beckham Academy – “to motivate, educate and inspire youngsters to lead healthy and active lifestyles” • Programme will produce a ‘life skills project’ every year between 2012 and 2017. • Uses David Beckham as a role model to lead programme
Other Legacies • ‘Football for hope’ aims to: “increase understanding of the issue for both kids and parents and safeguard children's rights. And it is the right of participation” • Combining education with disadvantaged children – aim “to create 20 football for hope centres in 2010 to promote public health, education and football across disadvantaged communities in Africa • Emphasis upon helping the disadvantaged rather than everyone.
Singapore Youth Olympics 2010 • A common aim of ‘friendship’ in; “for athletes to embrace, embody and express the Olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect” and "learn valuable lessons from lifelong friendships and make a positive difference to the community“ • Lasting legacy – Singapore Olympic Scholarships - award 6 scholarships every year of Youth Olympic games- 1 for each 5 continents in the world and 1 for Singapore • Key Project – CEP – ‘Culture Education Programme’ – lots of activities and resources throughout Games for students, including Olympic Education Programme.
Nanjing Youth Olympics 2014 • Target outcome of education programme “to arouse the interest to communicate with one another and integrate themselves with Olympic culture” • Lasting legacy seen slightly through ‘sports for all programme’ whereby goal is for “each student to acquire at least 2 sports that will be practised throughout their lives”
Paralympic World Cup • Aim: "generate passion and interest in the Para-Olympic sport and to inspire the involvement of youngsters both in the North west region and nationally“ • Lots of activities and online resources for schools and pupils Click image for more information
Legacy Lives Reports 2007/10 • Key definition of ‘legacy’ - "ensuring as many long term benefits are generated for the host city, region and nation- well before, during and long after the event" • IOC outlines the OGI Study – to measure socio-culture, environmental and economic factors on host city common goal to “promote positive legacy” • eventIMPACT – online toolkit, resources and advice to help measure and evaluate smaller events, however, doesn’t include mega events such as Olympics and world cups.