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Systems Logic for Sustained Large Scale Implementation

Systems Logic for Sustained Large Scale Implementation. George Sugai National Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports UConn Center for Behavioral Education & Research January 14, 2009 www.pbis.org www.cber.org. PURPOSE

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Systems Logic for Sustained Large Scale Implementation

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  1. Systems Logic for Sustained Large Scale Implementation George Sugai National Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports UConn Center for Behavioral Education & Research January 14, 2009 www.pbis.org www.cber.org

  2. PURPOSE Brief overview of our systems logic for sustained large-scale implementation • What are PBIS Center & SWPBS? • What are we doing? • How do we approach systemic implementation of scientifically-based practice? • What does it look like?

  3. www.pbis.org

  4. www.scalingup.org

  5. www.CBER.org

  6. Implementation Challenges

  7. SWPBS Logic! Successful individual student behavior support is linked to host environments or school climates that are effective, efficient, relevant, & durable for all students (Zins & Ponti, 1990)

  8. 1985

  9. SWPBS is approach for….

  10. Evidence-based Investments to Prevent Youth Violence • Surgeon General’s Report on Youth Violence (2001) • Coordinated Social Emotional & Learning (Greenberg et al., 2003) • Center for Study & Prevention of Violence (2006) • White House Conference on School Violence (2006) • Positive, predictable school-wide climate • High rates of academic & social success • Formal social skills instruction • Positive active supervision & reinforcement • Positive adult role models • Multi-component, multi-year school-family-community effort

  11. Behaviorism Laws of Behavior SWPBS Conceptual Foundations ABA Applied Behavioral Technology PBS Social Validity SWPBS IDEA: Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports All Students

  12. Integrated Elements Supporting Social Competence & Academic Achievement OUTCOMES Supporting Decision Making Supporting Staff Behavior DATA SYSTEMS PRACTICES Supporting Student Behavior

  13. Evidence-based SWPBS Practices School-wide Classroom Family Non-classroom • Smallest # • Evidence-based • Biggest, durable effect Student

  14. Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE INSTRUCTIONAL & POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT FEW ~5% Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior ~15% SOME Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings ALL ~80% of Students

  15. National ODR/ISS/OSS July 2008 100,000 schools ~ 45,000,000 ODRs

  16. July 2, 2008 ODR rates vary by level

  17. July 2, 2008

  18. Pre Post

  19. 05% 20% 11% 22% 84% 58%

  20. RTI Continuum of Support for ALL Few Some All Dec 7, 2007

  21. 2008

  22. Response to Intervention RtI

  23. Evaluation Criteria

  24. Quotable Fixsen “Policy is allocation of limited resources for unlimited needs • Opportunity, not guarantee, for good action” “Training does not predict action” • “Manualized treatments have created overly rigid & rapid applications”

  25. Team GENERAL IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS Agreements Data-based Action Plan Evaluation Implementation

  26. PBS Systems Implementation Logic Visibility PBS Implementation Blueprint www.pbis.org Funding Political Support Leadership Team Active & Integrated Coordination Training Evaluation Coaching Local School Teams/Demonstrations

  27. Local Demonstration w/ Fidelity Need, Agreements, Adoption, & Outcomes 1. IMPLEMENTATION PHASES 2. Sustained Capacity, Elaboration, & Replication 4. Systems Adoption, Scaling, & Continuous Regeneration 3.

  28. SUSTAINABLE IMPLEMENTATION & DURABLE RESULTS THROUGH CONTINUOUS REGENERATION Continuous Self-Assessment Relevance Priority Efficacy Fidelity Valued Outcomes Effective Practices Practice Implementation Local Implementation Capacity

  29. Working Smarter

  30. Sample Teaming Matrix Key point #8 Are outcomes measurable?

  31. ESTABLISHING CONTINUUM of SWPBS • TERTIARY PREVENTION • Function-based support • Wraparound • Person-centered planning • TERTIARY PREVENTION ~5% ~15% • SECONDARY PREVENTION • Check in/out • Targeted social skills instruction • Peer-based supports • Social skills club • SECONDARY PREVENTION • PRIMARY PREVENTION • Teach SW expectations • Proactive SW discipline • Positive reinforcement • Effective instruction • Parent engagement • PRIMARY PREVENTION ~80% of Students

  32. ESTABLISHING A CONTINUUM of SWPBS • TERTIARY PREVENTION • Function-based support • Wraparound/PCP • Specially designed instruction Audit Identify existing practices by tier Specify outcome for each effort Evaluate implementation accuracy & outcome effectiveness Eliminate/integrate based on outcomes Establish decision rules (RtI) ~5% ~15% • SECONDARY PREVENTION • Check in/out • Targeted social skills instruction • Peer-based supports • Social skills club • PRIMARY PREVENTION • Teach & encourage positive SW expectations • Proactive SW discipline • Effective instruction • Parent engagement ~80% of Students

  33. Sustainability Guiding Principles Is Student Affected Directly Continuous Regeneration

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