The similarity of the H line in the spectra of different types of active starsSeminar at AP Krakow, November 29 2005D. Kjurkchieva & D. MarchevWe all should be proud that the whole Chapter 5 of the Manual of the new educational and scientific software Binary Maker 3 bases on the paper “Spectroscopic and photometric observations of the short period RS CVn star RT And” (Kjurkchieva, Marchev, Ogloza, 2001, A & A 378, 102).
The photometric observations of RT And are made by two-channel electrophotometer mounted on the 60-cm telescope of Mt. Suhora observatory (Poland) The beginning of Chapter 5 of the Binary Maker 3 Manual
The high quality V light curve of RT And shown in the Binary Maker 3 Manual
The spectral observations of RT And are made at National Astronomical Observatory(Bulgaria)
The modeling of the photometric and spectral data were made during the stay of DK & DM at Mt. Suhora Observatory in 2001 by the loved spots …as usually ….
If you open the Catalog and Atlas of Eclipsing Binaries of Binary Maker 3you will see that the first star in the list is RT And and … the references is to our paper - result of our collaboration
The results of our cooperationsince 1987I. RS CVn stars • Pajdosz G., Kjurkchieva D., Zola S., 1989, IBVS No 3292 “UBV photometry of II Peg during October 1988” • Kjurkchieva D., Marchev D., Ogloza W., 2000, A & A 354, 909, “Multicolor high-speed photometry and H spectroscopy of XY UMa” • Kjurkchieva D., Marchev D., Ogloza W., 2000, AcA 50, 517, “Multicolor photometry of SV Cam in 1997” • Kjurkchieva D., Marchev D., Ogloza W., 2001, A & A 378, 102, “Spectroscopic and photometric observations of the short period RS CVn star RT And” • Kjurkchieva D., Marchev D., Zola S., 2002, A & A 386, 548, “Spectroscopic observations of the short period RS CVn star SV Cam” • Kjurkchieva D., Marchev D., Ogloza W., 2003, A & A 400, 623, “Spectroscopic and photometric observations of the short period RS CVn star CG Cyg” • Kjurkchieva D., Marchev D., Zola S., 2003, A & A 404, 611, “Spectroscopic and photometric observations of the short period RS CVn star ER Vul” • Kjurkchieva D., Marchev D., Ogloza W., 2004, A & A 415, 623, “Spectroscopic and photometric observations of the short period RS CVn star WY Cnc”
II.The cataclysmic stars • Kjurkchieva D., Marchev D., Ogloza W., 1997, Ap & SS 250, 261, “Multicolor photometry of RX And during 1994/95” • Kjurkchieva D., Marchev D., Ogloza W., 1998, Ap & SS 262, 53, “High-speed BVRI photometry of SS Cyg at quiescence and outburst” • Kjurkchieva D., Marchev D., Drozdz M., 1998, Ap & SS 262, 453, “Multicolor photometry of AM Her during 1994-96” • Kjurkchieva D., Marchev D., Ogloza W., 1999, AcA 49, 585, “H observations of SSCyg at quiescence and outburst”
III.The W UMa stars • Kreiner J. et al., 2003, A&A 412, 465, “Physical parameters of components in close binary stars. I” Contribution in the photometric observations of the stars:
Results from the last paper on FK ComKjurkchieva D., Marchev D., 2005, A & A 434, 221, “H observations of the star FK Com” The spectra averaged in phase bins and the mean spectrum The individual spectra minus the mean spectrum
The main problem – single or double star is FKCom?The residuals of the individual spectra and the mean spectrum at the characteristic phase give information about the position of the sources of additional emission and absorption • There is a bulk of emission and bulk of absorption at phase 0.25; • There are additional sources of the emission and absorption that move in opposite directions in respect to the observer (best visible at phases 0.25 and 0.75); • The contribution of the source of additional emission is larger than that of the additional absorption; • The whole analysis leads to the conclusion that these two sources moves in anti-phase during the whole cycle.
The similarity of the H profile of FK Com and cataclysmic star UX UMa in intensity, width and position of the emission peaks Our model ofthe FK Com H emission configurationmain star - sourceof the absorption reversalextended half-illuminated disk - sourceof the emission peaksSAE – source of the additional emissionSAA- source of the additional absorptionsecondary star – source of the illumination of the disk FK Com =double star
Results from the investigation of UV LeoKjurkchieva D., Marchev D., 2005, A&A submitted, “New spectroscopic solution of the star UV Leo”The main problem: which of the star components is larger? • H observations with S/N≈100 • Fitting the profiles by two gaussians for measuring of the radial velocities • New spectroscopic solution determination of star masses and q • From the measured rotational broadenings equatorial velocities and star radii
Conclusions: - The more massive star is bigger in size- The two components are oversized for their masses- The two star lie within the MS band on the mass-radius diagram, close to the isochrone 9x1010yrs, develop convective envelopes and move to the TAMS
Results from the investigation of EM CepKjurkchieva D., Marchev D., “Photometric and Ha observations of the star EM Cep” (in preparation) The main questions Single or double star is EM Cep?Is there some phase variability of the spectra? Spectroscopic observations at Be state in 2004 (H in emission) and B state in 2005 (H in absorption)
Тhe H profiles at Be and B state differ but their full widths and depths are almost the sameIt look as the emission wings at Be state convert to absorptionat B state
The two type of light curves with exchanging places of the two minima Standstill at phase 0.83 in 2004 -indicationof alternation between two states??? Which is the mechanism of alternation?Forthcoming attempt for fitting of the light curves
The irregular times of the minima O-C=0.01d for a couple of daysConfirmation of secular linear decreasing of the period
Similarity of the Hprofile of EM Cep with that of disk-like star FK Com in: a) positions of the emission peaksb) whole width
Search for a variability of the spectra The subtracted spectra (individual minus spectrum at phase 0.47) central ADEM and two ADABS The subtracted H profile s mirror image of real H profile at Be state
The subtracted spectra (individual spectrum minus the spectrum at phase 0.48) at Be state show only ADEM around quadratures
Warning!The coincidence of the H profiles and the difference of the position and width of the HeI line at phases 0.75-0.82 and 0.47The same effect at phase range 0.19-0.23Is this an indication of the contribution of the secondary star?
The radial velocities of the two ADABS show the opposite motion of their sources with velocity equal to the star rotational velocity The ADABS compensate ADEM at minimaThe sources of ADABS are near the star surfaceThe angle between the line-of-sight and star rotational axis is small
Main results • It is found an indication of the alternation between the two types of light curves (with exchanging minima) • Confirmation of secular linear decreasing of the period • The phase variability of the spectra at Be and at B state are investigated • It is found difference of the position and width of the HeI line in respect to H at phase ranges 0.75-0.82 and 0.19-0.23 • It is established opposite motion of two sources of ADABS with velocities equal to star rotation velocity sources of ADABS are near (or on) star surface • The angle between the line-of-sight and star rotational axis is small • Such a configuration with two opposite sources of ADABS can explain the sinusoidal light variability
Open questions • Why the H emission peaks in the spectra of different types objects (Be stars, FK Com stars, cataclysmic stars) have the same velocities? • Why the full width of the H line in the spectra of different types objects (Be stars, FK Com stars, cataclysmic stars) are the same? • Do the foregoing facts mean that there is some mechanism of creating of similar gaseous structure with almost equal velocities in the different types of stars?
Future cooperation • We expect your suggestions about joint projects (educational and scientific) • We propose to sign an official contract between departments of physics of AP and SU • We would like to continue our collaboration in the future
Conclusion So… stars, disks, spots and people, mainly people and friends… …Heavy winter, snow, slipperyand broken bus… …And three friends pass through the border to help us… We will remember this always! To our polish colleagues and true friends with large appreciation and love!!!