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GRASAG –KNUST RESEARCH SEMINAR, 02 NOVEMBER BUDGETING AND PROPOSAL FOR FUNDING William Oduro FRNR, CANR, KNUST. Writing An Effective Grant Proposal . William O duro. Goals For The Workshop. Learn an effective proposal writing process Discuss strategies for writing an effective proposal

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  2. Writing An Effective Grant Proposal William Oduro

  3. Goals For The Workshop • Learn an effective proposal writing process • Discuss strategies for writing an effective proposal • Explain pitfalls to avoid to keep your proposal from being rejected

  4. Consider The Rhetorical Situation

  5. Consider The Rhetorical Situation • Writer’s Purpose • Explain a problem that requires change • Demonstrate a need for funding • Show that your project will solve the problem • Reader’s Purpose • Determine if your project matches the goals of the funding agency • Decide if your project is worthwhile and unique • Conclude that you are competent

  6. Consider the Rhetorical Situation • Text (Proposal) • Will be read quickly • Look professional and free of errors • Meet specific requirements • Follow a standard format • Answer reader’s questions • Persuade the reader that you’re competent

  7. Proposal Writing Process • Plan your projects, determine your funding needs, and locate a funding source that matches • Implement a focused grant proposal • Evaluate your grant proposal and respond to evaluation by others

  8. A Circular Process: PIE

  9. Plan Your Projects • Establish your agency’s identity • Outline your projects and funding requirements • Identify funding sources • Analyze the goals of the granting agency • Analyze the RFP for the grant • Locate successful models of funding

  10. Establish Your Agency’s Identity • Begin with your central identity or core values • List 2 or 3 key services that you provide • Outline your clientele • Determine what is unique about your organization

  11. Outline Your Projects and Funding Requirements • What is unique about these projects? • Who will benefit? • Where and when will the projects take place? • How much will the projects cost? • Why is there a need to fund these projects?

  12. Identify Funding Sources • Government sources • Private foundations • Corporations • Special interest groups • Internet sources

  13. Analyze The Goals Of The Granting Agency • What are the goals of the granting agency? • What is their strategic plan? • Why was the fund set up? • What do they want to fund? • How is the funding calculated? • What other obligations are involved? • What are the requirements of the RFP?

  14. Analyze The Goals Of The Granting Agency • What does the agency want to fund • Any special target group? • Any special functions? • Any special way of operating? • Any particular priorities at a given time?

  15. Analyze the RFP (Request for Proposals) • How it the funding calculated? • Maximum/minimum grant per project? • What is and isn’t funded? • Does the applicant pay a percentage of the costs? • When is the grant paid?

  16. Analyze the RFP (Request for Proposals) • What other obligations are involved? • What is the timeline for completion? • What kinds of reports are required? • Are there any deliverables required?

  17. Analyze the RFP (Request for Proposals) • What parts of the proposal are required? • What will be the evaluation criteria? • Are there successful models you can follow? • Who will read the proposal?

  18. Locate Successful Models Of Funding • What is unique about the projects? • How do the goals in the proposal and the goals of the funding agency match? • What did you like about the proposal? • At what point were you convinced that this was a proposal worth funding? Why?

  19. Implement A Successful Proposal • Identify the current situation requiring change • Specify your plan to improve the situation • Outline your qualifications to do the work • Itemize costs and benefits of your plan

  20. Select Components Of The Proposal • Outline components required by the RFP • Describe details of your project • Create a budget • Obtain approvals and permissions • Submit your proposal on time

  21. Strategies For Writing Your Proposal • Content • Organization • Style • Design

  22. Content • Be focused and specific • Show how your project is related to the grant giver’s goals • Provide details, including the budget • Include everything required by the RFP

  23. Organization • Provide an executive summary • Follow the guidelines of the RFP • Use headings, overviews, and summaries

  24. Style • Define terms • Be succinct • Allow time for revision • Get feedback from other people

  25. Design • Use page numbers, headers, and footers • Include photos and diagrams • Make sure the proposal looks professional • Assume a skim/scan reading

  26. Respond to Evaluations • Revise your proposal for content • Analyze the organization of your pro • Edit

  27. Pitfalls To Avoid In Writing The Proposal • Being too ambitious in your projects • Using generalities • Assuming a linear reading • Assuming readers know your capabilities • Hiding costs • Sending the proposal in at the last minute • Failing to revise and resubmit the proposal

  28. Act on the Evaluations • Complete the project and seek renewal Or • Request reviews, revise, and resubmit

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