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The EkoSkola 7 step Programme. Main characteristics of the EkoSkola programme. Adopts a methodology trial tested in various educational realities … not based on mere hunches Focuses on whole school development … not on a limited view of the environment
Main characteristics of the EkoSkola programme • Adopts a methodology trial tested in various educational realities … not based on mere hunches • Focuses on whole school development … not on a limited view of the environment • Functions through voluntary actions … not through enforced policies • Brings about change gradually … allowing the development of a growing consensus • Implies a change in mentality/culture… not just a change in content
Environmental Review Eco Code Informing & Involving Eco Schools Committee Action Plan Curriculum Work Monitoring & Evaluation
Main problems • 7 Steps seen as a set of stand alones … not as a process • A lot of energy and time are lost on achieving each step … draining human and institutional resources • Process fails to become part of the school policy … requires much more effort to sustain • EkoSkola is seen as “too much to handle” … becoming an added burden
Securing a workforce to implement process • This means that … • Committee members HAVE to be ACTIVELY involved in the process EVEN if it takes a long time Setting up an EkoSkola Committee
Clearly identifying the needs of the school • This means that … • Data gathering is SYSTEMATIC, PLANNED and MEASURABLE Carrying out an Environmental Audit
Prioritizing school needs Translating needs to actions Planning the implementation of the needs • This means that … • Plan has to be SPECIFIC and clearly DEFINED • Plan should NOT be a to-do listof activities Developing an Action Plan
Ensuring that the development process is kept on track • This means that … • Data gathering is SYSTEMATIC, PLANNED and MEASURABLE Monitoring and Evaluation of actions
Identifying overlap between planned action and the curriculum • This means that … • Staff needs to MOVE AWAY from incidental teaching and meet to PLAN their schemesof work Integrating action with curricular work
Ensuring a wide support base for school development • This means that … • The ES process is OWNED by the whole school • The school sees community links as ESSENTIAL to its development Informing and involving
Identifying key attitudes to achieve school development • This means that … • It is NOT reduced to just a ‘poster’ design task • The school visibly ascribes IMPORTANCE to it Developing an Eco-Code
co-ordinates provides data for provides links for identifies indicators for identifies attitudes for plans activities for
X’ser nagħmlu Għalfejn qed nagħmlu hekk Min ser jieħu ħsieb Kemm ser nieħdu żmien Nużaw u nixtru prodotti li jibqgħu jintużaw u mhux li jintremew mill-ewwel Biex innaqqsu mill-iskart Il-‘Green Leaders’ tal-klassijiet u l-S.M.T. Matul is-sena skolastika kollha Fejn possibbli nixtru bi kwantitajiet kbar biex nevitaw ippakkjar żejjed Biex innaqqsu l-konsum ta’ materjal li jintuża għall-ippakkjar S.M.T. Matul is-sena skolastika kollha Nieħdu ħsieb il-pjanti tal-kuriduri/grawnds tal-iskola Biex insebbħu l-ambjent tal-iskola. S.M.T., l-istaff u t-tfal kollha Matul is-sena kollha Non specific tasks Unspecified deadlines Tasks not grouped into themes Responsibility for task unclear What to avoid
Theme Aim Task Participants Time Indicators Curriculum link Expenses Tasks grouped under the theme they are addressing Clear reason why the task is being proposed Specific tasks Person/s and/or groups responsible for the task implementation Clear deadline for task completion How to determine success during monitoring and evaluation Link with curricular area to promote a cross-curricular approach The cost incurred in the completion of the task Suggestions
Task • Review the environmental audits provided and identify ways how they could be improved • Identify and prioritise the needs identified by the environmental audit • Draft an Action Plan to address these needs