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SMOKE Programs and Options

SMOKE Programs and Options. Smkinven Rawbio Grdmat Spcmat Cntlmat Premobl Emisfac. Elevpoint Temporal Tmpbio Laypoint Smkmerge Grwinven Mrggrid. Smkinven (1). Imports area, mobile, or point source inventories Inputs Inventory file(s) ARINV | MBINV | PTINV

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SMOKE Programs and Options

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  1. SMOKE Programs and Options • Smkinven • Rawbio • Grdmat • Spcmat • Cntlmat • Premobl • Emisfac • Elevpoint • Temporal • Tmpbio • Laypoint • Smkmerge • Grwinven • Mrggrid

  2. Smkinven (1) • Imports area, mobile, or point source inventories • Inputs • Inventory file(s) ARINV | MBINV | PTINV • Day-specific file(s) PTDAY • Hour-specific file(s) PTHOUR • Gridded inventory file AG • VMT Mix file for EMS-95 intputs VMTMIX • Time zones COSTCY • Mobile codes MCODES • Replacement stack parameters PSTK • Valid activities ACTVNAMS • Valid pollutants SIPOLS

  3. Smkinven (2) • Outputs • SMOKE I/O API inventory file AREA | MOBL | PNTS • SMOKE ASCII inventory file ASRC | MSRC | PSRC • SMOKE day-specific file PDAY • SMOKE hour-specific file PHOUR • Inventory SCCs list ASCC | MSCC | PSCC • Point source temporal x-ref (EMS-95 input) PTREF_ALT

  4. Smkinven (3) • Major settings • SMK_SOURCE: [A | M | P] sets source category • DAY_SPECIFIC_YN: Y = import day-specific data • HOUR_SPECIFIC_YN: Y = import hour-specific data • IMPORT_AVEINV_YN: Y = import inventory • RAW_DUP_CHECK: Y = error for duplicate records • VELOC_RECALC: Y = recalculate stack velocity from flow • WEST_HSPHERE: N = do not convert coordinates • WKDAY_NORMALIZE: Y = use weekday to normalize weekly profile

  5. Rawbio • Imports county or gridded land use data • Inputs • County land use data BCUSE • Gridded land use data BGUSE • BEIS2 emission factors BFAC • Gridding surrogates BGPRO • Grid description file G_GRIDPATH • Outputs • Gridded, normalized emissions BGRD • Major settings • Environment variables for the gridding surrogate to use for each major landuse type (e.g., PINE_SURG, DECD_SURG)

  6. Grdmat (1) • Creates area, mobile, or point source gridding matrix and mobile ungridding matrix • Inputs • SMOKE I/O API inventory file AREA | MOBL | PNTS • SMOKE ASCII inventory file ASRC | MSRC | PSRC • Gridding cross-reference AGREF | MGREF • Gridding surrogates AGPRO | MGPRO • Grid description file G_GRIDPATH • Mobile codes MCODES

  7. Grdmat (2) • Outputs • Gridding matrix AGMAT | MGMAT | PGMAT • Ungridding matrix MUMAT • Supplemental information AGSUP | MGSUP | PGSUP • Major settings • REPORT_DEFAULTS: N = does not report when default surrogates are used • SMK_SOURCE: [A | M | P] sets source category • SMK_DEFAULT_SRGID: Number sets fallback surrogate for case of zero emissions because of surrogate setting

  8. Spcmat (1) • Creates area, mobile, or point source speciation matrix for mass-based and/or mole-based factors • Inputs • SMOKE I/O API inventory file AREA | MOBL | PNTS • SMOKE ASCII inventory file ASRC | MSRC | PSRC • Speciation profiles GSPRO • Speciation cross-reference GSREF • Pollutant conversion file GSCNV • Mobile codes MCODES • Mobile emission processes MEPROC

  9. Spcmat (2) • Outputs • Mole speciation matrix ASMAT_L | MSMAT_L | PSMAT_L • Mass speciation matrix ASMAT_S | MSMAT_S | PSMAT_S • Speciation supplemental [A | M | P] SSUP • Major settings • SMK_SOURCE: [A | M | P] sets source category • POLLUTANT_CONVERSION: Y = use GSCNV file • REPORT_DEFAULTS: N = does not report when default profile is used • SMK_GSREF_FIXED: Y = use fixed-format speciation cross-reference file

  10. Cntlmat (1) • Creates area, mobile, or point source projection, multiplicative control, additive control, or reactivity control matrices • Inputs • SMOKE I/O API inventory file AREA | MOBL | PNTS • SMOKE ASCII inventory file ASRC | MSRC | PSRC • Control packets file GCNTL • Speciation profiles GSPRO

  11. Cntlmat (2) • Outputs • Projection matrix APMAT | MPMAT | PPMAT • Mole reactivity matrix ARMAT_L | MRMAT_L | PRMAT_L • Mass reactivity matrix ARMAT_S | MRMAT_S | PRMAT_S • Reactivty supplemental ARSUP | MRSUP | PRSUP • Multiplicative control matrix ACMAT | MCMAT | PCMAT • Additive control matrix (future) AAMAT | MAMAT | PAMAT • Report ACREP | MCREP | PCREP

  12. Cntlmat (3) • Major settings • SMK_SOURCE: [ A | M | P ] sets source category • REACTIVITY_POL: [ VOC ] sets pollutant name for reactivity controls • REPORT_DEFAULTS: N = does not report when default profile is used

  13. Premobl (1) • Determines minimum/maximum temperatures per day for mobile sources and emission factors • Inputs • SMOKE I/O API inventory file MOBL • SMOKE ASCII inventory file MSRC • Emission factor cross-reference MPLIST • Ungridding matrix MUMAT • Temperature data MET_CRO_2D | MET_CRO_3D • Mobile codes MCODES • Country/state/county (daylight time exemptions) COSTCY

  14. Premobl (2) • Outputs • Min/max temperature per PSI MEFTEMP • Min/max temperature per source and day MINMAXT • Major settings • SMK_SOURCE: [ A | M | P ] sets source category • SMK_MAXT_MAX: max allowed max daily temperature • SMK_MAXT_MIN: min allowed max daily temperature • SMK_MINT_MAX: max allowed min daily temperature • SMK_MINT_MIN: min allowed min daily temperature • TVARNAME: name of the temperature variable

  15. Emisfac (1) • Creates the mobile emission factors by running MOBILE5b for the scenario of interest • Inputs • Emission factor cross-reference MPLIST • Emission factor model inputs MPREF • Min/max temperature per PSI MEFTEMP • PSI list to force update MEFUPD • Mobile codes MCODES • Input diurnal emission factors MEFSD_IN • Input non-diurnal emission factors MEFSND_IN

  16. Emisfac (2) • Outputs • Diurnal emission factors table MEFSD • Non-diurnal emission factors table MEFSND • Major settings • EF_FORCE_UPDATE: Y = use MEFUPD file • EF_YEAR: year for computing emission factors • MB_HC_TYPE: hydrocarbon type to output from MOBILE5b • REUSE_DIURNAL: Input MEFSD_IN file for updating • REUSE_NONDIURNAL: Input MEFSND_IN file for updating

  17. Elevpoint (1) • Identifies elevated point sources for special processing • Inputs • SMOKE I/O API inventory file PNTS • SMOKE ASCII inventory file PSRC • Grid description file G_GRIDPATH • Stack split group file PGROUP • Stack splits file PSPLIT • Outputs • Elevated point source identification file PELV • PinG CMAQ/MAQSIP stack parameters file STACK_GROUPS

  18. Elevpoint (2) • Major settings • SMK_CUTOFF_HT: cutoff height for UAM-style processing • SMK_ENG2METRIC_YN: Y = convert units in PGROUP file from English to metric units • SMK_PING_YN: Y = creates STACK_GROUPS file • SMK_SPECELEV_YN: Y = use the major/minor indicator in the PSPLIT file • WEST_HSPHERE: N = do not convert coordinates

  19. Temporal (1) • Temporally allocates area, mobile, or point source emissions, or compute hourly mobile emissions. • Inputs • SMOKE I/O API inventory file AREA | MOBL | PNTS • SMOKE ASCII inventory file ASRC | MSRC | PSRC • SMOKE day-specific file PDAY • SMOKE hour-specific file PHOUR • Temporal profiles [A|M|P]TPRO • Temporal cross-reference [A|M|P]TREF • Diurnal emission factors table MEFSD • Non-diurnal emission factors table MEFSND • Temperature data MET_CRO_2D | MET_CRO_3D

  20. Temporal (2) • Inputs (continued) • Min/max temperature per source and day MINMAXT • Emission factor cross-reference MPLIST • Ungridding matrix MUMAT • Mobile codes MCODES • Mobile emission processes MEPROC • Country/state/county (daylight time exemptions) COSTCY • Holiday reassignment HOLIDAYS • Outputs • Hourly emissions file [A|M|P]TMP

  21. Temporal (3) • Major settings • SMK_SOURCE: [A | M | P] sets source category • G_STDATE: Julian start date (YYYYDDD) • G_STTIME: start time output time zone (HHMMSS) • G_RUNLEN: episode duration (HHMMSS) • OUTZONE: output time zone • DAY_SPECIFIC_YN: Y = import day-specific data • HOUR_SPECIFIC_YN: Y = import hour-specific data • RENORM_TPROF: N = do not renormalize temporal profiles • REPORT_DEFAULTS: N = does not report when default profile is used

  22. Temporal (4) • Major settings (continued) • SMK_O3SEASON_YN: Y = use ozone season emissions instead of annual average • ZONE4WM: N = do not use time zone for applying weekly and monthly profiles

  23. Tmpbio (1) • Computes the hourly, gridded, speciated biogenic emissions for a given speciation mechanism based on BEIS2 computations • Inputs • Gridded, normalized emissions BGRD • Speciation profiles GSPRO • 2-d grid information file GRID_CRO_2D • Temperature and solar radiation data MET_FILE1 • Solar radiation file (if not MET_FILE1) MET_FILE2

  24. Tmpbio (2) • Outputs • Gridded, speciated, hourly molar emissions BGTS_L • Gridded, speciated, hourly mass emissions BGTS_S • Major settings • BG_CLOUD_TYPE: specifies method for computing photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) • TMPR_VAR: name of the temperature variable • BIOMET_SAME: Y = take temperature and solar radiation data from the same file • RAD_VAR: name of radiation or cloud data variable • BIOG_SPRO: speciation profile number to use • OUTZONE: output time zone

  25. Laypoint (1) • Computes the plume rise fractions for point sources • Inputs • SMOKE I/O API inventory file PNTS • SMOKE ASCII inventory file PSRC • Elevated point source identification file PELV • 2-d cross-point grid information GRID_CRO_2D • 2-d cross-point meteorology data MET_CRO_2D • 3-d cross-point meteorology data MET_CRO_3D • 3-d dot-point meteorology data (winds) MET_DOT_3D

  26. Laypoint (2) • Outputs • Layer fractions file PLAY • Major settings • REP_LAYER_MAX: layer number for reporting high plumes • SMK_EMLAYS: number of emission layers • SMK_SPECELEV_YN: Y = use PELV file to determine which sources get plume rise

  27. Smkmerge (1) • Merges SMOKE files in many combinations to produce gridded emission files and state/county emission total reports • Inputs • SMOKE I/O API inventory file AREA , MOBL , PNTS • SMOKE ASCII inventory file ASRC , MSRC , PSRC • Hourly emissions file [A,M,P]TMP • Hourly, gridded, speciated, biogenic BGTS_L | BGTS_S • Gridding matrix [A,M,P]GMAT • Speciation matrix [A,M,P]SMAT • Layer fractions file PLAY • Grid description file G_GRIDPATH

  28. Smkmerge (2) • Inputs (continued) • Multiplicative control matrix [A,M,P]XMAT • Additive control matrix [A,M,P]AMAT • Reactivity control matrix [A,M,P]RMAT • Country, state, and county names COSTCY • Valid activities ACTVNAMS • Valid pollutants SIPOLS • Elevated point source identification file PELV • Area gridding surrogate file AGPRO

  29. Smkmerge (3) • Outputs • Gridded emissions data [A|M|P|E] [G] [T] [S] [3D] [ _S| _L] • Plume-in-grid emissions PINGT [S_S|S_L] • State/county report REP[A|B|M|P|E] [G] [T] [S_S|S_L] • Major settings • MRG_SOURCE: [A] [B] [M] [P] indicates which source categories to include in merge • MRG_SPCMAT_YN: Y = merge speciation matrices • MRG_TEMPORAL_YN: Y = use hourly emissions • MRG_LAYERS_YN: Y = merge with layer fractions and output 3-d file • SMK_O3SEASON_YN: Y = use ozone season emissions instead of annual average

  30. Smkmerge (4) • Major settings (continued) • MRG_GRDOUT_YN: Y = output gridded file • MRG_REPSTA_YN: Y = output state reports • MRG_REPCNY_YN: Y = output county reports • MRG_GRDOUT_UNIT: units for gridded output • MRG_TOTOUT_UNIT: units for report emission totals • AREA_SURROGATE_NUM: surrogate code for area surrogate • SMK_ELEVPT_YN: Y = create UAM-style elevated point source file • SMK_PING_YN: Y = creates PinG output file • MRG_METCHK_YN: Y = compare meteorology scenario name across all input files

  31. Smkmerge (5) • Major settings (continued) • MRG_CTLMAT_ADD: [A] [M] [P] merge additive controls • MRG_CTLMAT_MULT: [A] [P] merge mult. controls • MRG_CTLMAT_REAC: [A] [M] [P] merge reactivity controls • SMK_REPORT_TIME: daily simulation time for output of daily total emissions (HHMMSS)

  32. Grwinven • Grows an inventory file using projection and control matrices • Inputs • SMOKE I/O API inventory file AREA | MOBL | PNTS • SMOKE ASCII inventory file ASRC | MSRC | PSRC • Projection matrix [A|M|P]PMAT • Outputs • SMOKE I/O API inventory file AREA_O | MOBL_O | PNTS_O • IDA ASCII inventory file ARINV_O | MBINV_O | PTINV_O • Major settings • SMK_NUM_CTLMAT: number of control and/or projection matrices • SMK_OUTPUTIDA_YN: Y = also output IDA format

  33. Mrggrid • Merges gridded emission files together • Inputs • List of logical names of 2-d files NLST2D • 3-d inputs emissions file LGTS • Outputs • 3-d output emissions file EMIS3D

  34. SMOKE Scripts • Script structure • Main scripts • Area • Biogenic • Mobile • Point • All merge script

  35. Script Structure • Define Assigns file name • Settings for which source categories to process • Program on/off switches • Program-specific settings • Multiple-program settings • Invoke Assigns file • Redefine environment variables from default • Call “smk_run.scr” script

  36. Main Scripts(See Attached) • Smkinven (SMOKE inventory A, B, P) • Monthly (SMOKE inventtory M, and temporalizeation A) • Daily (SMOKE temporalization B, M, P and merging A, B, M, P, and all) • SMOKE run (smk_run_scr)

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