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Cells! Who wants some?!

Explore the components and functions of animal cells, including the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, mitochondria, and more. Understand how these structures work together in the fundamental processes of life.

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Cells! Who wants some?!

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  1. Cells! Who wants some?! Not that type, but this kind… A cell is the basic unit of life

  2. Animal Cell

  3. Nucleus • Control Center • Contains nearly all DNA – instructions for making proteins and other important molecules • Surrounded by nuclear envelope/membrane • Dotted with nuclear pores = stuff in and out • Key processes: Controls metabolism of cell, control Cell division, proteinsynthesis

  4. Chromosome • (The Data) … all the directions • (DNA)

  5. Nucleolus • Nucleolus – small dense region inside nucleus. Ribosomes are made here.

  6. Endoplasmic Reticulum • Transportation • Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) • Covered in ribosomes (rough) • Makes and transports proteins, especially membrane proteins • Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER) • Synthesis (make) of membrane lipids • Contain enzymes that can detoxification of drugs – Liver has lots of SER’s Notice how the E.R. is attached to the nucleus …. Like the ‘hallways’

  7. Smooth and Rough ER Key process: Transportation of molecules

  8. Ribosomes! • Protein Factory • Proteins are assembled on these organelles by following coded instructions from the nucleus Key process: Proteinsynthesis

  9. review! Nuclear Envelope Nuclear Pores ER Nucleus Ribosomes

  10. Golgi Apparatus • Packaging Center • Modify, sort, and package proteins and other materials from the endoplasmic reticulum for storage or secretion.

  11. Key processes: Packaging and sorting of proteins http://www.sumanasinc.com/webcontent/animations/content/vesiclebudding.html http://bcs.whfreeman.com/thelifewire/content/chp04/0402002.html

  12. Mitochondria • Power House • Convert chemical energy stored in food to a form a cell can use (ATP) during the process of cellular respiration. • Contain own ‘Mitochondrial DNA’ • Has double membrane Key process: Cellular respiration C6H12O6 + O2 H2O +CO2 + ATP

  13. Mitochondria/Chloroplasts (only in plant cells) • These two utilize energy from food and the sun respectively and convert it into energy the cell can use.

  14. Cytoskeleton Process = support • Cell Framework • A network of protein filaments that helps the cell to maintain its shape

  15. Vacuoles • Storage Facility • Plants have big vacuoles, animal cells many small vacuoles. • Store materials like water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates • In plants, there is a large vacuole which helps with maintaining pressure (turgor pressure) • Allows plant to support heavy loads like leaves and branches

  16. Lysosome • Waste Management • In animal cells ONLY • Have enzymes used to break down lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins • breaking down old organelles – even old cells can be broken down in a process called autolysis. • Sometimes called suicide sacs. Process - Digestion

  17. Cell boundaries aka cell membrane • Cell membrane regulates what enters/leaves the cell. Process - Osmosis

  18. 2 Layers of phosholipids studded with proteins = “fluid mosaic model” http://www.susanahalpine.com/anim/Life/memb.htm

  19. Centrioles Only in animal cells. Plays a role during cell division. Assist in the making of cilia and flagella. Process – Cell division

  20. Come on baby let’s do the locomotion…… • Flagella • Cilia

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