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This philosophy class focuses on deductive arguments and categorical logic, including the four basic kinds of claims and three categorical operations. Students will learn to evaluate arguments using Venn diagrams and identify valid arguments.
Philosophy 1100 Title: Critical Reasoning Instructor: Paul Dickey E-mail Address: pdickey2@mccneb.edu Today: Exercises 8-1 & 8-2 Exercise 8-4 (odd numbered problems) Exercise 8-11, problems #1-5 Next week: Exercise 8-11, problems #6-10 not done in class tonight Read Chapter 9, pages 295-311, pp. 317-330 Exercise 9-1, all problems *** Please Note: Argumentative Essay will NOT be due Next week. 1
Four Basic Kinds of Claims in Categorical Logic (Standard Forms) A: All _________ are _________. (Ex. All Presbyterians are Christians. E: No ________ are _________. (Ex. No Muslims are Christians. ___________________________________ I: Some ________ are _________. (Ex. Some Arabs are Christians. O: Some ________ are not _________. (Ex. Some Muslims are not Sunnis.
Three Categorical Operations • Conversion – The converse of a claim is the claim with the subject and predicate switched, e.g. • The converse of “No Norwegians are Swedes” is “No Swedes are Norwegians.” • Obversion – The obverse of a claim is to switch the claim between affirmative and negative (A -> E, E -> A, I -> O, and O -> I and replace the predicate term with the complementary (or contradictory) term, e.g. • The obverse of “All Presbyterians are Christians” is “No Presbyterians are non-Christians.” • Contrapositive – The contrapositive of a claim is the cliam with the subject and predicate switched and replacing both terms with complementary terms (or contradictory terms), e.g. • The contrapositive of “Some citizens are not voters” is “Some non-voters are not noncitiizens.
OK, So where is the beef? • By understanding these concepts, you can apply the • three rules of validity for deductive arguments: • Conversion – The converses of all E- and I- claims, but not A- and O- claims are equivalent to the original claim. • Obversion – The obverses of all four types of claims are equivalent to their original claims. • Contrapositive – The contrapositives of all A- and O- claims, but not E- and I- claims are equivalent to the original claim.
Categorical Syllogisms • A syllogism is a deductive argument that has two premises -- and, of course, one conclusion (claim). • A categorical syllogism is a syllogism in which: • each of these three statements is a standard form, and • there are three terms which occur twice, once each in two of the statements.
Three Terms of a Categorical Syllogism • For example, the following is a categorical syllogism: • (Premise 1) No Muppets are Patriots. • (Premise 2) Some Muppets are puppets that support themselves financially. • (Conclusion) Some puppets that support themselves financially are not Patriots.. • The three terms of a categorical syllogism are: • 1) the major term (P) – the predicate term of the conclusion (e.g. Patriots). • 2) the minor term (S) – the subject term of the conclusion (e.g. Self-supporting Puppets) • 3) the middle term (M) – the term that occurs in both premises but not in the conclusion (e.g. Muppets).
USING VENN DIAGRAMS TO TEST ARGUMENT VALIDITY • Identify the classes referenced in the argument (if there are more than three, something is wrong). • When identifying subject and predicate classes in the different claims, be on the watch for statements of “not” and for classes that are in common. • Make sure that you don’t have separate classes for a term and it’s complement. • 2. Assign letters to each classes as variables. • 3. Given the passage containing the argument, rewrite the argument in standard form using the variables. M = “xxxx “ S = “ yyyy“ P = “ zzzz“ No M are P. Some M are S. ____________________ Therefore, Some S are not P.
Draw a Venn Diagram of three intersecting circles. • Look at the conclusion of the argument and identify the subject and predicate classes. • Therefore, Some S are not P. • Label the left circle of the Venn diagram with the name of the subject class found in the conclusion. (10 A.M.) • Label the right circle of the Venn diagram with the name of the predicate class found in the conclusion. • Label the bottom circle of the Venn diagram with the middle term.
No M are P. Some M are S. • Diagram each premise according the standard Venn diagrams for each standard type of categorical claim (A,E, I, and O). • If the premises contain both universal (A & E-claims) and particular statements (I & O-claims), ALWAYS diagram the universal statement first (shading). • When diagramming particular statements, be sure to put the X on the line between two areas when necessary. • 10. Evaluate the Venn diagram to whether the drawing of the conclusion "Some S are not P" has already been drawn. If so, the argument is VALID. Otherwise it is INVALID.
Power of Logic Exercises: http://www.poweroflogic.com/cgi/Venn/venn.cgi?exercise=6.3B ANOTHER GOOD SOURCE: http://www.philosophypages.com/lg/e08a.htm
Class Workshop: • Exercise 8-11, #1-5
Using the Rules Method To Test Validity Background – ***If a claim refers to all members of the class, the term is said to be distributed. Table of Distributed Terms: A-claim: All S are P E-claim: No S are P I-Claim: Some S are P O-Claim: Some S are not P The bold, italic, underlined term is distributed. Otherwise, the term is not distributed.
Some Dogs are Not Poodles. Why is this a statement about all poodles? Say a boxer is a dog which is not a poodle. Thus, the statement above says that “all poodles are not boxers” and thus “poodles” is distributed.
The Rules of the Syllogism • A syllogism is valid if and only if all three of the following conditions are met: • The number of negative claims in the premises and the conclusion must be the same. (Remember: these are the E- and the O- claims) • At least one premise must distribute the middle term. • Any term that is distributed in the conclusion must be distributed in its premises.
Class Workshop: • Exercise 8-13, 8-14, • & 8-15, 8-16
You must perform all of the following • on the given argument: • Translate the premises and conclusion to standard logical forms and put the argument into a syllogistic form. • Identify the type of logical form for each statement. • For each statement, give an equivalent statement and name the operation that you used to do so. • Identify the minor, major, and middle terms of the syllogism. • Draw the appropriate Venn Diagram for the premises. • Identify all distributed terms of the argument and the number of negative claims in the premises and conclusion. • What, if any, rules of validity are broken by the argument? • State if the argument is valid or invalid.
Everything that Pete won at the carnival must be junk. I know that Pete won everything that Bob won, and all the stuff Bob won is junk. • Translate the premises and conclusion to standard logical forms and put the argument into a syllogistic form. • Identify the type of logical form for each statement. • Define terms – • P: Pete’s winnings at the carnival • J: Thing that are junk • B: Bob’s winnings at the carnival • A-claim – All B is P • A-claim - All B is J • A-claim – All P is J
Everything that Pete won at the carnival must be junk. I know that Pete won everything that Bob won, and all the stuff Bob won is junk. • For each statement, give an equivalent statement and name the operation that you used to do so. • Identify the minor, major, and middle terms of the syllogism. • A-claim – All B is P • Contrapositive is equivalent – All non-P are non-B. • A-claim - All B is J • Obverse is equivalent – No B is non-J. • A-claim – All P is J • Obverse is equivalent – No P is non-J. • Minor term is P; Major term is J; and Middle term is B.
Everything that Pete won at the carnival must be junk. I know that Pete won everything that Bob won, and all the stuff Bob won is junk. • Draw the appropriate Venn Diagram for the premises.
Everything that Pete won at the carnival must be junk. I know that Pete won everything that Bob won, and all the stuff Bob won is junk. • Identify all distributed terms of the argument and the number of negative claims in the premises and conclusion. • What, if any, rules of validity are broken by the argument? • State if the argument is valid or invalid. • All B is P • All B is J • All P is J • Since A-claims distribute their subject terms, B is • Distributed in the premises and P is distributed in the • conclusion. There are no negative claims in either the • premises or the conclusion. • Since P is distributed in the conclusion, but not in • either premise rule 3 is broken. Thus, the argument is invalid.
The Game • You must perform all of the following • on the given argument: • Translate the premises and conclusion to standard logical forms and put the argument into a syllogistic form. • Identify the type of logical form for each statement. • For each statement, give an equivalent statement and name the operation that you used to do so. • Identify the minor, major, and middle terms of the syllogism. • Draw the appropriate Venn Diagram for the premises. • Identify all distributed terms of the argument and the number of negative claims in the premises and conclusion. • What, if any, rules of validity are broken by the argument? • State if the argument is valid or invalid. • Exercises 8-19, p. 290, Problems #8 & #19.
Philosophy 1100 Chapter Nine Deductive Arguments:Truth-Functional Logic
Truth Functional Logic • Truth Functional logic is important because it gives us a consistent tool to determine whether certain statements are true or false based on the truth or falsity of other statements. • A sentence is truth-functional if whether it is true or not depends entirely on whether or not partial sentences are true or false. • For example, the sentence "Apples are fruits and carrots are vegetables" is truth-functional since it is true just in case each of its sub-sentences "apples are fruits" and "carrots are vegetables" is true, and it is false otherwise. • Note that not all sentences of a natural language, such as English, are truth-functional, e.g. Mary knows that the Green Bay Packers won the Super Bowl.
Truth Functional Logic: The Basics • Please note that while studying Categorical Logic, we used uppercase letters (or variables) to represent classes about which we made claims. • In truth-functional logic, we use uppercase letters (variables) to stand for claims themselves. • In truth-functional logic, any given claim P is true or false. • Thus, the simplest truth table form is: • P • _ • T • F
Truth Functional Logic: The Basics • Perhaps the simplest truth table operation is negation: • P ~P • T F • F T
Truth Functional Logic: The Basics • Now, to add a second claim, to account for all truth-functional possibilities our representation must state: • P Q • T T • T F • F T • F F • And the operation of conjunction is represented by: • P Q P & Q • T T T • T F F • F T F • F F F
Truth Functional Logic: The Basics • The operation of disjunction is represented by: • P Q P V Q • T T T • T F T • F T T • F F F • The operation of the conditional is represented by: • P Q P -> Q • T T T • T F F • F T T • F F T
Now, using these basic principles, we can construct truth tables for more complex statements. Consider the claim: If Paula goes to work, then Quincy and Rogers will get a day off. • We represent the claims like this: • P = Paula goes to work • Q = Quincy gets a day off • R = Rogers gets a day off, and • We symbolize the complex claim as P -> (Q & R) • The truth table looks like this: • P Q R Q & R P -> (Q & R) • T T T T T • T T F F F • T F T F F • T F F F F • F T T T T • F T F F T • F F T F T • F F F F T
Class Workshop: Exercises 9-1