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Exploration & Expansion Voyages of Discovery

Discover the causes of the Age of Exploration, from the Renaissance spirit to the pursuit of wealth and a faster trade route to India. Learn about advances in technology, the role of the Three G’s, and the daring voyages of Portuguese, Spanish, English, French, and Dutch explorers. Follow their journeys, challenges, and ambitions as they opened up new routes and made contact with distant lands. Explore the exploration era through the lens of discovery, innovation, and ambition.

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Exploration & Expansion Voyages of Discovery

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Exploration & ExpansionVoyages of Discovery

  2. Voyages to Discovery • What caused the Age of Exploration? • Renaissance = spirit of discovery • Search for wealth • People want to find a faster way to India to get trade goods • Advances in Technology • Three G’s: Gold, God, & Glory

  3. Routes to India • Sail east around Africa • (New Idea) Sail west…Opps New World

  4. New Technology • Explorers needed to calculate their location with a… • Compass • Astrolabe • Developed by Muslim Empires

  5. New Technology Cont… • Explorers needed a ship that can hold large cargos and withstand heavy waves… • Caravel- was a light, fast sailing ship • Steered with rudder • Triangular Sails • Equipped with cannons

  6. Portuguese Explorers • Portugal’s Kings were patrons of the explorers… • King Henry the Navigator- ultimate goal was to find a water route around Africa to India. • Portuguese • Bartolomeu Dias (map on next slide) • First European to attempt to sail around the southern tip of Africa “Cape of Good Hope”

  7. Portuguese Explorers Cont… • Vasco de Gama • First to make it to Clicut, India and back to Portugal!

  8. Portuguese Explorers Cont… • Pedro Cabral • Second trip to India! • Sailed to Brazil and Indonesia! • Lucrative trading posts

  9. Spanish Explorers • King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella helped finance certain voyages! • Christopher Columbus (1492) • Columbus sails west to get to India…inventive idea but flawed because the Americas are in the way! • Sails to Caribbean Islands • Finds “Indians” and he believes he found new route to India!

  10. Columbus’ Route

  11. Spanish Explorers Cont.. • Amerigo Vespucci • First to realize that Columbus found a “New World”, Americas named after him.

  12. Spanish Explorers Cont… • Vasco Nunez de Balboa • Tried to find passage at Isthmus of Panama. • Spanish realize there’s another ocean to cross to get to India. • First to reach Pacific Ocean from New World • Panama Canal today!!!

  13. Spanish Explorers Cont… • Ferdinand Magellan • Sails west to sail AROUND WORLD! • Circumnavigate- sail completely around the world. • Left with 250 men, and returns with only 18 (Minus Magellan, he dies during voyage)

  14. English Explorers • English • John Cabot, sailed to Canada

  15. English Explorers Cont… • Sir Francis Drake, sailed to southern tip of South America and stopped over in modern day California. • #2 to circumnavigate the world.

  16. English Explorers Cont… • Henry Hudson • Tried to find Northeast Passage, but found ice instead. Not the last time we’ll see Hudson.

  17. French Explorers • French • Jacques Cartier (1534 – 1535) • Sailed into the St. Lawrence River in Canada “New France” or Newfoundland • Fur Trade is very profitable.

  18. Dutch Explorers • Dutch • Henry Hudson (Again, but for different country) • Explored Hudson Bay region, in search of Northwest Passage

  19. Henry’s search for the Northeast Passage

  20. Explorers find new ways to make new routes… • Can’t Go Over It. • Can’t Go Under It. • Can’t Go Around It. • Got to Go Through It.

  21. Making Contact! • The beginning of conquest and colonies occurs when explorers get off their ships in search of riches and land to claim for country! • Cortes (Aztec Empire) • Pizarro (Inca Empire) • REMEMBER • 3 G’s: God, Gold, & Glory

  22. That’s All Folks

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