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HEMOLEUCOGRAMA. SEMNIFICATIA ABREVIERILOR SI MESAJELOR DE PE BULETINUL DE ANALIZA. SYSMEX XS – 1000 i. Analizor automat pentru diagnostic in vitro Destinat laboratoarelor clinice Dotat cu tehnologie 5DIFF Proba biologica :

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  2. SYSMEX XS – 1000 i Analizor automat pentru diagnostic in vitro Destinatlaboratoarelorclinice Dotat cu tehnologie 5DIFF Probabiologica: - sangeuman (venos/capilar/arterial) recoltatpe EDTA-K3 - sange artificial (de control) Metoda: - sulfolyser (Hb) - citometria in flux (laser cu semiconductor)

  3. ABREVIERI • SERIA ERITROCITARA 1. RBC = numar total de Eri 2. HGB 3. HCT 4. INDICI ERITROCITARI: MCV = volumeritrocitarmediu MCH = hemoglobinaeritrocitaramedie MCHC=concentratiamedie de Hb a Eri 5. CURBE DE DISTRIBUTIE ERITOCITARA: RDW-SD = largimeacurbei, deviatie standard (35-45fL) RDW-CV= largimeacurbei, coeficient de variatie (12-14%) )

  4. ABREVIERI B. SERIA GRANULOCITARA: 1. WBC = numar total de leucocite 2. formula leucocitara - % - # (valori absolute) C. SERIA TROMBOCITARA 1. PLT= numar total de trombocite 2. MPV= volumtrombocitarmediu 3. PCT = plachetocrit 4. PDW= largimeacurbei de distributie a trombocitelor 5. P-LCR= % macrotrombocite

  5. MESAJE SERIA ERITROCITARA A. ANORMAL: 1. Anisocytosis: RDW-SD > 65 fL RDW-CV > 20% 2. Microcytosis: MCV <70fL 3. Macrocytosis: MCV >110fL 4. Hypochromia: MCHC <29g/dL • SUSPECT: 1. RBC Agglutination? 2. Turbidity/HBG Interference? (MCHC >36g/dL) 3. Iron Deficiency? 4. HBG Defect? 5. Fragments?

  6. MESAJE SERIA GRANULOCITARA • ANORMAL (numaratori) • SUSPECT (scatergrama) 1. Blast? 2. Immature Gran? 3. Left shift? 4. AbnLympho? 5. NRBC? 6. Atypical Lympho?

  7. MESAJE SERIA TROMBOCITARA • ANORMAL 1. PLT Abn Distribution 2. Thrombocytopenia 3. Thrombocytosis • SUSPECT: PLT Clumps? (patologicsau defect de recoltare)

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