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QED3 Phase Diagram

QED3 Phase Diagram. Courtesy of N.P. Ong. Nernst Effect in HTS. Vortex fluctuations in the pseudogap state !!. BiSrCaCuO. Z. A. Xu et al., Nature 406 , 486 (2000). HTS are Nodal d-wave Superconductors (Phase sensitive exps., ARPES, FT-STS, etc.). Tsuei & Kirtley, 1997.

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QED3 Phase Diagram

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  1. QED3 Phase Diagram

  2. Courtesy of N.P. Ong Nernst Effect in HTS Vortex fluctuations in the pseudogap state !! BiSrCaCuO Z. A. Xu et al., Nature 406, 486 (2000)

  3. HTS are Nodal d-wave Superconductors (Phase sensitive exps., ARPES, FT-STS, etc.) Tsuei & Kirtley, 1997 FT-STS measured D ARPES D(q), Mesot -PRL 83,840 (1999) FT-STS from Davis’ group, Nature 422, 520 (2003). Courtesy of J.C. Davis

  4. “Electron Crystal” in Underdoped Cuprates M. Vershinin et al., Science 303, 1995 (2004); T. Hanaguri, C. Lupien et al., Nature 430, 1001 (2004) Underdoped Ca2-xNaxCuO2Cl2 x=0.08 (I), 0.10 (SC), 0.12 (SC) Courtesy of J.C. Davis

  5. 150 pS 35 pS Courtesy of A. Yazdani Pseudogap State K-Space 100K Modulation along the Cu-O bond direction 500Å x 200 Å Cu-O Vershinin et al.Science 303, 1995 (2004)

  6. “Electron Crystal” in HTS (Vershinin, et al., Hanaguri, Lupien, et al.) Hofstadter Butterfly and Cooper Pair Density Wave in HTS Hofstadter “Butterfly” Spectrum Dual theory supplies the connection between two phenomena. It leads to Hofstadter “magic fractions” f = p/q for Cooper pair CDW at special x: f = p/q = (1-x)/2 !!

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