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“Udruženje za promociju ljekovitog bilja”. GOALS To make Sarajevo regional and global centar for exchange of informations related to medicinal plants To crate better forme of alternative medicine that is accessible to all users
“Udruženje za promociju ljekovitog bilja” • GOALS • To make Sarajevo regional and global centar for exchange of informations related to medicinal plants • To crate better forme of alternative medicine that is accessible to all users • - To use the software for exchange of scientific informations and for usage in institutions of higher education. RESOURCES 700species of plants in wich only 200 are exploid in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Gentiana lutea – lincura, Arnica montana- brđanka, Arctostaphyllos uva ursi – uva i Orchis spp. – kaćun) all endemic plants The idea is to use information technology and itsbenefits forcenturies generated knowledgeinmedicinal herbs.
SOFTWARE Software is organized so that each disease associated with the manner and mechanisms for its treatment can be used by herbalists, scientific institutions engaged in research of medicinal plants, medical professionals that want to know which is used by a plant disease, the producers of the preparation of the herbs themselves,plant breeders,etc. Alpha version of software is already made and presented at international medical plants conference under the organization Arts and Science Academy of Bosnia and Hercegovina (ANUBiH) „MEDICINAL AND AROMATIC PLANTS IN GENERATING OF NEW VALUES IN 21ST CENTURY“9-12. November. 2011.
SOFTWARE Project team for this project is made of: • Two Masters of Pharmacy - specialists in pharmaceutical informatics • Two IT experts (electrical engineers) • Two economists with expirience Phase one : Development of software. First phase objective: collect all the proscription of BiH for their use in various pharmaceutical forms and for which conditions and diseases they are used Phase two: Development od web application for database Data collection of a large number of herbs from around the world with all forms of usage Phase three: Coordination between all potential users and sorting data by various categories Lacing pickers or growers of medicinal plants, producers and consumers • Phase four: • Comunication with regional centers for herbal plants in wich is included presenting projects, exchange of experiences,and the comunication with other herbal plants centers in the world • Connecting with scientific institutions all around the world (Department of Pharmacognosy)
SOFTWARE EXPLOITATION By creating the DB we will be able to do the full mapping of wild medicinal plants and case studyies regarding growth and ussage of the same wich creates opportunities for trading on global markets. The idea is to make a web site and to attach data base so users are able to gain access to informations regarding herbal and medical plants. By seeking basic information regarding his own disease (classified by ICD 10) the client will be able to find info how do the plants effects his treatmant and what is the best way to treat mentioned disease. In its initial phase the software already contains ATC classification of drugs and ICD 10 classification of disease. Next phase is completing the data base with all of the necessary informations regarding meicinal plants of BiH and Balkans. Phase three is collecting and completing the DB (data base) with info from all around the world. Based on the calculations of the world market the project requires 400 000 Euros. First year : 250 000 Second year: 150 000 . On the third year the project is self-sustainable with future impacts earnings of 400 000 Euros per year.
BREEDING AND PLACEMANT Climate conditions in BiH are very suitable for breeding of medicinal plants. This is prooven by two types of climate represented in BiH : continental and mediterranean. After water medicinal plants are second most accessible resource in BiH with growht potential in commercial use on the global markets. • Characteristics of soil : • Large quantaties of clean water • Very arable ground with access infrastructure • Presence of acid and basically soil suitable for breeding diffrent plants • Ecologicallyclean soil
FINANCING • Projected earnings • Membership to the DB (online payment) • Publishing ( magazine about medicinal plants and its usage) • Advertising ( web and publishing) • Harvest and distribution income • Symposium,conferences and scientific studies organization income (sponsors, advertising, etc). Expenses • Software development • Office furnishing • Purchase of IT equipment • Working hours on data base • Working hours on web site development • Establishment of offices around the world ( South America, Asia, Africa, Australia, etc). • Breeding of plants • Property rental • Manpower • Processing of soil (sowing of ground) • Harvesting • Processing and distribution The value of software after first two years is estimated in over one million euros. Contact: Project lider : Miralem Hadžić mr.ph.spec Tel: ++387 61 185 759; ++387 62 857 888 E-mail: miralem.hadzic@hotmail.com