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Theoretical balancing of sanction systems

Restorative Justice: a way of orienting criminal policy, reducing prison populations and improving juridical education Grazia Mannozzi University of Insubria Como - Italy grazia.mannozzi@uninsubria.it. Theoretical balancing of sanction systems. Opposing forces. European Court of Human rights.

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Theoretical balancing of sanction systems

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Restorative Justice:a way of orienting criminal policy, reducing prison populations and improving juridical educationGraziaMannozziUniversity of InsubriaComo - Italygrazia.mannozzi@uninsubria.it Grazia Mannozzi - University of Insubria

  2. Theoretical balancing of sanction systems Grazia Mannozzi - University of Insubria

  3. Opposingforces Grazia Mannozzi - University of Insubria

  4. Grazia Mannozzi - University of Insubria

  5. European Court of Human rights Grazia Mannozzi - University of Insubria

  6. Controllingprisonpopulation: the alternatives Grazia Mannozzi - University of Insubria

  7. The Italianreform Art. 168 bis of the Italian Penal Code With respect to the offenses for which the law prescribes a detentive punishment up to 4 years or a fine, the defendant may request the suspension of the trial with probation. The measure implies community service, reparation of the damages, and (if possible) victim-offender mediation, under the supervision of the Social services. Grazia Mannozzi - University of Insubria

  8. Why punish and how?Moral justifications vs. practical implementations of sanctions What justifies the infliction of punishment? Traditional approach What kind of punishment we are entitled to impose? Restorative approach Grazia Mannozzi - University of Insubria

  9. RestorativeJustice:The educational challenge Grazia Mannozzi - University of Insubria

  10. Room of Signature(Vatican)Raphael(Frescoes 1508-11) Grazia Mannozzi - University of Insubria

  11. Thank youThe article that explains the reasons why scientific and didactic autonomy should be guaranteed to the area of Restorative Justice as part of law school curricula is available at:http://www4.uninsubria.it/on-line/home/rubrica/home-page-docente.html?P1_m=P000443 Grazia Mannozzi - University of Insubria

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