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FROM DO, DO, DO …TO DONE. “It is finished” John19:30. “and they soaked a sponge in [vinegar, John tells us, and put it] on a…hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus’ lips…” John 19:29. Stop Trying To ‘Make-Up’ For Lost Time.
“It is finished” John19:30
“and they soaked a sponge in [vinegar, John tells us, and put it] on a…hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus’ lips…” John 19:29
Stop Trying To ‘Make-Up’ For Lost Time
“No condemnation now hangs over the head of those who are “in” Jesus Christ. For the new spiritual principle of life “in” Christ, lifts me out of the old vicious circle of sin and death…” Romans 8:1+2
Affirm: Though Sin Infiltrates, God’s Spirit Can Dominate
and Jesus “…bowed His head and gave up His Sprit…” (John 19:30). Bible scholars believe this is when Jesus gave His spirit, to God’s Spirit, the Holy Spirit, with the aim of continuing with us always. Frankly it’s remincent of Jesus’ promise in John 7 that He would continue with us through the Spirit, as a stream “…of living water…” (John 7:38), always flowing deep within.
“Have mercy on me, O God…Wash away my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin...” (Psalm 51:1-2). To be specific: “cleanse me with hyssop… and I will be whiter than snow…” Psalm 51:7; 10
“What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus; What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.” – Robert Lowery
Move Away From A ‘Do-It-Yourself’ Life – To A Life Remade By Jesus
“…Don't…owe this old do-it-yourself life one red cent. There's nothing in it…nothing at all. The best thing to do is give it a decent burial and get on with your new life. God's Spirit beckons…” Romans 8:12-14
God as El Rachum: the Compassionate, Merciful One. For the one true God, Moses reminds us in Deuteronomy 4, [14] “…the Lord your God -- is a merciful God; He will [never] abandon…you…or forget [you]…” Deuteronomy 4:31
God will never abandon you, or forget you – never, ever!
Believe God does great things, far beyond anything we could do!
For “no condemnation…hangs over the head of those who are “in” Jesus Christ. For the new spiritual principle of life “in” Christ, lifts [us] out of the old vicious circle…” Romans 8:1+2
“What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus; What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.” – Robert Lowery